PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Impressive video. Good publicity for the PLA-N. Most of us who had dealings with the Chinese whether militarily, business or at universities know that their people are intelligent and can learn things very quickly. However, having said that, besides knowing the rudiments of carrier and air ops thru' exercises, involvements in actual sea and air battles are the true tests of the naval & air expertise. The United States & Britain have been involved in combats, not only during WW II but also during the Korean War, Falklands, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. In Asia, Japanese Forces (Army, Navy & Air Force) had the battle experiences during WW II, but fortunately the US and its allies gave the aggressors then a "pasting" and Japan lost the war. I am not suggesting that countries should test their naval & air capabilities by going into skirmishes or open hostilities. Not worth it, unless there is absolute confidence in winning. However conflicts these days will be catastrophic, vis-à-vis in a modern and high-tech warfare. Let the politicians aided by their diplomats settle issues rationally without being emotional.

Nice thoughtful post, but the politicians Hitler, Tojo, Musolini brought the world to the edge of destruction, they are even less scroupulos now than in the past. Military leaders "know" the cost of combat, it is heartbreaking, they work and train hard to avoid that ultimate stupidity, unfortunately greedy, aggressive people continue to get it wrong, and do stupid things that must be stopped. brat


Senior Member
Hey does anyone have any pictures from the Kuznetsov? I'd like to be able to do a direct comparison of living conditions between it and the Liaoning.

@Franklin found and posted some videos about Kuznetsov . As you can see , quality of life is definitely worse then on Liaoning ( 6:58 first video , 12:21 second video ) .

Although , I doubt that Liaoning has luxury individual berthing for every enlisted man and woman . You can do a lot of things but you cannot just stretch ship to create more space for the crew . ;) Granted , Liaoning has a lot less weapons systems then Kuznetsov and it is more automatized , but even if it had half of the Kuznetsov crew there is simply no room to give everybody small apartment :D



bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Recently there was a lot of discussion about the PLAN battle group photo with CV-16 et all.. Check this out.

Jeff Head posted this back on 10.10.2005..notice the date on the picture...;

I have to disagree with this portion of your statement.

With a couple of type 093 SSNs, a couple of Type 52Cs (or one Type 052C and one Type 051C), one Type 52B, one Project 956 Sov, and a couple of the Ma'anshan frigates, they have a credible carrier battle group. The only thing lacking is the carrier itself (that's where the Varyag comes in) and the operational experience...and for any blue water operation, the replenishment group.

But escorts they do have...certainly as credible as the Brtis, the French, or the Russians.

Here's a pic of what it would look like.



Jeff Head, absolutely uncanny!

Given geopolitical developments and Japanese rearmament under Abe since Dragon's Fury, Book II should be even more uncanny.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
I went through all the pages of the Navy forum and made all the old PLAN Carrier threads sticky's so they would be easy to find. One thread is missing because I made a boo boo and deleted it some months sorry.. By the way they are all locked.

Check them out! Some of you newer members will see names that no longer visit the forum..some are super moderators..

[h=3]All About The Chinese Aircraft Carrier Thread[/h]
[h=3]All about the Chinese Carrier II[/h]
[h=3]PLAN carrier thread III[/h]
[h=3]Ideal Chinese carrier thread[/h]


Junior Member
Spot on popeye. BTW, any military/navy worth its salt can learn from past and recent history inc. WW II, Iraq, Falklands etc. The Chinese still quote/learn from the famous Chinese General Tzu (500 BC), Chinese Adm Zheng He's 7 "expeditions" to Asia, Mao's guerrilla warfare of the 1940s, etc. They probably apply, albeit with modifications of these strategies to modern warfare. Unwise to be arrogant & underestimate any opponent.

USAF,USN,USMC pilots train even when deployed. The greater percentage of their flights are training. Believe it or not. And when at the home bases that is all they do.

So those pilots are trained and prepared for any eventuality.


Banned Idiot
Spot on popeye. BTW, any military/navy worth its salt can learn from past and recent history inc. WW II, Iraq, Falklands etc. The Chinese still quote/learn from the famous Chinese General Tzu (500 BC), Chinese Adm Zheng He's 7 "expeditions" to Asia, Mao's guerrilla warfare of the 1940s, etc. They probably apply, albeit with modifications of these strategies to modern warfare. Unwise to be arrogant & underestimate any opponent.
Did they came up with any strategies about Baltic Sea as that's what PLAN is dabbling with?


Lieutenant General
Wolfie, Wolfie, what in the world are you trying to say, there are literally thousands of Posts by bd, Jeff, Navy Reco, TP, and the Eng and that just scratches the surface, combat is combat, no one is better equipped or trained than the US military and our Allies, we have trained like we intend to fight, training that is so intense and realistic that it is nearly as realistic as the real thing, in fact a lot of good people die it is so real.

Well, can you not see the inherent contradition in what you just said? Either combat is combat (and nothing comes close), or training can be so intensive and realitic that it is almost as good as the real thing. In fact, you have been quite careful in your choice of wording, which I applaud you for, but I have often seen people, including active or retired members of US and western military's state that combat was easy compared to training.

