PLAN Type 035/039/091/092 Submarine Thread


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Re: PLAN submarines Thread II

If the sales pitch were to believed, the USAF would have cleared the skies over Vietnam in days with minimal losses, the US army would have steamrolled the PVA in Korea and Mcaurther would have launched his presidency bid from the top of Tiananmen square after he 'liberated' China.

Apologies for pointing out but aren't you trying something similar in this post. ^_^

China's nuclear sub tech may not be on par, or even close to US standards yet, but as with all other areas, such as aviation, the distance is shrinking all the time. And so long as China maintains spending and work, they are catching up all the time, and there may be a time soon in the future when the difference is so small as to be practically irrelevant. Much like how the J20 is set to drastically cut the gap between the PLAAF and USAF when it enters service.

I really don't see any war where China's so called superior technology had seen the light of the day. It is one thing to bully weak nations here and there and a completely different thing to actually be in the fog of war. Do you think realistically that in a huge army not unlike the one PLA maintains, arranging and executing precision strikes will be as simple as merely stating that??

You are theorycrafting about equipment which doesn't participate in international air shows, take part in mutual exercises and is largely shrouded in mystery?? I sincerely hope that for their sake the Chinese open up with their inventory else their fate might be something similar to that of the arrogant student who was topping his class but couldn't even reach the top 10 in his district. Hope you understand the analogy!!


Lieutenant General
Re: PLAN submarines Thread II

Apologies for pointing out but aren't you trying something similar in this post. ^_^

How so exactly?

I really don't see any war where China's so called superior technology had seen the light of the day. It is one thing to bully weak nations here and there and a completely different thing to actually be in the fog of war.

What are you talking about here? Where has China been bullying weak nations exactly? :rolleyes:

For that matter, when has any of the much vaunted 'battled tested' weapons of the west ever faced anything but weaker, and hopelessly outmatched opponents?

I really cannot see what point you are trying to make and how it applies to the subject at hand.

Do you think realistically that in a huge army not unlike the one PLA maintains, arranging and executing precision strikes will be as simple as merely stating that??

Stating what? How does me arguing that China's nuclear subs are not useless 'prestige projects' have anything to do with arranging and executing precision strikes?

You are theorycrafting about equipment which doesn't participate in international air shows, take part in mutual exercises and is largely shrouded in mystery?? I sincerely hope that for their sake the Chinese open up with their inventory else their fate might be something similar to that of the arrogant student who was topping his class but couldn't even reach the top 10 in his district. Hope you understand the analogy!!

So nuclear subs participate in international air shows now do they? And how does air show stunts have anything to do with demonstrating capacity?

Involvement in international exchanges are mainly designed to allow two military forces to work better together. Head-to-head engagements are very rare, and the outcomes are usually pre-determined by the ROE set as well as scenarios playing out. Else there would be a definitive answer to the long-running Rafale v Eurofighter debates.

Besides, such exchanges are a two-way street. You might learn some new tricks, but potential foes will get a good measure of you and can use the experience to devise specialist tactics against you.

What more, China does participate in international exercises, the most recent being a visit of PLAAF flankers to Turkey. With the close relationship between China and Pakistan, I would be amazed if there was not mutual exchanges going on, which is supported by pictures of PAF pilots with PLAAF Flankers.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Re: PLAN submarines Thread II

Well I am just frustrated by the Chinese Design to be so secretive about their weapons programme. It is true that humans fear what they donot understand. If this isn't a deliberate attempt by PLA to create fear and confusion in the mind of an observer then I wouldn't know better. Question is, what is Chana so insecure about that they would go to any extent to create the image of this mythical and voracious juggernaut that would decimate any and every one that questions it's intent. Truly this is the picture of China in my mind, partially due to the propaganda strewn in the international media and partly due to the secretive nature of Chinese administration.

"So nuclear subs participate in international air shows now do they?"

I understand that subs can't be flying but my reference was to the much vaunted J20.


