QBZ-191 service rifle family


Lieutenant General
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Please tell me that guy didn't embarrassed himself and the outfit by mounting the EOTech sight backwards...

It doesn't look like an EOtech to me.

I'm not sure what brand or model it is, but there are quite a lot of sights with that kind of geometry where the glass is positioned forward of the main body/controls.

No reason to moan unless one is actually able to confidently identify it.


Tyrant King
Wouldn't this be the armorer's responsibility or do they have no input?
Depends. Armoeror’s primary purpose is the state of the Rifle. Not its optics or sights. They are primarily to fix it. Farther not every organization issues optics universally. So even if the Armorer did there is nothing that says they know anything about that optic or anything at all.


New Member
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How does the QBZ192 carbine compare to the SIG MXC Spear LT I wonder? My SIG Virtus is coming soon, but I wish they'd sell this QBZ to the public. I would love to do a compare and contrast.


Junior Member
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How does the QBZ192 carbine compare to the SIG MXC Spear LT I wonder? My SIG Virtus is coming soon, but I wish they'd sell this QBZ to the public. I would love to do a compare and contrast.
Different in their own rights, not really comparable the SIG MCX features higher stopping power but in exchange for speed, recoil and weight.

The QBZ192 features superior recoil but has weaker stopping power it weights significantly less, the PLA focuses mainly on recoil control, speed and versatility