Uhhhhhh that "naval vessel" is a fking lighthouse as it currently stands! It's on the ground; how would you block it or ram it?? You'd need to drive right up to it to water cannon it; you'd ground your ship into the sand long before you got into water cannon range. Terrible example!
Coast guard can get harassed with water gun, physical blocking, ramming, no problem. When it comes to naval vessel like the one stranded on renaijiao, China only wait for it to fall apart after couple decades. That is the difference. If US coast guard comes, blocking is completely normal. You dont do that to naval vessel unless you actually are prepared for a war.
Here is a Chinese Coast Guard ship using hydro pump on a Philippino military vessel; one that's actually sailing in the ocean:
Entertainment is not an emotion unless you're on drugs.The only emotion I get is entertainment from you hype up US coast guard of all things.
I've already done that. By blocking and raming. Anything the Chinese Coast Guard can do to seize a ship, the US Coast Guard can do to stop it. I can't believe how difficult it is for you to understand. Here's a question for you: If the US Coast guard attempted to pirate a Chinese fishing boat while it is being guarded by the Chinese Coast Guard, is there anything the Chinese Coast Guard ship could do to stop it? If you reply yes, then replace the names and you have your answer. And don't imagine some 6 Chinese Coast Guard ships to one American one; the most likely encounter takes place when a lone or pair of Chinese Coast Guard vessels encounters a US vessel or 2 guarding an ROC Coast guard vessel. They can call for support but it's a long time on the high seas before others reach the area. With equal numbers, can you stop them?By all means explain how would a coast guard or naval vessel stopping China seizing a boat.
And that, right there, goes back to the beginning point of embarrassing China by showing the world that the application of Chinese laws depends on your power, and that the US has the power to be above those laws.In case of naval vessel it will not be harmed, but same curtesy do not extend to Taiwan boats.
Yeah and then the 7th fleet joins the party. That's called going to war. If you recall, as it pertains here, it's taking the bait.Option 1: blocking Chinese patrol physically. It can't, it is outnumbered unless a whole fleet come. In that case Chinese naval vessel can do the same and out number it.
See above.Option 2: ram Chinese boat. In that case Chinese are allowed to ram back and naval vessel cost way more to repair.
They likely will not do that, but if they did, they would likely be defeated on the spot. And then, go back up the the part where the 7th fleet joins the party.Option 3: shoot Chinese boats. The shore is couple miles away and the fleet will be in a terrible position for return fires. Not going to happen.
The electricity is supplied but whether the light bulb illuminates depends on its quality.Feel free to enlighten me if you have alternative methods.
No, they're not really there to protect anyone nor do they care about Taiwan or its boats. They're there to embarrass China and you know the US cares about nothing more than trying to embarrass China. As of now, they've not done it but elsewhere, they've deployed, especially in the SCS to bolster local coast guards and navies against China. If Taiwan cries to the world that its coast guard vessels are being seized, America will have every motive to send its coast guard and navy to show the world that America is still a reliable partner and that China can be backed down, especially if they're confident that that can do this without firing or being fired upon.Same same. You are laughing too. This whole sending a fleet to protect Taiwanese boat is dumb. China will call this bluff, that is why US will not do it. They are smarter than that. They know they will fail so they will not attempt.
Yeah, exactly, and China's not going on a shooting rampage either, even if the US sends ships, navy or Coast Guard, to guard ROC Coast guard ships as they go back to where they were once expelled or seized.They are not going on a shooting ramapge because China didnt give them face and boarded a boat couple mile in their own teritory.
1. Link the incident.Actually no, I take it back. US sent 2 carriers protecting ship from Yemeni pirates. Barely any response from US after their own civilian ship got hit. I'd say by now US is used to embarassments.![]()
2. The trouble with pirates is that they're just rats. If a rat steals from you and gets away, you let it go. If your main rival is caught in the act of stealing from you, you fight with all your might against him.
Inevitable means it can't be stopped, you know that, right? That means that you think there will definitely be a war between China and the US in 2 years?? The whole Soviet example showed the US navigating a declining Soviet Union so that it could fall peacefully without war and that's what I'm saying that China will do. So war is not inevitable.China is doing what I fully expected them to do in this situation, and as for the US, as they're the ones in the Soviet position they're certainly much more willing to go 'use it or lose it' in terms of conflict compared to the Soviets, so in the current terms a US initiated conflict is inevitable within 2 years regardless of administration.
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