any reason why PLA go with disk type instead of drum spin ?It’s a Diopter rifle sight. It’s fairly common. I have seen AR15 aftermarket BUIS that do the same thing. The sight is designed so that you can gage the elevation of the rifle by using the hole the peep to see the target. Since rifles are a man killer you want to try and put the target in the center of the hole without having a ton of extra space around them. The rifle maker and the sight maker as well as some tuning and trigonometry did the rest. This kind of sight can take any number of variations. This is a disk type. The AR series irons used a set of different leaves that would flip up. HK uses a rotating drum with the holes drilled out at various points in the rotation.
drum type is the best because : big drum on the side , spin it with thumb and index to correct your sight like brainless , easy to use , comfortable to use standing , prone , or any position you can think of
disk type feel kind of weird/uncomfortable tbh ... your hand need to place in weird position above you rifle to spin the disk everytime you want to correct the sight