PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


Banned Idiot
Registered Member
Big Bun has already done some CGs in light of the recent news about the floating barge:
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For the landing fleet I think another piece of specialized equipment is necessary - a line of dedicated SHORAD ships to protect these artificial harbours from HIMARS and Thunderbolt 2000 attack. Imagine civilian grade hull filled from bow to stern with HHQ-10 and 1130, plus armament for dealing with USV (which might just be 1130 if it can be used in that capacity).

RIP taiwan !!


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We're talking about 2 different topics. I have my own views on the viability of taking Green/Orchid islands to start with but I'm not engaging you on this.

I'm limiting my discussion to simply the barges and their relevance to logistics. You use Mulberry-like installations when you need to land large volumes of supplies on a beach to support an across-water log chain.

You're talking about the viability of taking outlying islands in case of a Taiwan AR.

My question then to you is what is the likely level of logistics flow in-to/out-of Green/Orchid Islands?
1. Does that envisioned operations on Green/Orchid require that "high" level of supply flow to support? If it does, then yes, it may make sense to construct a dock.
2. If it doesn't, then why? Cos Green/Orchid is not a source of supplies either. By way of example, if Green/Orchid had a captured, functioning refinery/bunkerage facility, then sure, it might make sense to construct a dock as it will then be a source of supplies.

Not even going to talk about possibility of that "high" volume supply line being interdicted ...

Orchid Island, maybe not. That seems like an ideal candidate for placing the majority of the ISR assets, with a couple layers of air defence batteries, and a small amount of ASCM there. That would guard the SE approach to a quarantine/blockage zone.

Green Island, potentially. It directly faces Taitung and the head of the Huatung valley. It is basically barely over the horizon from what I can see. And it would probably be an essential take if the operational plan is to push up both sides of the island from the south (most likely IMO). And given that it is lightly defended from all the sources that I have seen so far, basically would not take more than a battalion of troops once air superiority is achieved. So I would imaging that any east coast landing scenario would place capital importance on Green I, and would require a lot of supply, engineering, and medical replenishments over time.

It could easily be used for ground based tube artillery and short range rocket artillery, and other forms of ground based fire support. It can also be a logistics node provided that you have had time to build up some logistic infrastructures, especially a local supply depot / ammunition dump / fuel storage / etc. It certainly can act to launch and recover drones that do loitering CIS over that part of the island, once you have some basic austere air strip built in days. It can also be a staging ground to rotate in an out front line troops, medical services right behind the front line, maintenance depots for some basic repairs, and many other uses.

Like I said, I'm not an expert on the geography for this part of the world, but unless I'm missing something, those two islands seem to be no brainers. And for a good majority of the scenarios, some temporary docking facility that can be quickly set up (think days) would be essential to that effort.


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Orchid Island, maybe not. That seems like an ideal candidate for placing the majority of the ISR assets, with a couple layers of air defence batteries, and a small amount of ASCM there. That would guard the SE approach to a quarantine/blockage zone.

Green Island, potentially. It directly faces Taitung and the head of the Huatung valley. It is basically barely over the horizon from what I can see. And it would probably be an essential take if the operational plan is to push up both sides of the island from the south (most likely IMO). And given that it is lightly defended from all the sources that I have seen so far, basically would not take more than a battalion of troops once air superiority is achieved. So I would imaging that any east coast landing scenario would place capital importance on Green I, and would require a lot of supply, engineering, and medical replenishments over time.

It could easily be used for ground based tube artillery and short range rocket artillery, and other forms of ground based fire support. It can also be a logistics node provided that you have had time to build up some logistic infrastructures, especially a local supply depot / ammunition dump / fuel storage / etc. It certainly can act to launch and recover drones that do loitering CIS over that part of the island, once you have some basic austere air strip built in days. It can also be a staging ground to rotate in an out front line troops, medical services right behind the front line, maintenance depots for some basic repairs, and many other uses.

