I've just written a new post, a brief summary on Chinese Navy blue water capable replenishment ships with a projection and comparison of the Chinese Navy's replenishment ships with other navies.
One specific part:
Chinese Navy: by 2020, it is likely that the Chinese Navy will retire its initial two 905 class AORs, but it will also commission the last three 903A AORs (possibly as early as 2017) to make a complete class of 2 x 20,500 ton 903 AORs and 6 x 23,000 ton 903/A AORs. The single 908 class AOR of 37,000 tons will remain in service. The single 901 class AOE will likely at least be followed by a sister ship, which, if launched in 2016, will likely be quite capable of being commissioned well before 2020, thus it is likely reasonable to estimate the Chinese Navy will have 2 x 45,000+ ton 901 class AOEs in service at the minimum.
Therefore, a conservative estimate of the Chinese Navy’s commissioned replenishment fleet in 2020: 2 x 20,500 ton 903 AORs + 6 x 23,000 ton 903A AORs + 1 x 37,000 ton 908 AOR + 2 x 45,000+ ton 901 AOEs = 306,000 tons
However, it is also possible that the Chinese Navy may commission additional construction of 903As and 901s greater than the above estimate, and based on previous construction rate, a higher estimate of a commissioned replenishment fleet in 2020 is: 2 x 20,500 ton 903 AORs +
10 x 23,000 ton AORs + 1 x 37,000 ton 903 AOR +
4 x 45,000+ ton 901 AOEs =
488,000 tons