this could be just the mother vessel that we're seeing. the unmanned mine sweeper might be referring to a module that this vessel carries
They should be, since the guy who posted it is a pretty respectable source.
Anyway, it's kind of interesting to compare this to German navy's Type 352 class of MCM ships.
I like this link
They are converted from Type 343 Hameln class minesweepers from 1999 to 2001. They are 54,4 m long, 9.2 m in beam and 2.7 m in draught.
And they are designed to employ up to four remote controlled Seehund ("Seal") drones which perform the sweep. Each Seehund drone is around 25 m long and 99 t in displacement.
So, the Type 802A Minehunter no. 804 and these Type 8041 remote controlled drones can act in the same way. Type 802A minehunter is 55m in length, 9.3m in beam, and 2.6m in draught (about the same as Type 343 class). And each of these remote controlled minesweeping drones are about 26 m in length. Looks like PLAN could be copying the Germans in concept, although about 20 years too late. And they also need to build about 3 or 4 of these Type 802As + about 15 to 20 Type 8041 before they can get a decent size MCM force to replace all of the old T-43 based fleet.
Maybe Type 8041 is like Seehund in that it can be remote controlled or operated by a small crew of 2 or 3 people during transit.