Like I said, I'm not an expert on the geography for this part of the world, but unless I'm missing something, those two islands seem to be no brainers. And for a good majority of the scenarios, some temporary docking facility that can be quickly set up (think days) would be essential to that effort.
what is meaning of "could" here ? PLA never think about allow their infantry enjoy the fun US infantry often have aka fighting under direct real time (like video game) call-in fire power support ?

even in this era where PLA no longer the poor army like they was in 50s ?

even non-military expert like me know what different between a superpower and poor country based on how their infantry fighting

like russia and many other poor countries : they only able to afford bombarment first then infantry assault after , if situation still so unbreathable for attacking infantry > retreat and wait for bombarment again then repeat procress

very ineffective because by enemy just hide in their bunker , cave ..etc during the so called "bombarment" and comeback out after it stop to fight your infantry/armor assault . both side repeat same fking procress over and over again waste so much time and blood (specially on attacking side)

real superpower like US laugh at that stupid tactics because they are rich and powerful : they can easily set up so many foward fire base near frontline protect them with air/sea power : those base host crap tons of artillery , guilded rocket , close air support communication center

so whatever time their infantry and armor on frontline meet some heat can't handle it on their own > they have the luxury to direct real-time call-in (like playing fking video game) all sort of fire support drowning enemy in fire , remove the problem then keep advance

see the different ? that how you make the world love you , believe in you whatever time you bullshit about how advantage tech your nation your military are

seriously who gonna fucking like and believe you are the greatest superpower with most advantage tech in world if you can't have a nicest looking k/d scoreboard in war ?

isn't advantage tech , being rich , being powerful gold standard end game = save lives ?

at the end of the day humanity alway favor being alive instead of getting killed : dying in mass for your nation do jack shit compare to making enemy do so

massive lopside k/d ratio matter , after a fight you suffer minor injury while stepping on a fking mountain of enemy dead body is the greatest achievement in all military , propagranda , soft-power terms
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what is meaning of "could" here ? PLA never think about allow their infantry enjoy the fun US infantry often have aka fighting under direct real time (like video game) call-in fire power support ?

even in this era where PLA no longer the poor army like they was in 50s ?

even non-military expert like me know what different between a superpower and poor country based on how their infantry fighting

like russia and many other poor countries : they only able to afford bombarment first then infantry assault after , if situation still so unbreathable for attacking infantry > retreat and wait for bombarment again then repeat procress

very ineffective because by enemy just hide in their bunker , cave ..etc during the so called "bombarment" and comeback out after it stop to fight your infantry/armor assault . both side repeat same fking procress over and over again waste so much time and blood (specially on attacking side)

real superpower like US laugh at that stupid tactics because they are rich and powerful : they can easily set up so many foward fire base near frontline protect them with air/sea power : those base host crap tons of artillery , guilded rocket , close air support communication center

so whatever time their infantry and armor on frontline meet some heat can't handle it on their own > they have the luxury to direct real-time call-in (like playing fking video game) all sort of fire support drowning enemy in fire , remove the problem then keep advance

see the different ? that how you make the world love you , believe in you whatever time you bullshit about how advantage tech your nation your military are

human favor live over death : dying in mass for your nation do jack shit compare to making enemy do so

massive lopside k/d ratio matter , after a fight you suffer minor injury while stepping on a fking mountain of enemy dead body is the greatest achievement in all military , propagranda , soft-power terms

Not sure what you mean.

Do you mean that countries with high level of military spending would not need short / medium range artillery support ?

In a real war, you use everything that you have, and prepare to use everything that you can get your hands on. Different forms of fire support / artillery / air strikes have different uses in distinct contexts. You need them all, and if you want to actually win the war, then you would plan for all of the eventualities, and maximize the effect of everything that you can deploy in that time frame.

You don't win wars by using only hypersonic weapons and carriers, and announce to the world that you have the most vaunted military equipment. You win wars by using everything you have, and build / plan for everything that would be potentially useful, and then deploy each form to maximize your advantage for each battlefiled situation. That's true whether you are the US, PRC, or Russia, or any other smaller nations out there.


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sorry but with all good talking about how rich , powerful , advantage tech current PLA is

i gonna be very fucking sad if they can't hit atleast 5+/1 k/d ratio vs taiwan defense force

and once again must relied on bravery , skillful and sacrifice (lmao) tactics of PLA marines to overcome enemy machine gun/sniper/ATGM nest like many war again japan , korean war movie they product

in my eyes and alot of new gen of young people : depend on your infantry sacrifice and tactics = poor backwater shit hole nation not a real superpower


Registered Member
what is meaning of "could" here ? PLA never think about allow their infantry enjoy the fun US infantry often have aka fighting under direct real time (like video game) call-in fire power support ?

