Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread
De Gaulle, Sao Paulo, Vikramaditya, Vikrant are mdeium sized carriers in my mind.
Invincible, Asturias, Garibaldi, Cavour are light carriers.
Just my opinion if they had to be broken out by super, medium and light.
I would even put the Varyag and the Kuznetrzov at the low end of the Supercarrier range...particularly if they had cats. QE class will be the same IMHO.At 65,000tons Varyag could not be described as a 'light carrier', a term more usually used to refer to ships around the 20,000ton or less mark. At the very least Varyag is in the upper reaches of the 'medium sized carrier' range, with the US CVNs in the super carrier range obviously.
De Gaulle, Sao Paulo, Vikramaditya, Vikrant are mdeium sized carriers in my mind.
Invincible, Asturias, Garibaldi, Cavour are light carriers.
Just my opinion if they had to be broken out by super, medium and light.