I will apologize if my explanation was insufficient.
First of all to actually operate a combat ready aircraft carrier you'll need deck crew 24/7 that is why more then three crew shift ready.
Another point is once ready you'll transfer 2/3 of the crew and pilots from the Liaoning to the new carrier so the carrier becomes operation 80~90% on first day even with 1/3 of the crew fresh out from academy.
The remaining 1/3 will be training another 2/3 from the academy on the Liaoning seasoning them for the third carrier.
This way personnel training will not become an issue right after commission. The down side is it will take considerable time to ready the first crew preparing them to for the first day.
Hardware is relatively easy to construct but it takes much more time to train and prepare and season the crew to become combat ready and it can only be done with trained staff to provide OJT to the new crew.
If you read my post considering plasma actuator you'll realize that STOL will become much easier to perform and JSDF fighters of the future may not require the immense speed in landing on a future carrier since the wing will provide more lift at a larger attack wing angle with this technology.
Take off will also benefit and with the present maglev technology Japan possesses so it will not be at all difficult for Japan to construct a full blown CATBAR aircarft carrier from scratch.