PLAN Mine/Counter Mine vessel Thread


Senior Member
Information from a Chinese source was that 830 was scrapped in 2007. The recent series of Wusong photos at Xinhui’s blog only shows 831 (plus 833 from 9th Minesweeper Squadron undergoing maintenance).

Without 830 there ought to be 14 Type 6610 or T-43 class: 811-813 of 11th Minesweeper Squadron, Lushun, 808, 833 and 834 of 9th Minesweeper Squadron (somewhere in ESF), 809, 835-838 and 850 of 10th Minesweeper Squadron (somewhere in SSF – one does see T-43 at Zhanjiang, but probably not the whole squadron).

It belatedly strikes me that the numbers of the three Type 529 minesweeping boats are derived from the pennant number of 804. It will be confirmed when the new quartet of 1 + 3 enter service (surely before 2012?).
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Lieutenant General
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This is taken from October of last year. It looks like 830 is still serving alongside 831 to me. I certainly would not find it out of question that 830 is the Type 6610 that got decommissioned in that article. Could explain why we haven't seen its picture in the last couple of months.

yep, the drones got their numbers from 804. Where did you get the type 529 for those drones from? I don't know of any source that gave them a designation.


Senior Member
Thank you, that certainly shows that 830 was not decommissioned in 2007.

The 8041 class minesweeping boat, though unarmed, is clearly derived from the PLA Ground Forces “reconnaissance” vessel Type 529 (type designation of Army version confirmed by Chinese article). There must obviously be a suffix, but that is totally unknown.

On CDF, photos of this class shows the following units that can be identified: SZ226, JZ143, NZ382, NZ383, GZ470, GZ472. Each military region has at least one unit of three.

How certain is the Type 082 II designation of 804 (and Jiangnan sister newbuilding)? I also have a suggestion that it might be Type 083 (same source has Type 084 for 840, other sources say 810 is Type 081).


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new picture of the second Type 082-II minehunter. Not much is said about it's progress. I'm not sure if it has gone on sea trial already and has come back. I suspect that's the case, because we haven't seen it for 4 months.


Senior Member
Well, it is certainly no longer at Jiangnan, but no doubt somewhere in Shanghai. It is wearing a provisional pennant number, 258 as far as I can read. This is reminiscent of the provisional numbers on the first two WOCHI class, 328 (now 805) and 438 (now 810). That must also mean that it is not yet in commission.


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an updated picture of JiangNan shipyard with the MCM ship in much better view.

It's not the 3rd unit of Type 082II minehunter but rather the 5th unit of Type 081. It looks to be ready to be launched soon.


Lieutenant General
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an article on PLAN MCM training

- talks about training against intelligence mines which only fall for 10% of sweep attempts
- talks about in an exercise, the MCM team was required to complete sweeping in 12 hours while facing 3 meter waves. It was able to sweep clean a clear path in 8 hours.
- it also mentions that subchasers is also involved in minesweeping duties.
- It mentions on MCM ship 825, which has 12 sailors, sweeping for mines.
- it mentions that 825 mainly uses magnetic sweep, contact sweep and accoustic sweep
新型扫雷艇编队破浪航行。朱国军摄) S4 G( Z5 h& t3 J0 ^

  水雷作为常规武器中的战略武器,涉及磁场、声场、次声场等多种物理场,具有难以识别的隐蔽性和巨大的破坏作用。在人民海军作战舰艇序列里,论个头,扫雷艇没有大型舰艇的伟岸身躯;论装备,扫雷艇没有决胜千里的导弹武器,但它却以“海上敢死队”特有的神奇,征战在诡秘险恶的海上雷场,为作战舰艇清扫出一条条通畅的海上航道。! s6 ^& r1 z7 P; l
9 q. @ b9 A! O
  日前,我们在南海舰队某水警区扫雷舰大队,耳闻目睹了“海上开路先锋”的丰功战绩。该大队先后创下了低海况扫雷作业、实扫多型号战雷等6项海军扫雷纪录。如今,大队已成为海军扫雷部队的试训单位,多项装备使用操作规程在海军推广。1 T9 k* R2 u1 F3 @( O7 y' h% k

1 U/ k" b* D1 ]
  【难题】2 b: f. @' _# [) M" j
4 g* _# C4 c: h3 u$ |+ }


& v; {- w. a! t! P- c. z


  大队长王先庆和艇员们不甘心,驾着舰艇像犁田一样反复跑纵队、穿横队、走梯队……历经一年半的研究论证和海上实践。, K7 j5 L4 \+ k; N# z6 H

  在一次演练中,智能水雷以为是某护卫舰驾到,犯了糊涂,发生误判,一溜烟浮出了水面。6 t9 m% l- y8 ~6 h

l& t' V" q( a
  打破编队扫雷“瓶颈”8 \# ?& X8 Y% i# ?! q4 l
0 V( _$ B9 R4 d+ j; d# ~& [* w
  【难题】9 s2 d/ q$ S/ {' h


  【破解】# A" {( n5 G" `+ j
2 X5 j5 v) f/ i; P* h
  扫雷指挥所的设置一直是制约战时编队扫雷的“瓶颈”。: i; Z4 z; U5 T6 L( T


  方案研究、图上推演、实战演练……大队官兵着眼海战需要,创造性地将扫雷艇与某型舰进行协同作业,意想不到的通信频率问题竟然得到有效解决。- y' d& e/ G. t4 p$ E
4 k q) f3 L6 D1 U6 I' o+ H$ r( x6 O

  一次,演习进行得如火如荼时,“敌”舰在某海域布下N枚水雷,将我驱逐舰、护卫舰、潜艇团团困住。“敌”机又将在空中对我展开轮番轰炸。演习导演部要求该大队派出扫雷艇在12小时内完成扫雷任务。. Z$ F8 q+ e6 t) P' z" ~! g
) {: p+ J$ j: v$ M5 w

