By the way back to the topic !!!
Can this be true ???
... I mean not that the carrier is finall under constructuon but that Jane's has got it right !??? 

(given that dumb report ) ... however Sean O'Connor (aka SAC) is a more than reliable and honest source.
Can this be true ???
PLAN to get first homegrown carrier by 2017, claims local media
Sean O'Connor, Indiana - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
10 June 2014
The first homegrown Chinese aircraft carrier is under construction at Dalian and will enter service by 2017, according to the June 2014 issue of Shipborne Weapons , a Chinese-language magazine detailing various naval weapon developments.
In an article titled 'Prospects for Chinese Carrier Strike Groups', the magazine claims it has official data regarding the follow-on vessels to the People's Liberation Army Navy's (PLAN's) first carrier, Liaoning (CV16). Dr Martin Andrew, a specialist in Chinese military affairs, translated the article for his GI Zhou Newsletter and told IHS Jane's he thought it was a credible source.
The article claims that China plans to field three additional aircraft carriers by 2019.