PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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Jeff Head

Registered Member

I don't believe this has been posted before. This is the steam generator of a nuclear reactor. Looks too large to be shipborne, and the 'Areva' logo tells me that it definitely is not shipborne, but the red banner in the background interestingly reads, "build nuclear carriers".
Actually, that pic has been posted...several times.

But once more will not hurt. It's been some time.


Banned Idiot
Those years when you guys had that discussion I'm still in primary school learning how to read and write and now I'm here discussing these matters with you fine people.

Time really flies I guess:)

Before you know it you too would have become a superannuated rust bucket, ready for decommissioning, just like everyone else.

Just kidding.;)

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional

I don't believe this has been posted before. This is the steam generator of a nuclear reactor. Looks too large to be shipborne, and the 'Areva' logo tells me that it definitely is not shipborne, but the red banner in the background interestingly reads, "build nuclear carriers".

Photo shopped by some PLAN fan no doubt.Just kidding!. However we've been seeing this type of photos for years in the forum.. nine years to be exact...


Lieutenant General
Before you know it you too would have become a superannuated rust bucket, ready for decommissioning, just like everyone else.

Just kidding.;)

One is better than 11 "superannuated rust bucket" ready for decommissioning right?

Just jiving.;)


Junior Member

I don't believe this has been posted before. This is the steam generator of a nuclear reactor. Looks too large to be shipborne, and the 'Areva' logo tells me that it definitely is not shipborne, but the red banner in the background interestingly reads, "build nuclear carriers".

That is right !!! China is developing nuclear powered super carriers with catapults !!!


Junior Member

I don't believe this has been posted before. This is the steam generator of a nuclear reactor. Looks too large to be shipborne, and the 'Areva' logo tells me that it definitely is not shipborne, but the red banner in the background interestingly reads, "build nuclear carriers".

"Building a nuclear carrier for the East" which illerately means China (East)


In China, the word "carrier" is used in advertisements to convey a meaning of importance or a leader. A few examples include:
商业航母 -- commerce leader
手机航母 -- mobile phone leader
地产航母 -- real estate leader

The banner says 核电, which literally translates to nuclear power. This is not the same as nuclear powered (notice the "d") as would have been the case if 核动力 was used. Nuclear power refers to generating electricity for civilian uses, which has nothing to do with an actual aircraft carrier. This should have been obvious given the fact that the picture shows a steam generator designed by Areva, a well known French company that designs nuclear power plants.
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In China, the word "carrier" is used in advertisements to convey a meaning of importance or a leader. A few examples include:
商业航母 -- commerce leader
手机航母 -- mobile phone leader
地产航母 -- real estate leader

The banner says 核电, which literally translates to nuclear power. This is not the same as nuclear powered (notice the "d") as would have been the case if 核动力 was used. Nuclear power refers to generating electricity for civilian uses, which has nothing to do with an actual aircraft carrier. This should have been obvious given the fact that the picture shows a steam generator designed by Areva, a well known French company that designs nuclear power plants.

That's interesting... My Chinese is decent but by no means am I fluent or up-to-date on the vernacularisms. So is this a relatively new 'slang' meaning of '航母', as it were?
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