  战时12人扫雷模式* I' \0 c4 [" L6 H8 L: W7 \

  【难题】5 i1 C5 L0 y& r+ f+ [/ L( H `/ l V
! ~/ f+ a: M3 I5 X. \
" G' x# h+ M% ? c1 Z
% D" a, K' j! e7 q( v4 ^
  4年前,南海舰队某猎潜艇大队整体换装成扫雷艇,“大洋猎手”变成了“海上工兵”。0 O, `$ S( F" i7 p
! C6 q& \% a* m6 {- \
3 g8 p3 X" g+ s- B" j4 M
  没有专业人才,他们开办“水兵夜校”,建起“甲板书屋”,将艇员组成“一对一”帮扶对子,系统学习新装备知识。- J7 D- M* U5 K C5 O
1 c, H+ r( k) {+ ^* L# K- {9 O2 t6 q


1 {2 E2 _+ q' A! i) Y

  金秋十月,南海海面波飞浪卷。12名艇员驾着825艇驶进了某海区雷场。" r8 d% I4 _& S' ?1 ?3 H& v& |1 _
' c' U- r" F4 l7 f0 ?) P
  在不知预定雷位的海域扫雷犹如大海捞针,一旦不小心触爆水雷,就很可能发生艇毁人亡的悲剧。面对危机四伏的海面,12名信号兵、操舵兵、枪炮兵人人身兼数职,仔细搜索水下对手的蛛丝马迹。- x' N% p; y, d+ y4 h5 t- p


  “开始切割扫雷!”只听一声令下,不多时,825艇艇尾方向就浮出一个球形的黑家伙,在海面上时沉时浮。经过一天“围剿”,1枚锚雷被成功扫出。- ]2 A/ ~% X8 ]" Y5 t
$ b! c# C0 q/ P$ {
D, g; `) b ?7 U8 a3 D1 ]3 e
  生与死的实战考验7 B) U7 t" ?% n5 Z0 x4 y$ K; ^
1 T [/ G4 u: p: m1 u' O& \" F
  【难题】 T# Q, ]- |- y


  【破解】# I* ?6 ^. A+ j2 Y! j; Y& h

  只有直面风险、挑战风险,才能战胜风险。大队组织扫雷艇进行实扫战雷训练课题时,所有人都为此捏了一把汗。毕竟战雷这东西一触即炸,搞不好就会艇毁人亡。扫除战雷就是一场斗智斗勇的战斗,艇员们既要敢于斗勇,更要善于斗智。$ K' A0 p. W/ K: ^0 ?, F! d

  【现场】0 K5 C C( s6 R

2 `+ S* [& }. N
$ j" ]5 Q) [; K& g/ J2 e4 n9 w$ B

  前进还是后退?大队长王先庆和艇长聂永福额头上渗出细密的汗珠。: i7 `, C; Q* ~) R+ ~6 Y
/ ~9 a! n. q8 r* N T
  “改变扫雷工作制度。”王大队长果断决定,艇员们顶着死亡风险继续驶近雷区。" p$ j& F/ f9 {8 E+ B7 {8 i
" q& P6 J( P( `# P9 b& ^
  “左舷45度,距离12链,发现水雷2枚。”战雷终于出现。9 C5 ^# n0 y0 r8 e: o* }1 M# V) a) P
# A0 O0 u2 N& c9 I. f( _; N% S
  按照测定的雷位,扫雷兵熟练地操纵电磁扫雷具和切割扫雷具,只听“轰”的一声,一枚水雷在距离扫雷艇207米的地方蹿出50多米高的水柱,一股强大的冲击波摇得扫雷艇险些侧翻。大家惊魂未定,意想不到的事情又发生了,另一枚没有引爆的水雷捉起了迷藏,不见了踪影。- s, D7 _" k7 {9 ?
. a4 H5 N# t" c, ~
  艇员们立即停车,采取多种方式在海面搜寻,终于,在艇尾方向发现了这枚随波漂荡的“恐怖分子”。火炮手全神贯注,接令开火,顿时,水雷炸开了花,创造了一艘艇同时扫除多枚战雷的战绩。$ i9 }4 V* {$ s0 q
2 l- h2 E4 ]3 X0 |( {9 x

  相关资料表明,各国军队在水中扫雷的方式大同小异,普遍使用的主要方式有切割、电磁、音响三种。3 T# f6 ?7 k; O; v! G- u; W


  与锚雷相比,更危险的是沉底雷和浮雷。这两种水雷布设以后会沉入水底或漂浮在某一深度,采用电磁和音响引信。由于船舶开过时会带来磁场和声场,这些磁场和声场被水雷的引信接收后,引信会作出反应,自动上浮,打击目标。* e- u. c! K7 E9 N' q+ z



Senior Member
Interesting. As I understand it, a subchaser quadron of SSF was transformed into a minesweeper squadron four years ago, which fits with the last four WOSAO class 824-827 were delivered by the old Qiuxin Shipyard in 2007.

There have been some uncertain indications that the four minesweepers belong to the former 76 Subchaser Squadron at Xuwen, subordinate to Shantou Naval District. The article seems to confirm this unexpected change.


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Another article on MCM operation. There was two intelligence mines in this area to sweep through.

Two new minesweeper (my guess is Type 81 class) found one mine from 800 m away. It mentions about putting noise maker in the water and then put out sweeping gear on a long cable. It was finally able to set off the mine.

Another MCM ship (my assumption is Type 082G here) detected the second mine. It sent out mine disposal machine (some kind of ROV I guess) out to get the mine, track it and then put a mine detonator beside the mine to blow it up.



