PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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Were the Imperial Japanese Navy Carriers inferior technologically to the USN in WWII during the battles in the Pacific? Suggest u read/digest the articles/books written on the Naval & Air Battles of Midway, Guadalcanal, Coral Sea etc. etc. The Japanese were good but the Americans were better and determined to fight the aggressor after Pearl Harbor. Seek the opinions of your Chinese military/naval strategists, and they would very likely be realistic in their assessments. Sea & air battles are very different from land & guerrilla warfares. Experience counts. Rhetorics are meaningless to military/naval professionals of any country.

The IJN fleet was as capable as the USN in WWII and certainly from a ship for ship basis they are at least equal if not superior. The primary reason why they lost Midway and ultimately the Pacific thetre was due to the US being able to decipher the secret Japanese naval codes. Nimitz and his other admirals/commanders basically went into the fight knowing Yamamoto's order of battle. The entire IJN were pretty much destroyed after Midway as they never came back to strength or anywhere near it which leads to the second reason.

The secondary reason why the Japanese ultimately lost the war is because of production capacities. While they had a very potent and competent military their factories just weren't capable enough to mass produced the hardware needed to replace war attrition. Germany suffered the same fate to a similar extend. The Panzers were far superior to the Shermans but for every Sherman a Panzer destroyed, 10 news ones were being built. The US basically outproduced them. Obviously being seperated by the oceans, American factories had the advantage of being in full production mode during the entire war and weren't targeted unlike the factories in Germany and Japan.
IMHO, that strategy will not change in any forseeable war with a competent OPFOR.
You maintain air superiority if possible and you keep bombing or lobbing cruise missiles at the factories, C & C etc and pretty soon you will win. Well that or it will soon escalate into the nuclear option once conventional forces are all but depleted.


The IJN fleet was as capable as the USN in WWII and certainly from a ship for ship basis they are at least equal if not superior. The primary reason why they lost Midway and ultimately the Pacific thetre was due to the US being able to decipher the secret Japanese naval codes. Nimitz and his other admirals/commanders basically went into the fight knowing Yamamoto's order of battle. The entire IJN were pretty much destroyed after Midway as they never came back to strength or anywhere near it which leads to the second reason.

The secondary reason why the Japanese ultimately lost the war is because of production capacities. While they had a very potent and competent military their factories just weren't capable enough to mass produced the hardware needed to replace war attrition. Germany suffered the same fate to a similar extend. The Panzers were far superior to the Shermans but for every Sherman a Panzer destroyed, 10 news ones were being built. The US basically outproduced them. Obviously being seperated by the oceans, American factories had the advantage of being in full production mode during the entire war and weren't targeted unlike the factories in Germany and Japan.
IMHO, that strategy will not change in any forseeable war with a competent OPFOR.
You maintain air superiority if possible and you keep bombing or lobbing cruise missiles at the factories, C & C etc and pretty soon you will win. Well that or it will soon escalate into the nuclear option once conventional forces are all but depleted.

I thought the IJN lost mainly because they exhausted their elite pilots and had only a bunch of teenagers flying the planes.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Ahemmm..., Gents...If you wish to discuss the IJN Vs the USN in WWII open a thread in the Members Club Room or the History forum.

In the meantime....

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bd popeye super moderator

Jeff Head

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People's Daily Online said:
China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, returned to its homeport in Qingdao, north China’s Shandong province on Jan.1 after completing a series of scientific tests and training programs in the South China Sea.

The aircraft carrier underwent a comprehensive test of its combat system and conducted a formation practice during its 37-day voyage. The Liaoning's combat and power system and its seagoing capability have been further tested during the voyage. The Chinese navy dispatched aircraft, naval vessels and submarines to participate in the tests.

The Liaoning is China's only aircraft carrier in operation. It was refitted based on an unfinished carrier of the former Soviet Union. The refitted carrier was delivered to the navy on Sept. 25, 2012.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
I would like to see the Kuznetsov and the Liaoning sail together.
That would be a great sight.
I believe we will.

Either the Kuznetsov will sail to the Pacific and conduct joint exercises, or ultimately the Liaoning will sail west and meet up with the Kuznetsov in the Indian Ocean or the Med, or perhaps even the Atlantic.

It will make for a great photo op with the two "sisters" sailing together and conducting air operations.


Banned Idiot
I believe we will.

Either the Kuznetsov will sail to the Pacific and conduct joint exercises, or ultimately the Liaoning will sail west and meet up with the Kuznetsov in the Indian Ocean or the Med, or perhaps even the Atlantic.

It will make for a great photo op with the two "sisters" sailing together and conducting air operations.

I doubt the Russians would be up to it. Such a sight would be met with mixed emotions in Russia. For chinese it would be a sign they've made great strides. For Russians it would be a reminder how far they've fallen. Russians are unlikely to be generous unless the the act swell them with a sense of superiority.
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Senior Member
I doubt the Russians would be up to it. Such a sight would be met with mixed emotions in Russia. For china it would be a sign they've made great strides. For Russians it would be a reminder how far they've fallen.

The Russia is more worried of the imminent danger than this kind of small little pride. Rather the 2 carriers combine sailing in force will send a clear counter message to the foes that the world does not solely belongs to one power.


Banned Idiot
The Russia is more worried of the imminent danger than this kind of small little pride. Rather the 2 carriers combine sailing in force will send a clear counter message to the foes that the world does not solely belongs to one power.
Seriously - I don't know what you're writing about. What 'imminent danger' and what 'foes' you're writing about (I'll leave the part about 'to whom the world belongs' :/)?
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