PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


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I too use to think all the PLA formalism stuff like folding quilt into a little square each day and marching was a waste of time. But having grown older and seen what it's like to manage people I get it, it's all part of a system to instil discipline and esprit de corps. Ironically it was Whampoa Military Academy that came up with a lot of these and PLA inherited it thanks to many early commanders being Whampoa graduates. ROC abandoning it isn't going to do the quality of their troops any services. See the difference between PLA and Indian army when hand to hand fighting is required.

What are you talking about? I thought it was pretty clearly and broadly accepted by the mainstream media that India eradicated the entire PLA in hand-to-hand combat at Doklam. All the current PLA are fresh recruits to replenish those losses. Jai hind motherfucker!


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There is also a huge drug problem in US Special Forces that is not well publicized in the mainstream

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Mission accomplished:
Since 2015, there have been at least 16 drug overdose deaths at Fort Bragg, according to internal Army documents reviewed by Of that, at least two were junior enlisted soldiers training to become
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who overdosed on cocaine laced with fentanyl.

Deadly drug overdoses have spiked across the country since 2019, largely due to the introduction of fentanyl, a cheap synthetic opioid that is often mixed with other drugs. Fentanyl is similar to morphine, but up to 100 times more powerful. In 2020, there were 91,799 drug overdose deaths in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


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I too use to think all the PLA formalism stuff like folding quilt into a little square each day and marching was a waste of time. But having grown older and seen what it's like to manage people I get it, it's all part of a system to instil discipline and esprit de corps. Ironically it was Whampoa Military Academy that came up with a lot of these and PLA inherited it thanks to many early commanders being Whampoa graduates. ROC abandoning it isn't going to do the quality of their troops any services. See the difference between PLA and Indian army when hand to hand fighting is required.

Some of it is pretty stupid to be honest, but you are right about the purpose. Those kind of marching drills are quite an easy way to learn teamwork.

Mission accomplished:

That’s not even the worst. Couldn’t find this article before but did now.

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India, Taiwan Hold Military Simulations Focusing On Indo-China Border, Taiwan Strait Amid Beijing’s Muscle Flexing​

Think tanks from Taiwan and India recently concluded the military simulations, which focused on scenarios pertaining to the Taiwan Strait and the Sino-Indian border in 2035.

According to Taiwan’s Central News Agency (CNA), a delegation from Taiwan’s Institute for National Defense and Security Research (INDSR) visited the United Service Institution of India (USI) last month.

The simulations, described as tabletop exercises, were led by India, in contrast to previous such events, which typically saw leadership from the United States.
Shen Ming-Shih, head of the INDSR delegation, noted that the participation of seven retired generals and seven former diplomats from India provided valuable insights into perspectives from various regions, including the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Central Asia, West Asia, and Russia.
Shen expressed optimism about leveraging this collaborative effort for future cooperation between India and Taiwan in conducting multi-party joint military exercises.

The discussions centered around potential developments in the Indo-Pacific security landscape in 2035, with a keen focus on the evolving situations in the Taiwan Strait and the Sino-Indian border.
Shen further added that during the concluding phase of discussions, B K Sharma, Director at United Service Institution of India, facilitated an in-depth exchange of views among Indian participants regarding India’s prospective role and the responses of various nations in the event of a conflict in the Taiwan Strait.
I can't express how happy I was after reading this news, maybe not as happy as PLA Western Theater Command.
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India, Taiwan Hold Military Simulations Focusing On Indo-China Border, Taiwan Strait Amid Beijing’s Muscle Flexing​

Think tanks from Taiwan and India recently concluded the military simulations, which focused on scenarios pertaining to the Taiwan Strait and the Sino-Indian border in 2035.

I can't express how happy I was after reading this news, maybe not as happy as PLA Western Theater Command.

That means China must be prepared to fight a full-scale war on two separate fronts simultaneously.

Thankfully, China has the Himalayan mountain ranges and the Tibetan Plateau as a natural shield. What China can do from now on are to build more airbases and runways + roadway strips, more roads and railway lines, plus more platforms and installations that will enable long-range operations of the PLAAF, PLAGF and PLARF across unforgiving terrain and on extended durations ().

In the meantime, China should start working towards establishing arrangements with Nepal, Myanmar and Pakistan that would allow the PLAAF to utilize their airspaces, PLAGF to station surveillance and intelligence equipment (and when required, transportation of troops, equipment and material through their territory), and PLAN to dock warships at their ports in times of war with India.

On the other hand, 2035? Really?