even in this era where PLA no longer the poor army like they was in 50s ?

even non-military expert like me know what different between a superpower and poor country based on how their infantry fighting

like russia and many other poor countries : they only able to afford bombarment first then infantry assault after , if situation still so unbreathable for attacking infantry > retreat and wait for bombarment again then repeat procress

very ineffective because by enemy just hide in their bunker , cave ..etc during the so called "bombarment" and comeback out after it stop to fight your infantry/armor assault . both side repeat same fking procress over and over again waste so much time and blood (specially on attacking side)

real superpower like US laugh at that stupid tactics because they are rich and powerful : they can easily set up so many foward fire base near frontline protect them with air/sea power : those base host crap tons of artillery , guilded rocket , close air support communication center

so whatever time their infantry and armor on frontline meet some heat can't handle it on their own > they have the luxury to direct real-time call-in (like playing fking video game) all sort of fire support drowning enemy in fire , remove the problem then keep advance

see the different ? that how you make the world love you , believe in you whatever time you bullshit about how advantage tech your nation your military are

seriously who gonna fucking like and believe you are the greatest superpower with most advantage tech in world if you can't have a nicest looking k/d scoreboard in war ?

isn't advantage tech , being rich , being powerful gold standard end game = save lives ?

at the end of the day humanity alway favor being alive instead of getting killed : dying in mass for your nation do jack shit compare to making enemy do so

massive lopside k/d ratio matter , after a fight you suffer minor injury while stepping on a fking mountain of enemy dead body is the greatest achievement in all military , propagranda , soft-power terms
What the fuck are you talking about?

All nations with somewhat "complete" military rosters (meaning army, air force, IADS, rocket force) fight with pretty much the same overarching doctrine ever since Vietnam war. This is true for China, US, Russia and even Israel alike. The doctrine is to spam as much munitions as sustainable while using "networked targeting" to find the enemies, it's a live process that goes on every moment.

The most advanced nations like China, possibly US (and Russia in the border territories where they recieve international support) do not need to rely on infantry manually engaging the enemy first and then call on fire support like Donbass front Russia, Israel or US in the Vietnam war. They can have live surveillance of the enemy using satellites and drones, identify the weak points and support an infantry assault with heavy fires from beginning to end.

The ranking of strength comes from how much munitions a nation can sustain, salvo math.


New Member
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Not sure what you mean.

Do you mean that countries with high level of military spending would not need short / medium range artillery support ?

In a real war, you use everything that you have, and prepare to use everything that you can get your hands on. Different forms of fire support / artillery / air strikes have different uses in distinct contexts. You need them all, and if you want to actually win the war, then you would plan for all of the eventualities, and maximize the effect of everything that you can deploy in that time frame.

You don't win wars by using only hypersonic weapons and carriers, and announce to the world that you have the most vaunted military equipment. You win wars by using everything you have, and build / plan for everything that would be potentially useful, and then deploy each form to maximize your advantage for each battlefiled situation. That's true whether you are the US, PRC, or Russia, or any other smaller nations out there.
meaning what kind of fighting current china military with all the talking about being rich , powerful , advance tech plan to do ?

bombarment first > infantry/armor assault after then repeat just like shit tons of poor nation did now and in the fast

or like a real superpower trade explosive for blood , allow their infantry enjoy easy mode combat like video game as US did ?


New Member
Registered Member
sorry but with all good talking about how rich , powerful , advantage tech current PLA is

i gonna be very fucking sad if they can't hit atleast 5+/1 k/d ratio vs taiwan defense force

and once again must relied on bravery , skillful and sacrifice (lmao) tactics of PLA marines to overcome enemy machine gun/sniper/ATGM nest like many war again japan , korean war movie they product

in my eyes and alot of new gen of young people : depend on your infantry sacrifice and tactics = poor backwater shit hole nation not a real superpower

I mean, in this planning scenario, you are trying to minimize the cost and human resources to achieve the goal. And even more importantly, minimize the amount of time that is needed to achieve an irreversible outcome, that any outside interventions cannot undo. So doing everything you can would be of paramount importance to cut that process as short as possible, by using every advantage you potentially have.

Who cares if some people on social media or some western analyst calls you "backward" or "imitator" or whatever, after the fact. It doesn't mean that they are right. At the end of the day, achieving the desired outcome is what matters in the long run.