PLAN Carrier Strike Group and Airwing


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

No they do not.. No more S-3's in most airwings and no Tomcats. Only one Super Hornet squadron has replaced the two Tomcat squadrons.

Typical make up of a present day USN CVW;

48 Hornets & Super Hornets
4 E/A-6B Prowlers
4 4 E-2C Hawkeyes
6-10 SH-60 Seahawks

62-66 total aircraft.

There may also be two C-2 Greyhound logistic suppourt aircraft on board.
but they could add more super hornets very easy if necessary, i think - didn't they?


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

No they do not.. No more S-3's in most airwings and no Tomcats. Only one Super Hornet squadron has replaced the two Tomcat squadrons.

Typical make up of a present day USN CVW;

48 Hornets & Super Hornets
4 E/A-6B Prowlers
4 4 E-2C Hawkeyes
6-10 SH-60 Seahawks

62-66 total aircraft.

There may also be two C-2 Greyhound logistic suppourt aircraft on board.
but they could add more super hornets very easy if necessary, i think - didn't they?

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

but they could add more super hornets very easy if necessary, i think - didn't they?

Sure, there is enough room on the ship for at least two more Hornet squadrons. That's 24 aircraft. Only some very minor modifications would be needed. Such as re-opening closed berthing compartments and re-opening and moving some work shops.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

but they could add more super hornets very easy if necessary, i think - didn't they?

Sure, there is enough room on the ship for at least two more Hornet squadrons. That's 24 aircraft. Only some very minor modifications would be needed. Such as re-opening closed berthing compartments and re-opening and moving some work shops.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

but they could add more super hornets very easy if necessary, i think - didn't they?

Sure, there is enough room on the ship for at least two more Hornet squadrons. That's 24 aircraft. Only some very minor modifications would be needed. Such as re-opening closed berthing compartments and re-opening and moving some work shops.


Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

A good week ago I downloaded a 3D moddel program just for fun to try some things. I'm still learning to use it and decided to model my carrier design as my first project.
I still have to figure out how to correctly apply textures and then render it correct. But from the following you might get a basic idea of it's look. It's still simplyfied.
It's not exactly my previous posted design. Obi Wan Russel made some minor alterations at it and send me his update.
The markings on the deck are made with paint afterwards.
Here's what I now made, in the first (left) pic, one squqre is 10m long/wide:

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Now if got to decide what to do if I find time. Model aircraft to fit them onto the ship, or make a new one, perhaps my cruiser. But first I want to try to put this one in a real enviroment.


Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

A good week ago I downloaded a 3D moddel program just for fun to try some things. I'm still learning to use it and decided to model my carrier design as my first project.
I still have to figure out how to correctly apply textures and then render it correct. But from the following you might get a basic idea of it's look. It's still simplyfied.
It's not exactly my previous posted design. Obi Wan Russel made some minor alterations at it and send me his update.
The markings on the deck are made with paint afterwards.
Here's what I now made, in the first (left) pic, one squqre is 10m long/wide:

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Now if got to decide what to do if I find time. Model aircraft to fit them onto the ship, or make a new one, perhaps my cruiser. But first I want to try to put this one in a real enviroment.


Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

A good week ago I downloaded a 3D moddel program just for fun to try some things. I'm still learning to use it and decided to model my carrier design as my first project.
I still have to figure out how to correctly apply textures and then render it correct. But from the following you might get a basic idea of it's look. It's still simplyfied.
It's not exactly my previous posted design. Obi Wan Russel made some minor alterations at it and send me his update.
The markings on the deck are made with paint afterwards.
Here's what I now made, in the first (left) pic, one squqre is 10m long/wide:

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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Now if got to decide what to do if I find time. Model aircraft to fit them onto the ship, or make a new one, perhaps my cruiser. But first I want to try to put this one in a real enviroment.


Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

Hi @Scratch,

if the big red square is the elevator, I think, it is to large. The hull is like a box for stability and it shouldn't be interupted to much.


Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

Hi @Scratch,

if the big red square is the elevator, I think, it is to large. The hull is like a box for stability and it shouldn't be interupted to much.