PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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Well this is still their first carrier and first time operating a ship of this size.
I guess, J-15 was grounded several times for technical reasons and is at this moment grounded. Actual there is no progress and the dilemma is that the whole program is based on only one airframe. The ship is ready, but it is missing its aircraft.


Lieutenant General
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To gain experience and practical knowledge, you have to fly frequently. There is no link that shows evidence of continuous flying operation. So I guess, the only three pre-series aircraft are often grounded and production is postponed.

And why do you think we would get "evidence" of continuous flying operation? This is the PLA we are talking about.
Furthermore, what even constitutes as "evidence"? The navy only releases a handful of pictures and videos, are you saying that is all the flying they are doing?
Do you want a twenty four seven live stream of the liaoning's flight deck and count down the number of hours they actually use for flying or something?

And frankly I don't know if you are behind on the times or whatever, just a few days ago we got the first high quality pictures of aircraft of the first production batch flying.

So I will basically rebut your points.
1: there is no evidence that the three flying pre production planes aren't doing vigorous flight testing/operations/training on the carrier.
2: there has been nothing to suggest that the prototypes have been grounded in any way (I am very confused as to where you pulled this from)
3: production aircraft are flying, suggesting the first batch of J-15s will be completed very soon, there is nothing to suggest production is postponed (again, where did you pull this from?)

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
To gain experience and practical knowledge, you have to fly frequently. There is no link that shows evidence of continuous flying operation. So I guess, the only three pre-series aircraft are often grounded and production is postponed.

They are flying at the test centre


To gain experience and practical knowledge, you have to fly frequently. There is no link that shows evidence of continuous flying operation. So I guess, the only three pre-series aircraft are often grounded and production is postponed.

Your guess is no good, there are 6 prototypes 551 to 556, and photos of at least 4 production jets were spotted, #101 to 104, there could be more because a normal batch production is usually around 24 units but we will need more photo to confirm.

And as Asif mentioned, there is a training centre where they do pilot conversion and practise take off and landing using ramp and arrestor wires to simulate aircraft carrier operation.
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Junior Member
I want to discuss a little about the Mig29K VS J15 debate.

Yes I understand why some people think it's better to just buy Mig29Ks for the Liaoning. In the case of this ship ALONE, I would say that this move MAY be a better option.

But China is a growing power and may even one day be on par with the U.S. in terms of economy. We need many carriers in order to protect our economic interests and of course for national security reasons. In the future we are going to build more carriers, and understandably they are going to be larger, better designed to suit the J15, or even have catapults on board. By then, the situation would be very very different.

The Liaoning need not to have maximized abilities. She's going to be a fully operational carrier for sure, but her most important role is to become a breeding bed, a training ship, the centre-piece around which China's CARRIER INDUSTRY develops. Smaller or less ambitious nations can just buy a carrier and an air-wing, but China, by nature and by will, can't. We need to develop a wholly independent carrier industry which comprises of carrier-building, dock-upgrades, high grade steel production, ship-borne nuclear reactors, radar systems and missile systems, steam catapults or even electric ones, home port construction, and many more. And one huge part of that system/industry is the carrier aircraft.

By designing and producing the J15, along with the development of the WS10 sea variant, it will enable China to enter the prestigious club of the few countries who can develop the whole carrier system, and most importantly, the amount of experience and expertise will allow us to make our own improvements upon it, and eventually develop future generation stealthy ship-borne aircrafts ourselves.

In fact if we take a look at China's military industry's developments, this decision is hardly surprising. Whenever possible China would want to pursue independence, but not blindly refusing any opportunity of foreign assistance or help. Whenever there's a chance for us to learn from others, we learn it, we buy it, and we analyze it and learn to make our own. It happened with the Su27/J11 aircrafts, it happened with the GT25000/QC280 steam turbines, it happened with the CFM56 core/WS10 engines, it happened with the Lavi/J10, it also happened with the Falcon/KJ2000 AWACS. Some may call this copying, or to put it nicely, reverse engineering. But I think it's the fastest way to develop. Learn from successful ones, and improve on it, finally we use these knowledge to develop our own. The J20, J31, WS15, KJ200, KJ500, QC185, 052C/D, are all such examples.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
To gain experience and practical knowledge, you have to fly frequently. There is no link that shows evidence of continuous flying operation. So I guess, the only three pre-series aircraft are often grounded and production is postponed.

So, IOW, you have no link to support that they have been grounded.

I do not believe they have been grounded because we have seen videos and images of them flying recently. Production aircraft have now been photo'ed flying.

Unless the PLAN announces a halt (which the PLAN, and PRC, by their very nature are not likely to do short of something horribly serious) then I will continue to proceed with the obvious conclusion that they are still flying.


The Chinese aircraft carrier program like all others have a plan, a schedule, a budget, a timeline, milestones, targets and goals they have set to achieve over certain time to measure progress. And that goes for the J-15 as well. We don't know anything about this stuff! Without this kind of information we cannot judge rather the carrier program is doing well or is in serious trouble. All we have is some pictures, some videos, some statements coming from the captain and officials and a whole lot of speculation.

But above all following the Chinese carrier program means just waiting for the Liaoning to leave port.:mad:
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