For those who find nuclear submarines exciting, I should add that there were, on 29 March 2011, six at Shazikou: 1 JIN, 1 prob. XIA, 2 SHANG (incl. 1 in drydock), and 2 HAN. At Xiaopingdao, there were 2 JIN in addition to 1 GOLF and the 2 YUAN.
If we assume that there are still 1 JIN, 2 SHANG and 2 HAN at Sanya-Yulin, we have a quite complete picture of PLAN’s SSN/SSBN fleet.
Picture taken from May 10.
Apparently, the new submarine + one of the Yuans is sailing to the naval base near Shanghai for sea trials before getting delivered to PLAN. Some speculated said that due to the current low water level in Yangtze river, it actually can't sail there by itself. And others are buzzing that this submarine is replacing the No. 200 gulf class SLBM test ship.
I heryby GRANT THE NAME Bob to Bill, GRANT THE NAME Joe to John, GRANT THE NAME Alex to Arthur...
Nothing personal franco, it is just I found it what is called "ball-itching", when NATO, GRANT THE NAME, to foreign military entities.
Jin, Yuan, Han, Xia, Qing... man they indeed hired some freaking geeks to do this job!
Anyone kind enough to give a matching table, of ***(number) is &&& (NATO name)?
It Looks Good From This Photo!