The point I was trying to make is that in the real world, either one or the other of those statements can be true at any one time, but they cannot both be true at the same time. The reason for that is the challenge real combat offers, and hence the experience and skill soldiers can learn from it, is directly proportional to the capabilities and skill of the enemy.

So, either you are facing a hopelessly outmatched opponent who cannot even fight back, in which case training really is far harder than the 'real thing', or you are facing a capable and well equipped foe who can give you a good run for your moneny, in which case there is simply no substitute for the real thing.

You will never find me arguing against the hard won experience and expertise US and western ground forces have gained in close quarters combat, co-ordinating close air support and airborne assault etc, because they were truely challenged and forced to adapt and change the way they operate compared to what they trained for by a smart and determined enemy in those fields, and that experience and knowledge was incorporated into training programmes. That is how real combat can greatly improve a military.

However, nothing of the sort has happened for the USAF or USN, because there was no enemy for those service branches to really fight against. Their involvement in recent US led wars have largely been limited to CAS, long range missile strikes and the such, and they have no doubt improved in those fields from that experience. But they faced no enemy fighters or warships, so how can you or anyone else honestly argue that for US seamen and pilots, that they gained any real insight into fighting other fighter jets or modern enemy warships from their time in support of the various recent US led military adventures around in world that they did not already know?

I do not doubt what Popeye has said about US forces continuing to train hard even in war time, but the undeniable fact is that when you are operationally deployed, you simply do not have nearly as much time and energy for training as you would do if you were back home and training was pretty much all you did.

When you are deployed to a war zone, you need to put in the hours to fly CAP and be on standby for a CAS call. In addition, equipment availablity will inevitably be lower for training missions when assets need to kept on alert standby and/or need to spend more time in the shops because of the massive increase in their usage compared to peacetime levels.

I cannot find the report, but I am pretty such that I saw a break down of budgets for the USN where there was a huge amount of money earmarked to help USN airwing that have been operationally deployed to retrain after they get home. If anyone knows the report I'm talking about, I would appreciate it if they could post it or point me in the right direction to find it.

Why pray tell has the PLAN emulated the carrier ops of the US, ONE reason, and One reason only, we have a history at this, we lost some and we won some, we have payed a huge price, and everyone who is an honest student of history knows the truth, we are good at what we do.

I fail to see how that has anything to do with US modern combat experience. China is copying the US in carrier deck ops because the US has operated more carriers, more intensely and more efficiently than anyone else.

But even for the US, the question of how one goes about fighting another modern carrier is one of theory and conjecture since the last time the US fought an enemy with carriers was in WWII, and I dare say things have moved on a smidge since then to render most if not all of the tactical insight the US gained from those battles largely unless today.

Furthermore, those WWII battles have been so thoroughly declassified and widely studied, and the people who actually fought in them largely deceased, that it is hard for one to argue that even if there was still tactically relevant information from those WWII battles to be learnt and applied today, that the US would hold any real monopoly on that information. If anything, the Chinese are more likely to have studied US and Japanese WWII carrier combat tactics and strategies more closely than modern day US captians and admirals since the US commanders would have more modern texts and theories on his reading list. But, pretty much all of those modern texts would have been dedicated to how one most efficiently employs a carrier to beat the pulp out of an enemy who cannot strike back, and would offer very little real world insight into how one fights with a carrier against a foe who not only can shoot back, but who have carriers of his own.

IMHO one of the reasons the world as we know it continues to turn on its axis, with the relative peace and prosperity of the post World War II challenges, is the security provided by the US military and our Allies. Did we learn something in Korea, SEA, Iraq and Ahghanistan, absolutely.

Well, I think we are going to disagree pretty foundamentally about just how much peace the US and allies are responsible for providing the world of late, and since this is wildly off topic, let's save everyone a lot of scrolling and just not even go there mate. ;)


Just Hatched
Registered Member
I bring no expert insight to the table but I agree with plawolf. Common sense tells me that since most of the naval conflicts USA has been involved in since WWII were against technologically inferior opponents who in many cases had no counters. I imagine that if a USA CVBG had a "full contact" episode with a future Chinese CVBG, then that would be a jarring experience for everybody involved to say the least.


Junior Member
Were the Imperial Japanese Navy Carriers inferior technologically to the USN in WWII during the battles in the Pacific? Suggest u read/digest the articles/books written on the Naval & Air Battles of Midway, Guadalcanal, Coral Sea etc. etc. The Japanese were good but the Americans were better and determined to fight the aggressor after Pearl Harbor. Seek the opinions of your Chinese military/naval strategists, and they would very likely be realistic in their assessments. Sea & air battles are very different from land & guerrilla warfares. Experience counts. Rhetorics are meaningless to military/naval professionals of any country.

I bring no expert insight to the table but I agree with plawolf. Common sense tells me that since most of the naval conflicts USA has been involved in since WWII were against technologically inferior opponents who in many cases had no counters. I imagine that if a USA CVBG had a "full contact" episode with a future Chinese CVBG, then that would be a jarring experience for everybody involved to say the least.
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