PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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CCTV Vedio: Liaoning

[video] lmOC00ODBlLWJmYjgtNDkxYzgyYmM2NWQxLnhtbA==/playerByOsmf.swf[/video]


Lieutenant General
Going into CCP/PLA HQ trying to get blueprint will not just have a cup of tea a d permanent stag in China. It means biting the bullet. That's mount to the offence of treason.

It is meant as a figure of speech, meaning it's a joke in the form of sarcasm.


Lieutenant General
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I remember just 3 years ago. bd Popeye said that China did not have SSN comparable to the LA class, and that 052C aint no AEGIS.

This picture alone with 052D has proven him wrong !!!

Eurgh, let's not stifle this thread with a bout of useless back and forth comparisons.


Going into CCP/PLA HQ trying to get blueprint will not just have a cup of tea a d permanent stag in China. It means biting the bullet. That's mount to the offence of treason.

True story, 1st hand account from me: at Beijing outside the MOD HQ, just raising a camera is all you need to get attention from the sentry to order you to go away...believe me, they won't be asking you nicely. Now think about what might happen to you if doing anything more serious than that!

Now back to topic...

The design of an aircraft carrier is, well, like a wheel, pretty much all possible designs have been tried and tested in the past, only those proved efficient are left, even the new Ford Class CVN, despite the EM catapults and everything, you can clearly see the linage from the Nimitz Class. That said, there's very little the Chinese can do to innovate on this whole CV business, more so when they're the catch-ups, not the leader.

In any case though, the first sign of PLAN is prepping for anything new, will be the land mockup at the training facility - if the new CV sports a different layout, it'll be reflected on the take-off ramp arrangement. Another obvious improvement you can expect will be the AESA phased-array radar, the same model on the 052D DDGs.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
I remember just 3 years ago. bd Popeye said that China did not have SSN comparable to the LA class, and that 052C aint no AEGIS.

This picture alone with 052D has proven him wrong !!!

1st there is no Type 052D in this picture.

2nd, the Chinese themselves have indicated that they are still lagging behind in submarine technology. The Type 093B may have finally surpassed the Victor III and be almost as good as the Flight I LA Class...and that is a good thing for the PLAN. But there are only a couple of those boats at present and the PLAN is clearly not satisfied enough with them to serially produce them like they did the Type 054A or the Type 052C. Instead, they are moving forward with another, newer design, the Type 095 which are not in service yet.

The US has over 40 LA Class boats, and many of them are Flight III boats, and the Flight III boats are far better. Not to mention the Sea Wolf and the Virginia classes.

So, bd popeye has not been proven wrong at all. In fact, he was not only right two years ago, he is still right.

This is not a slam against the PLAN or the PRC. They are definitely making significant progress. But even one of their most ardent admirals admits that there is still a significant gap to be closed that will take time...years...and the PLAN has to be patient.

This is correct, and the PLAN is moving forward methodically to try and close that gap. But it is also a moving target as the US also moves forward.

As it is...despite the gap, no one should make the mistake of underestimating what the PLAN has achieved and what they are producing. For example, you may have just developed a laser hand gun, with greater range and accuracy than any gun powder rifle. But a gun powder rifle will still kill you at significant ranges, so you have to respect them, and be vigilant just the same.
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It, in this image, shows 11 ships in the Liaoning Battle Group.



Banned Idiot
Looks like our friend Axe didn't appreciate the photos. Please debate his assertions if you don't agree with him and please refrain from personal attacks. I do agree with some of his obvious observations, notably the lack of replenishment vessels.

China Flaunts First Carrier Battle Group Photo Op
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Lieutenant General
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Thanks for the link but right after redaing this:

To be fair, four carrier-launched J-15 fighters do appear in another snapshot. But look closely: the J-15s carry no weapons under their wings. Because Liaoning doesn’t have a catapult—rather, she boosts her planes into the air using an angled “ski ramp”—she can launch only lightly-loaded jets.

With a modest fuel load, the J-15 weighs more than 25 tons and can take off from Liaoning while carrying just a few bombs and missiles. And even then the fighter’s range is reportedly limited to less than a hundred miles. One shockingly negative report from Chinese state media in September called the J-15 a “flopping fish.”

America’s catapulted carrier jets like the F/A-18 can carry more than the J-15 and fly farther, making U.S. flattops exponentially more useful in wartime.

No need to read further !

By the way these are J-11BH and BSH from the 8. Naval Division ....


Tyrant King
Well he does have a point about the 71 it is a little odd to have a LPD attached to a carrier. I see four possibilities. One the PLAN had it there to support helicopter operations. As pops pointed out the photos show a distinct lack of both fixed wing and rotary wing assets in the deck. This might mean that there is some issue with the ship its self and the 71 was used to maintain the helicopters in the CV's stead. I find this unlikely.
option 2 the PLAN are trying to create a duel role taskforce. The idea being that the LPD would in a islands sinario move in for landings well the carrier supports via fixed wing air cover. This would however divide the battle group and potentially weaken overall defense.
option three. The LPD is being used as a stand in for a logistics ship. Its holds are full of rice not troops.
option four. She's there to make the picture more impressive. Just filler.
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