lmao if russian military can actually do that , then their will go around show off their massive k/d ratio scoreboard right now =))What the fuck are you talking about?
All nations with somewhat "complete" military rosters (meaning army, air force, IADS, rocket force) fight with pretty much the same overarching doctrine ever since Vietnam war. This is true for China, US, Russia and even Israel alike. The doctrine is to spam as much munitions as sustainable while using "networked targeting" to find the enemies, it's a live process that goes on every moment.
The most advanced nations like China, possibly US (and Russia in the border territories where they recieve international support) do not need to rely on infantry manually engaging the enemy first and then call on fire support like Donbass front Russia, Israel or US in the Vietnam war. They can have live surveillance of the enemy using satellites and drones, identify the weak points and support an infantry assault with heavy fires from beginning to end.
The ranking of strength comes from how much munitions a nation can sustain, salvo math.
all they did are fighting just like poor nation , entirely depend on bombarment first then infantry and armor spear head with bare minimum direct instant call-in fire support =))
what i talk about is the ability to offer real time instant fire support for your assault task force (max 5 miniute waiting time)
that the thing make superpower military stand out in fight
poor military bombarment first then infantry/armor assault > if shit still too hot > retreat and wait half a fking day for another bombarment > repeat the process .....very ineffective way of fighting
superpower rich military bombarment then infantry/armor assault > if shit still too hot > radio call-in fire support > shit tons of fire balls coming in less than 5 minute wait > problem remove >infantry/armor come in finish off whatever left > keep on advance
easy to understand now ? russian never able to do that kind of fighting in ukraine till today that the reason the war turn into a fking grind feast for years
opps alot of people care , why do you think first guft war shock entire china grovernment and military ?I mean, in this planning scenario, you are trying to minimize the cost and human resources to achieve the goal. And even more importantly, minimize the amount of time that is needed to achieve an irreversible outcome, that any outside interventions cannot undo. So doing everything you can would be of paramount importance to cut that process as short as possible, by using every advantage you potentially have.
Who cares if some people on social media or some western analyst calls you "backward" or "imitator" or whatever, after the fact. It doesn't mean that they are right. At the end of the day, achieving the desired outcome is what matters in the long run.
and the shit show grind feast russian did in ukraine not ?
do you think US can have the fame and the love they had today if they fight the gulf war poorly like russian did in ukraine ?
the fight to take taiwan is similar as gulf war 1 , ukraine : first time a supposed to be superpower nation seriously launch a war .
entire world will watch how PLA perform specially the k/d ratio and war vehicles (tank , aircraft , heli , warship) combat loss .
now tell me how china grovernment and it citizen want the world to see ? a giant dragon wake up after long sleep easily crush it prey come out victory with huge positive scoreboard , bare minimum loss just like US did after gulf war
or a wannabe superpower tried so hard to be cool and end up with grind feast uncertain pyrrhic victory at best ?
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