Lieutenant General
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Re: PLAN submarines Thread II

Well I am just frustrated by the Chinese Design to be so secretive about their weapons programme.

Aren't we all? But that's the fun in being a PLA watcher :p

It is true that humans fear what they donot understand. If this isn't a deliberate attempt by PLA to create fear and confusion in the mind of an observer then I wouldn't know better. Question is, what is Chana so insecure about that they would go to any extent to create the image of this mythical and voracious juggernaut that would decimate any and every one that questions it's intent. Truly this is the picture of China in my mind, partially due to the propaganda strewn in the international media and partly due to the secretive nature of Chinese administration.

The secretive nature of PLA developments imo results from traditionally being militarily weaker than its potential enemies (USSR, USA, even Taiwan not so long ago).
If the enemy does not know what the PLA is capable of, then yes there is a chance for miscalculation but it also means the potential enemy needs to think twice about making any moves.

It's almost a given now that PLA only reveal part of their hand, and almost consistently understate or water down their true capabilities.... even though they are closing the gap step by step.

"So nuclear subs participate in international air shows now do they?"

I understand that subs can't be flying but my reference was to the much vaunted J20.

Keep in mind we're only seeing J-20 because PLA want us to see it, or have no qualms to let us see it. Once they get on to more important testing we'll see far less of it.
Nuclear submarines on the other hand, we rarely get pictures of when they are in early stages of construction, or even after they are launched, I believe.


Lieutenant General
Re: PLAN submarines Thread II

Well I am just frustrated by the Chinese Design to be so secretive about their weapons programme. It is true that humans fear what they donot understand. If this isn't a deliberate attempt by PLA to create fear and confusion in the mind of an observer then I wouldn't know better.

Since when was the west feared the PLA?

If anything the west belittles China's achievements and tries to make everything Chinese to be a 'copy' of something else. Even today, you have people who insist the J10 is a Lavi rip-off, and others that claim the J20 is a re-hashed Mig 1.42.

Even your own opening post displays such tendencies that while you might be impressed by the hardware, you at the same time is expressing your doubts with your arguments about lack of international exchanges.

Maybe if you really examined your thinking rationally, you would realize that it is China's economic power that you fear, and you are trying to address that sense of uneasy by focusing on the doubts cast about China's military capabilities. Thus, far from adding to the sense of fear and unease, China's military image is functioning as something of a counter to the image of the 'voracious juggernaut' that the western media tries to portray China as.

There is an old Chinese saying that sums up what the Chinese strategy is, and how that differs from the west perfectly. It roughly translates to 'the strong flaunt their strength, while the weak flaunt their weakness'.

The rational behind this is that the rich and powerful will try and intimidate the weak and poor with outlandish displays of their wealth and power. Take the US military for example, it goes out of its way to paint itself as an all powerful force that cannot be defeated with techno-wizardry of the highest level and men that are trained to superhuman standards.

The idea is to cow any potential adversaries and/or make them feel so inadequate that they devote an unsustainable amount of resources to try and achieve parity that they spend themselves into extinction, like the USSR did.

China's strategy OTOH, is to keep its true capabilities and intentions as secret as possible, with the reasoning that while the west is rich and advanced enough to come up with effective counters to any new weapons the Chinese might develop, you cannot prepare for what you are not expecting.

Even today, China is not strong enough or advanced enough to want to get into an arms race with the west. So it avoids having to do that by not showing the world what it is focusing on or working towards. Even when something solid does leak out, there is enough doubt and confusion around that the west cannot decide if it is a real project or a smokescreen and thus will likely not divert the resources needed to counter it until after it is operational. A perfect example is China's AShBM. Does it exist? It is real? Should the USN divert the resources needed to counter it? These are still questions being asked today.

And I have pointed out above, the secrecy does not just breed fear as you suggest. As your own actions demonstrate, it also gives rise to questions about just how effect the Chinese military is, and I am sure many in the west find that a source of comfort - that despite the strength of the Chinese economy, the west still enjoys a military superiority over the PLA. Thus they would be less distressed and would not want to spend as much on arms as if the Chinese did USSR style displays of strength every time they develop something new and advanced.

