Re: ¦^��: Re: PLAN Carrier Construction
One picture shows a ski ramp and the other one doesn't. Which is more accurate?
One picture shows a ski ramp and the other one doesn't. Which is more accurate?
Well, there are two, probably showing different mdules being built, but they are both just I will wait for an actual photograph to substantiate whatever it is.One picture shows a ski ramp and the other one doesn't. Which is more accurate?
One picture shows a ski ramp and the other one doesn't. Which is more accurate?
If I was building a carrier for real, and I am starting with a few major pieces, I don't think the extreme upper part of the bow with the ramp would be the first piece I build, because it wouldn't be one of the first pieces I would need to assemble the hull. I would more likely start with more crucial structures lower down on in the hull. like the middle part of the ship around the engineering spaces. These parts would be absolutely needed much sooner for anything like a hull to be built.
So if there is an actual piece like the one shown in the drawing being built, but there aren't evidence for other major blocks fow main parts of the hull already further alonhg in assembly, then I am going to guess the bow piece is another mockup, not part of the real carrier.
One picture shows a ski ramp and the other one doesn't. Which is more accurate?
No one said it was the first, but we've seen no major sections of the hull assembled anywhere.
Normal assembly of ships, especially for a large and very complicated ships involving many sub assemblies like a carriers, involve fabricating hull section roughly in the order they are needed when the hull is assembled. The hull assembly of a carrier would last at least 2 years. When the first parts of the hull are assembled, the later parts would still be fabircated. There is no point of to making the subassemblies early because they would just take up space if they are not ready to be installed when they are fabricated. The part with the tip of the bow and the ramp would be one of the last big pieces needed to structurally finish the hull. The bulk of the hull needs to be fabricated and then assembled first, and the hull would probably have attained its full length, and is close to being ready to be fully closed up, before you would put on the pieces at the extreme bow with the ramp. So you would expect at least 80-90% of the hull pieces would be needed before you can get around to installing the bow piece.
So if the bow piece is already fabricated, where are all the rest of the bigger, more important pieces that would be needed? Just sitting in some enormous hangar waiting for a dock to free up?