Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread
Ultimately, it all depends on what mission role will carriers have within the PLAN? Since China preaches noninterference of other nations' affairs as opposed to the US, will China even need supercarriers to protect shipping lanes? Cat or tri based carriers can be useful but many pointed out, one drawback is lack of below waterline space which could translate to shorter endurance, not unless you always have a supply ship accompanying the carrier.
The PLA should take into consideration the future of aircraft carriers and advancements in aircraft technology - it is highly likely that dangers against carrier battle groups from cruise and ballistic missiles will increase. More time should be invested in exploring light aircraft carrier possibilities, so the loss of one ship does not jeopardize an entire operation. The refurbishing of the light carrier Varyag is a great place to start. The Varyag will support and protect the main naval combatants against threats from fighter jets, which is what the PLAN really needs. If they are looking for land attack capability, then a catapult capable carrier is more suitable, but that is not what the PLA desires (at least for now) - air superiority is more important. Also, if UCAVs are going to become more important in the future, then light carriers will be more than enough to accomodate them.
I like the idea of catamaran carriers (or even trimaran), because they are faster, more stable, and do not require deep harbors. Speed is a very important aspect on the open seas, not only for escaping incoming threats, but also for chasing down opponents and rushing to areas where needed. A missile strike on a catamaran hull will deal significant damage, but the same thing goes for the monohull. Space shouldn't be a problem, depending on how large the carrier has to be and how many planes are expected to land.
Ultimately, it all depends on what mission role will carriers have within the PLAN? Since China preaches noninterference of other nations' affairs as opposed to the US, will China even need supercarriers to protect shipping lanes? Cat or tri based carriers can be useful but many pointed out, one drawback is lack of below waterline space which could translate to shorter endurance, not unless you always have a supply ship accompanying the carrier.