Tyrant King
Possible but highly unlikely. Its like shooting a helicopter from the sky with a Barret 50cal. you would have to have the stars and the moons all aligned just right for the gods to smile on you and the forces of fate to turn so far in your favor that's more or less limited to Hollywood.
so could a system like ZH05 get into the wrong hands yes.but would it be such a event as to turn everything in the path of said bad guys into death? No.
access to ammunition would be rare and unreliable at best. Excepting use in the PRC its self. Its unlikely that any would make it far beyond Asia proper. And it would still only be a handful.
If some did make it into terrorist groups then what to do with it? The only roles it fits are Rampage shooter or sniper but the sniper is limited as the second you fire the 20mm everyone is going to hear where you shot from. So rampage shooter. Its a suicide attack with a super expensive weapon? Where's the logic in that? Why not sell theses and the rounds you stole to say Iranian intelligence or some other third parties who have an interest in developing there own weapons of this class take the money and pay for more terrorism?
I also question this becoming standard issue.
One, despite everything being said its still a system that has its limitations, its not likely to replace the QBZ95G or its variants. its also not likely to totally replace all of the under barrel units in the PLA and its subservices. Under barrel grenade launchers are not just for HE but also smoke, Riot shells, flares, and such a greater number of round types that the versatility of such system will continue to justify their issue well beyond the next two decades.
two if the PLA was to be willing to invest that heavily in its infantrymen then they would already have far superior gear in one other areas of issue such as fire resistant clothing, body armor, optical gun sights, and the like. This is a nitch system its intended to support and supplement.
three, the complexities of the system interms of integration, spare parts, software updates, and general logistics would be monstrous far mor then just price per unit. The PLA or in fact any military service would be bankrupting its self.
If they issue it it would be in set numbers lets say one or two per rifle squad. It would not be one per man.
so could a system like ZH05 get into the wrong hands yes.but would it be such a event as to turn everything in the path of said bad guys into death? No.
access to ammunition would be rare and unreliable at best. Excepting use in the PRC its self. Its unlikely that any would make it far beyond Asia proper. And it would still only be a handful.
If some did make it into terrorist groups then what to do with it? The only roles it fits are Rampage shooter or sniper but the sniper is limited as the second you fire the 20mm everyone is going to hear where you shot from. So rampage shooter. Its a suicide attack with a super expensive weapon? Where's the logic in that? Why not sell theses and the rounds you stole to say Iranian intelligence or some other third parties who have an interest in developing there own weapons of this class take the money and pay for more terrorism?
I also question this becoming standard issue.
One, despite everything being said its still a system that has its limitations, its not likely to replace the QBZ95G or its variants. its also not likely to totally replace all of the under barrel units in the PLA and its subservices. Under barrel grenade launchers are not just for HE but also smoke, Riot shells, flares, and such a greater number of round types that the versatility of such system will continue to justify their issue well beyond the next two decades.
two if the PLA was to be willing to invest that heavily in its infantrymen then they would already have far superior gear in one other areas of issue such as fire resistant clothing, body armor, optical gun sights, and the like. This is a nitch system its intended to support and supplement.
three, the complexities of the system interms of integration, spare parts, software updates, and general logistics would be monstrous far mor then just price per unit. The PLA or in fact any military service would be bankrupting its self.
If they issue it it would be in set numbers lets say one or two per rifle squad. It would not be one per man.