QBZ-191 service rifle family


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If the mount is iffy yes. This is really the question of monolithic vs bolt on vs delta. It’s also a question of materials and construction.

True to a point. That point is that many clip on night vision devices attach forward of the day sight which makes a solid RAS important.
farther you have to deal with trying to move around. A weapon mounted night vision system is fine if you’re stationary not so much if you’re moving or doing anything that isn’t aiming the weapon. The lam was so you could engage from a head mounted NOD.
yes it had its limitations.
But as most infantry combat is two forces stumbling onto each other short range is fine. Hell most NODs are only going to see a few hundred feet. Maybe a km if you have top of the line model.

Which though I have been defending alloy rails systems I admit is a bit dated.
increasingly we are seeing a shift that may make polymer rails more valid again.
The key issue with using a dedicated night sight is it requires both a return to zero capable mount which is a tall order even on an M1913 rail and time to make the transition from a day sight to night sight. Farther you have eye relief distance on magnified optics. Making sure you index the sight back where it should be every time.
one of the best work around on this was the clip on night sight which required a rail system that could hold zero. As most mounted in front of a magnified optical sight. Where a rear mounted system tented to favor a non magnified sight like a Holographic, Prismatic or red dot.
Now however that’s less an issue due to hybrid day night sights. Meprolight out of Israel and Holosun (Hwoyoung’s American brand) has been selling commercial thermal imaging systems inside holographic sights for a few years the later even has a pistol sized offering. It’s likely not long before Magnified optics start porting that technology.
Still for use with a bipod a more rigid mounting system is preferred.
Yeah I agree with much of what you said. I dont think the standard infantry 191 is a perfect rifle nor does it need to be anyway. In the end this rifle probably can perform what its intended to do without much problem and we know for a fact it can accept rigid metal free floated handguard and there already are in service in some capacity. They just wont do it probably because they dont see them equipping their normal infantry with any equipment that need those handguard in the foreseeable future. If someday the need arise they can just distribute new handguard i guess?

Iron Man

Registered Member
There is no way for a photo to show actual physical contact. The alternative is believing that they would have the front iron sight floating above the barrel.
Sure there is. No black in between. How hard is that? Only hard for you if the barrel actually is free-floating.
So there's no disagreement?
Oh, there's plenty of disagreement.
That's where you didn't read what I wrote. The existence of the gas block itself means that that barrel is not "truly" free floated. Again, its an irrelevant distinction with modern materials.
There is literally ZERO definitions of "free-floating barrel" which requires the lack of existence of an attached gas block. If you think there are, go ahead and feel free to link to such a definition.
I wonder why they would want their DMR to be more accurate.
Again you missed the point, which is that there are NO rifles out there in the world that are not free-floating in one case but are free-floating in another case, including all the examples of service rifles with DMR options.


Tyrant King
Now you're just making excuses in no way is the MCX Spear Gen 1 any more superior to the M4A1 the definition of barbie dolling is excessive ergonomics that isn't necessary especially if it's more expensive sacrificing a lot of lightweight just for a few more gimmicks while the M4A1 is specifically modified for a certain operation.
The XM7 ergonomics are no more than the M4A1. Sig added the folding stock as it’s based off their MCX line a very popular weapon among SOF units and police tactical units. The base from of which is being used as a template for the Swiss army rifle, Berretta’s new rifles. The only ancillary aspect is the side charging handle. That was to Army requirements. The weight aspect is due to caliber. Making it a battle rifle vs an assault rifle. It’s actually a better build in that than the USMC M27.
In what ranges can the M4A1 and M16A4 not cover that the MCX Spear for less the price? What world do you live in? There's no point in investing in Firearms that excessively if every war will be fought in the future with drones, missiles and air vehicles.
Effective range against a man size according to the U.S. Army of the M4 carbine is 500m M16A4 550m area effect is 600m and 800m respectively that’s about the norm for an intermediate caliber cartridge with optic more realistic combat range is about 300m.
XM7 is a battle rifle that means bigger heavier bullets so effective man sized is 600m with area out to 800m. Mind you those numbers are estimates based on a mean average infantrymen. Some will be sharper some more blunt on shooting
Drones drones drones drones…. Give me a break. Drones are not the end all be all. Drone warfare is evolving as is counter drone warfare. The truth is Drones aren’t that Revolutionary Elon!
They are replicating existing capabilities but with their own trades and making this “drones and missiles” is a bunch of Whataboutisum. Infantry is and will always be the most important weapon on the battlefield as all of it is to support them. They are the only arm able to take and hold territory.
If the Armies of the PLA or the United States did not believe so then why bother with any modernization? Drones and UAS are just the current “Wunderwaffles” to support the infantry.

