Well, as an observer there is a completely different set of equipment, and electrical layout necessary for EMALs vs Steam. And it is a significant equipment difference.For us as observers: what will be the difference between steam and EMALS? Is it relevant, whether steam or EMALS will be installed?
In addition, you have a better opportunity to "dial it in" in terms of the weight and load of the aircraft with EMALs. But that is not something we really get a chance to see just watching the carrier in operation.
So, if they have developed both to the point of reliable operation...they will both launch aircraft off the deck of the carrier which is the point.
Above deck, in terms of the flight deck, it will all appear pretty much the same. You will not have some the steam coming up as you do along the track with a steam cat...and that is not all that noticeable anyway.
So, from purely an observation standpoint, aircraft will hook up to the cat and get jettisoned down the track and off the carrier for both.