IN Short they havent started yet so isnt it early days to suggest they can't seriously undermine whatever markets they want to?
You are going on about the collapse of the stock market, I merely posted an article on how Chanos and Co have said on how they were going to short the Chinese market. So apart from pointing out several things that
could be in their favour ( Such as the lack of transperency in the banking sector with their bad loans) and what might happen should they go ahead with the plan I never predicted anything about any coming collapse.
I repeat The major aspect you are overlooking when repeatingly stating that despite countless bodies predicting the immininent financal collapse of China's share market,or whatever,
hasnt happened, is because, to date there hasn't been any peoples with close to a trillion dollars in asset backing prepared to try to short the market even if the regulations allowed them to attempt it..
Question. If Chanos actions cause the govt to divert financial resources to counter,or suspend any intention of reforming the regulations as regards financial transactions
arent they in effect undermining the economy.?
Chinas car market is booming , however it has had its ups and downs at the start of the crisis and only really picking up with the stimulus.
The amount of times of heard people say Chinas reserves will help it through the trying times, I figure its been spent twice over and once spent, whats left, if one considers the possibility of falling trade surpluses.
provides a insight to China increasing market share but at a lesser price for its goods
....The buyers are getting more and more tough in bargaining for lower prices, especially American buyers,” says Liao Yuan......
I also remember reading in the Peoples Daily a report that Chinas current-account surplus has almost halved to around 6% of GDP from 11% in 2007.
By the way Chinas reserves stood at about 2Trillion when it announced its Stimulus package, Now take 300 billion out for underrighting that and another several hundred billion for its social safety net package for the rural community/ another several hundred for its banks bad loans and another 800bil in american stocks, it in effect doest have 2trillion left to play with.????