Question is, what is Chana so insecure about that they would go to any extent to create the image of this mythical and voracious juggernaut that would decimate any and every one that questions it's intent. Truly this is the picture of China in my mind, partially due to the propaganda strewn in the international media and partly due to the secretive nature of Chinese administration.

Give me a single example where the Chinese government or media has actively tried to portray this image of a 'voracious juggernaut' that you suggest. It is the western media that tries to paint this picture, not Chinese.

As for insecurity, well just how many air shows does the like of the B2 and F22 attend? How many international exchanges do they participate in? Is that insecurity also?

One of, it not the reason planes participate at airshows is to generate interest and sales. Since the likes of the B2 and F22 are not for sale, there is less reason to show them off is there? Where the F22 does appear at airshows, it is almost always at airshows inside American territory, and they are there to be recruiting and promotional tools for the USAF. Its the same thing with Chinese systems.

The JF17 goes to air shows because it is for sale. The J10 does not, and the J20 will not, because they are not for sale.

As the famous example of a BAE SAM system getting a 'lock' on a B2 at an airshow demonstrates, it is not just airplanes that goes to air shows, and every time you send an airplane to an international airshow, you expose it to risk of a potential adversary might be able to collect important data on it.

If the airshow was on US soil and a foreign system goes active as an F22 or B2 is passing, the Americans can impound the system and arrest the people responsible. So no secret data is gained. But if a J20 went to Paris or Fanbrough and an American radar lit up and got a good scan, do you think it more likely that the local authorities would arrest the responsible party and turn over all data to China or that they would secretly give them a pat on the back and ask for a copy of the results?

I understand that subs can't be flying but my reference was to the much vaunted J20.

Then maybe it would have been easier to understand your meaning and context if you had posted your thoughts on the J20 thread and not quoted one of my responses in the PLAN sub thread. ;)

Ps, welcome to the forum!


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Re: PLAN submarines Thread II

Ps, welcome to the forum!

Oh thank you PLAWolf. I know, after reading your synopsis, that I am in good company here. Believe me when I say that I have nothing against China and Chinese people. I love the Chinese culture, Chinese food and I am desperately waiting for a chance to visit Beijing, Shanghai etc. :eek:

However I would much appreciate if the PLA would come forth with their technological achievements so that we could really understand their doctrine. It is true that China has come a long way since the Opium trading days of yore (classic Western mis-conception, maybe) and is a true economic hub of the 21st century and the world is taking a keen interest.


Senior Member
Re: PLAN submarines Thread II

I do want to add that even if PRC had all the tech and resources to get into an arms race with the west, the leadership is smart enough to realize how unnecessarily wasteful that is, so the existing approach is very much more cost effective wrt defense.


Lieutenant General
Re: PLAN submarines Thread II

Oh thank you PLAWolf. I know, after reading your synopsis, that I am in good company here. Believe me when I say that I have nothing against China and Chinese people. I love the Chinese culture, Chinese food and I am desperately waiting for a chance to visit Beijing, Shanghai etc. :eek:

However I would much appreciate if the PLA would come forth with their technological achievements so that we could really understand their doctrine. It is true that China has come a long way since the Opium trading days of yore (classic Western mis-conception, maybe) and is a true economic hub of the 21st century and the world is taking a keen interest.

First welcome to the forum Platopuss. Secondly, I have to disagree with your argument there. Since when does displaying one's technological achievements equates to good "understanding of doctrine"? The priority of any military is to protect the people living in that land in any way possible without stepping overboard with the authority and power given to the military by the government and its people. Did the US Navy, Seal Team Six reveal all their equipment's and weapons when they successfully went after Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan?


Lieutenant General
Re: PLAN submarines Thread II

There's no international law that says China has to reveal all. I'm sure there can be pacts like the Missile Technology Control Regime where it tricks people into thinking it's international law when it's just essentially a gang-up by the few to place sanctions on others that don't follow their rules and interests.