The MCX Spear has to still be modified regardlessly it's just a new fresh cover of paint with pre built ambidextrous features given soldiers that won't fight a war that require such investment
Yes and what of it? The QBZ191 will likely have its own changes made. That’s how production and improvements work. The M4 is almost 30 years old it’s already gone through about half a dozen revisions. First they put the RAS on it. Standardized buis, Then they put in a new buffer, they standardized on the full automatic trigger group, a new barrel, they added an ambi selector. The magazine replacement. Right now there is supposed to be another refresh of the M4A1 in the works. that’s not SOCOMs revisions that’s the US Army’s. SOCOM has made so many changes it’s hard to argue they are the same rifle. The URGI kit might as well be an M4A2.
It's a waste of time and money, look at the annex of Ukraine, The Army uses drones against the second most powerful army proved to be extremely effective.
Except when they don’t and as to “the second most powerful army” only in czar Vladimir’s propaganda. You might as well be arguing that nuclear weapons make all ground war obsolete. The Ukraine conflict is interesting but it’s had tank on tank battles, it’s had infantry assault. It’s the way it is because both sides are so Chess set stalemate. Where they gain mobility they move fast for a time then grind to a halt and then take ground by attrition. It’s almost like a game of warhammer 40k except both sides are play as the Death korps of Kreig.
In the end Wars will be fought with technological prowess not expired meat.
So when are you introducing Martian walkers and heat rays?
And the fact that the MCX Spear is only suited for a few specific purposes while boasting it's Caliber capability such instance is rare when encountering Terrorists, if we are talking about War with Foreign infantry sorry to break it for you but they already use Ceramic (Level III/III+) resistant to 7'62mm to some extent.
News flash… XM7 isn’t shooting 7.62x51mm in the military, it is shooting 6.8x51mm. News flash the 6.8x51mm cartridge has a different energy transfer and ballistic coefficient it’s also significantly faster. The 308 has a pressure of 62k psi the .277 fury commercial is 82k psi. The commercial fury is .30% more muzzle energy vs .308, 15% more velocity and a far flatter trajectory. Again that’s the commercial.277 fury not the military XM 1186 which is an enhanced penetration round. So you are arguing from a completely false premise. In demonstrations commercial.277 fury ammo at close ranges has done significant damage to NIJ level IV plates far more than .308. Did it penetrate? No but then that’s the Commercial ammunition a nurtured round. .308 Winchester/7.62x51mm was developed from the 30.06 round in the 1950s! It’s almost 75 years old.
Sounds more like a contingency weapon, America is thinking the possibility of war with a foreign country is likely yet here we are still without rising tensions going on across the world.
In what world are you living?
And even if there was a World War 3 it wouldn't be fought with Firearms it would be fought with advanced technology that go boom, Israel and Ukraine is good examples of this.
Both have infantry combat, both have Armored units in action. Maybe you should log off of X and Tic Tok to actually read and see the events of those conflicts.

I am not even going to reply or quote that BS. As you are unknowingly reiterating a speach attribute to Calgacus by Tacitus.
“Alone among men they covet with equal eagerness poverty and riches. To robbery, slaughter, plunder, they give the lying name of empire; they make a solitude and call it peace”
The problem is if you flatten everything it makes it easier to bypass and hold for… the infantry.
Maybe US should have invested that money in drones instead of new fresh cover of paint.
Maybe you should get outside and touch grass. Take a moment to actually read about the events of the conflicts and not the hot takes on social media. Because you have missed a massive amount of details and information. The fact is that well drones are a thing in Ukraine and Gaza they were not the end all be all. A hue degree of ground fighting was taking place. Russia and Ukraine have been fighting in trenches and drawing infantry in significant numbers. Israel was fighting street to street house clearing and searching for hostages. Well you drone about drones it’s all Whataboutisum as you can’t seem to come to a valid argument as to the flaws of the NGSW.


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hey guy i have question about 191 rifle iron sight here
this video show that the rifle iron sight work like some short of dish , you need to use your thumb and index to spin the dish to correct range point you want or use your finger nail to move it

what was the reason for this design ? seem unreliable , flip flop and quite troublesome to use ....


Registered Member
hey guy i have question about 191 rifle iron sight here
this video show that the rifle iron sight work like some short of dish , you need to use your thumb and index to spin the dish to correct range point you want or use your finger nail to move it

what was the reason for this design ? seem unreliable , flip flop and quite troublesome to use ....
The caption says he was rubbing mud and rain water off of the sight.


Tyrant King
hey guy i have question about 191 rifle iron sight here
this video show that the rifle iron sight work like some short of dish , you need to use your thumb and index to spin the dish to correct range point you want or use your finger nail to move it

what was the reason for this design ? seem unreliable , flip flop and quite troublesome to use ....
It’s a Diopter rifle sight. It’s fairly common. I have seen AR15 aftermarket BUIS that do the same thing. The sight is designed so that you can gage the elevation of the rifle by using the hole the peep to see the target. Since rifles are a man killer you want to try and put the target in the center of the hole without having a ton of extra space around them. The rifle maker and the sight maker as well as some tuning and trigonometry did the rest. This kind of sight can take any number of variations. This is a disk type. The AR series irons used a set of different leaves that would flip up. HK uses a rotating drum with the holes drilled out at various points in the rotation.