Re: PLAN submarines Thread II
Let's not forget that the F-117 had been flying and operational for a decade before being acknowledge and shown publicly for the first time. There are countless other 'black' projects or military technologies that most people will never know about or see.
While I have no concrete proof I am also quite certain the US already has a hypersonic plane operational.
First welcome to the forum Platopuss. Secondly, I have to disagree with your argument there. Since when does displaying one's technological achievements equates to good "understanding of doctrine"? The priority of any military is to protect the people living in that land in any way possible without stepping overboard with the authority and power given to the military by the government and its people. Did the US Navy, Seal Team Six reveal all their equipment's and weapons when they successfully went after Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan?
Let's not forget that the F-117 had been flying and operational for a decade before being acknowledge and shown publicly for the first time. There are countless other 'black' projects or military technologies that most people will never know about or see.
While I have no concrete proof I am also quite certain the US already has a hypersonic plane operational.