But that is not what you said in your first post to me. You said "Divide all the time scales you gave by 2." And THAT is what I responded to.Our main difference is you think that COTABAR studies will start 6 years from now, I think it is already in design stage. That is why I am pretty sure we will see COTABAR much earlier than your guess.
If they are already building a CATOBAR, then simply substitute that in for the STOBAR I mentioned and all the numbers I gave will remain roughly the same. But I seriously doubt that their first indigenous carrier will be a CATOBAR.
Of course they are in the design phase for the CATOBAR now, but I believe they will settle on that design in the time frames I have mentioned. If they do so earlier, they may start building it a year or two earlier, but then you simply apply the type of time line I mention to whenever it starts, not divide it by two.