PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Here are some pictures of the interior of the Liaoning.

laundy service

Nice. Very good equipment and lots of it. But

TV station ?

Yes. The US carriers have something similar...and entire department that takes care of all of the News, PR, comms, etc. like this.

Berthing place at least for the female officiers. I don't know about the rest.




Yes, these are clearly female officer's staterooms for 3-4 jr. officers. I'd like to see the enlisted birthing. Gvein what we are seeing though, it has to be pretty nice though.

Clearly, the PLAN went through the entire innards of the old Varyag and completely re-did the birthing, dining areas, kitchens, laundry, etc., etc. It's very impressive.

Hehehe...I will tell you who is eating their hearts out...the Russian sailors on the Kuznetsov!

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Well said, Jeff. China should keep an eagle eye on Japan and keep in mind the reality that currently, the IJN is second only to the USN in capability.

IJN?? You mean JMSDF.. Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force....

For those of you historically and Navally challenged the IJN was the Imperial Japanese Navy...'nuff said.. I should have never posted combined fleet.. my bad..jeez..

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Nice. Very good equipment and lots of it. But

Yes. The US carriers have something similar...and entire department that takes care of all of the News, PR, comms, etc. like this.

Yes, these are clearly female officer's staterooms for 3-4 jr. officers. I'd like to see the enlisted birthing. Gvein what we are seeing though, it has to be pretty nice though.

Clearly, the PLAN went through the entire innards of the old Varyag and completely re-did the birthing, dining areas, kitchens, laundry, etc., etc. It's very impressive.

Hehehe...I will tell you who is eating their hearts out...the Russian sailors on the Kuznetsov!

Jeff in the previous PLAN CV thread that I accidentally deleted there were photos of young women in their berthing area. it was very nice. I think it slept 6. ..One day I'll find those photos.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Well said, Jeff. China should keep an eagle eye on Japan and keep in mind the reality that currently, the IJN is second only to the USN in capability.
Thanks Blackstone. I believe that the PLAN has a firm grasp on the JMSDF capabilities, and those of other nations in the region, and is building up its own maritime forces with all of that in mind.

...but I have to say, can some of you guys cut it out with the IJN nonsense?

It is the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force, or JMSDF.

I know that you and plawolf (who also uses that term) and others know better. It is not a slip of the tongue or accident, Rather, it is a willful poke in the eye to Japan.

The JMSDF is not the IJN, and Abe and his administration are not Tojo or anything close to it.

We have good Japanese members on this forum. There is no need to toss out that flame bait, or for us to allow it, anymore than we would allow the Japanese or other members to flame bait our Chinese members with bait about Mao and the Cultural Revolution and some of the horrible things that went on then. Today's CCP is not Mao's CCP.

So...can we dispense with that?


Lieutenant General
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That is just impressive.

It is the type of display, that for the last 20 years and more, only the US Navy has been capable of making.

A very nice grouping...and one we all here on SD knew was coming.

The PLAN certainly don't do things in half measures. Before yesterday I don't think we had any pictures of the Liaoning sailing with escorts.

I was wondering when we'd get to see the two 051Cs and two 054As from NSF alongside Liaoning, then suddenly we get virtually a destroyer flotilla's worth of escorts with some from SSF, two submarines, land based air power, and an 071 as well!
Of course, we don't know how long this little task group trained and stayed together for, and it's easier to deploy a larger number of ships closer to home and gets progressively more difficult as you get into blue water. For instance, while I'm confident they have more than enough escorts to operationally deploy such a group, I don't doubt the PLAN has the AORs in service atm to support such a group for a two or three month deployment, even if it may stretch their AOR numbers a little.
(For instance this group would need what... two or three AORs of the PLAN to support a 2-3 month at sea mission, assuming a few ships of the group will cycle to nearby ports for a few days both to give sailors time off and to take on their own supplies?)

However by 2020 I'm sure they'll have the auxiliary numbers to reliably deploy such a group.

I wonder how the western defense media will pick up on these pictures.

No doubt they will (rightfully) note the lack of aircraft on the carrier's deck, but I think even though would recognize how formidable and rare such a grouping of ships is outside of the USN.
I hope they're familiar enough with the PLAN to recognize that the escorts in these pictures are only a fraction of what the PLAN currently have and not some vain or unrealistic grouping that was only put together for the sake of a "propaganda photo".


Lieutenant General
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Let's not drift this into Chinese navy vs JMSDF.


Banned Idiot
Thanks Blackstone. I believe that the PLAN has a firm grasp on the JMSDF capabilities, and those of other nations in the region, and is building up its own maritime forces with all of that in mind.
Some ex-JMSDF worked (or are still working?) for PLA Navy's as instructors. So here's my off-topic question that popped popped up in my head recently - from where does PLAN take it's maritime customs from (as Japanese took it from Royal Navy)? Royal Navy, US Navy or somewhere else?

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Yeah guys we are ruining this great time in this thread what's JMSDF in this?

I don't know about anyone else but for me personally this is the moment for me, yeah J20 was all big bangs and bells but this had to be one of those moments really really historic

Check this pic, wow!! I counted 11 vessels and here's the conformation and I see DDG 171, 115 and 116

And the LPD looks to be 989 plus three SSN

For the FFG I have 575 so far I can't make out the other two, overall that's a big naval force

So a re-cap
3 x Type 054A 575 plus two more
2 x Type 051C 115 and 116
1 x Type 052C 171
1 x Type 071 LPD 998
3 x Type 093 SSN

11 warships in total

Check it out


asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Nice! Three destroyers and frigates. Hopefully, this arrangement will be the standard make up in the future, as the PLAN is going to need a lot of ships to keep foreign ships away from the carrier.

I think it's a bit over the top for a standard force LPD would have a tough time it's a carrier strike group

Typically I would expect the following

2 x DDG
3 x FFG
1 x SSN
and a replenishmen tanker, tankers would need a FFG to gaurd it thats why I have included 3 x FFG but two would be escorts for the carrier

So a Chinese carrier strike group would have 8 warships


Some ex-JMSDF worked (or are still working?) for PLA Navy's as instructors. So here's my off-topic question that popped popped up in my head recently - from where does PLAN take it's maritime customs from (as Japanese took it from Royal Navy)? Royal Navy, US Navy or somewhere else?

Mostly from the USN, with Chinese characteristics?
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