Old picture with old deck-markings.
So the Liaoning has gone to Dalian not for a refit or adjustment but for a ceremony ? A ceremony for what ?
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I could identify #552, no new aircraft invited. And on the deck-model there was an airgroup of 14 aircraft, quite the same[video]http://news.cntv.cn/2013/08/30/VIDE1377861846506982.shtml[/video]
What the newscasters said are all the usual blah-blah-blah so no need to bother to get translation.
same crew at 1:20 in the new video...
They qualified a total of six pilots during this latest exercise.
That makes sense! 6 pilots for 3 aircraft and 24 pilots for 12 aircraft = complement.same crew at 1:20 in the new video nearly 24 future pilots at 1:42 ff;
giving no clue whether construction of indigenous aircraft carrier has already begun, but "main strike force" .... what are the others?China will comprehensively consider the development of aircraft carriers in accordance with the needs of national defense and military building, spokesman Yang Yujun said.
Yang made the comment at a news briefing when asked to confirm media reports that China is producing its first domestically made aircraft carrier.
Currently, China operates one aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, which was refitted based on an unfinished Russian-made carrier and delivered to the Chinese Navy on Sept. 25, 2012.
The carrier's original design allows it to carry about 30 fixed-wing aircraft.
The Liaoning has conducted successful take-off and landing tests of its carrier-borne J-15 fighters, the main strike force of China's carrier group.