PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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The sailors on her 'sister' ship must be so jealous.


Why does the bread in lower left corner look like challah? (a Jewish egg bread)

That is a traditional snack in Northern China, mainly Beijing/Tianjin area, called Mahua. It's not bread in the traditional sense since it is not baked, but fried. I think this is the fried doughsticks that FarkTypeSoldier talks about in his post.


New Member
4 Aircraft Carriers?

China should be aiming for at least 6 Aircraft Carriers for PLAN-AF. China has plenty of territory to safeguard and needs to maintain a global presence, where ever it's interests lay. Africa is one of many territories where China has significant investment, as is South America. So it is in China's interest that it appropriates for at least 6 Aircraft Carriers.

They can always build more. IF-key word is "if"-the reports we see in public are correct about a 4 carrier goal, then this probably reflects an initial building program. Let's call it "Block 1". As the construction of new carriers progresses... and the successes and challenges (and costs-including inevitable cost overruns) of the process are evaluated then new designs and construction can be approved. That "Block 2" could be the actual game changer in the Pacific... with all new "clean sheet" designs and tech. Just my opinion. Besides-they have support and training infrastructure that still needs to be fleshed out and made efficient before they consider if they want to do a Block 2... and if so how many units they want to build.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
I don't think it really makes a whole lot of sense for them to continue with the three roughly equal operational fleet structure for much longer. The three fleet structure made sense when china had a long coast line to defend, but lacking green or blue water capability it had no depth to its maritime defense, so it can't assure strategic mobility of its forces in time of war, and each sector of its coast would require its own organic coastal defense.

Once china acquire 2-3 operational carriers, the depth of her maritime defence obviously greatly increases, it would make much more sense to combine all of her blue water assets into at most two, preferably one single flexible operational command with responsibility for China's entire maritime frontier.
Those three fleets are pretty instituionalized. Lots of instituional politics, and long term reasoning inbedded in their existance.

It would be a major change for the PLAN and PRC to move away from them.

Perhaps they will...but I personally do not see it happening any time soon.



The sailors on her 'sister' ship must be so jealous.

I've said that before LOL. In an ironic twist of fate, the Liaoning as she is today is probably what the Kudnetsov class was supposed to be when the designers envisioned that class. I guess she lucked out and got adopted by a rich wealthy family when she was left on the roadside starving and in a bad shape and who really cared for her while her older sister stayed behind with a mediocre 'poorer' family. That is probably the best analogy I can come up with.
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