The carriers are actually only of secondary importance. This is true of most platforms that are most valuable in a blue water context. The most useful thing they could do is probably as a fleet in being, a foil basically, to force the opposition to hold some of their naval and air force in reserve.
The most important things we should look at are really what can have the most impact operating in those environments, with shallow sea green water (where land based tactical aircraft can comfortably operate), those platforms that can cross the strait in large numbers, and those that can fire across the strait.
Most obviously are those amphibious vessels between 500 - 4000 tonnes of a number of types (LSM, LST, large LCACs, etc), basically shpe made for those type of environments and distances. Almost as obvious are the large RoRo ships and other civilian ships built to handle military equipment, and some novel platforms like those resembling Mulberry harbours. Then you have other things that are critical in maintaining local superiority of air, and sea control, as well as fire support for such an operation, such as these things to watch in no particular order:
Capital ships like carriers and other systems like strategic bombers should only play a support role.
- the number of artillery units equipped with long range MLRS (e.g. PHL-16)
- the number of land based medium range UAV in ISR and CIS roles
- the number of guided SRBM and MRBMs available to target critical military infrastructure
- the pace of fully modernizing the SSKs to block certain geographic choke points
- a large increase in the number of MPAs + fully modernized ASW helo fleet
- a large increase in the number of VLO tactical platforms that can operate over contested air space (J-35A might be critical here to provide the sufficient mass)
- the number of available ASW platforms that can be stationed to around the theatre to minimize presence of foreign subs (mainly 056A and 054A/B here)
- availability of long range SAM systems with coverage over the island
- availability of air defence destroyers on approaches to the theatre (e.g. from Okinawa or Luzon)
- land based platforms that are available to launch ASM (e.g. some H-6 variants)
- a large increase in the available AEWACs and ELINT fleet
- any a number of other things.
I don't disagree with these points with regards specifically to the Taiwan operation, but I consider the A2/AD part a much bigger challenge than conquering the island itself, hence the importance placed on assets that operate between 1IC and 2IC.
I agree that we should see more of these items you've mentioned during the years leading up to the fight.