Those headaches would not be a problem if WTC has the opportunity to concentrate its resources and repeat another 1962-type shock victory in Southern Tibet and areas surrounding Pangong Lake. And you would likely see the biggest air-to-air match since World War II with the PLA being the likely winner as results of superior system of systems and fighter planes. It would majour blow to Hindu nationalists' narratives and the BJP's legitimacy.I'd prefer not to deal with Indians in the first place. Also do you know how much headache deporting Indians can be, Canadians already found out a while ago
A risk for this war-scenario would be if the PLA targets India's defence and civilian industries leading to a Bhopal-type tragedy, giving New Delhi a justification to break its NFU doctrine (or if New Delhi targets key nuclear industries in Sichuan with conventional ballistic missiles, leading to a Chinese nuclear response).