trying to dress up an invasion effort of robbing people who have known freedom for the past 70 years into "glorious purpose" or "revitalization of a country" is pathetic, cruel and meaningless.
Thank you, but this is an internal civil war. You are an outsider, so your are free to have your opinion. The Chinese are not obligated to listen to you.
and lmao at the posters saying somehow china's justified because of chinese "psyche, history or culture", that sounds like some other dictator d**khead said recently when he decided to launch his country into a war that has bogged him down for 3 weeks now.
The difference is Ukraine is a sovereign UN member state, whereas Taiwan is not internationally recognized as sovereign state, much less not even an UN member state.
There is zero comparison between Ukraine and Taiwan, unless you have a superficial understanding of China-Taiwan relations.
regardless of what "most chinese" think,
and we should care what a random foreigner thinks about Chinese Civil War?
an overwhelming majority of taiwanese do not,
Usually expected within a Civil War....
and will not, accept CCP rule.
I didn't know it was an open invitation? After all, it is a Civil War, and nobody is obligated to accept the surrender terms. They are free to fight you know.
and the fact that CCP has not yet dared to launch an major offensive of any kind, physical, political or economical, speak more to its simple inability to do such thing.
China is focused on economic growth until it achieves globalized, industrialized, developed nation status, and then waiting for the right opportunity when US and world is distracted, then making a move on Taiwan. That is the West's worst nightmare, because it cannot stop China's rise before it gets too strong and while West is at the apex. What is wrong with this strategy? You want to provoke China into war? Ain't gonna happen.
as of today's PLA overall conventional capability, it has no chance against an allied intervention when it comes to taking tw.
This is true. That's why China is waiting until it's more economically and militarily powerful and the right opportunity when the world is distracted. What is wrong with this strategy?
and a defeat in tw would certainly mean the complete destruction of any meaningful PLAN and PLAAF forces,
which would also at best turn china into a bigger NK or at worst, lead to the eventual collapse of the CCP.
Exactly. Now you are understanding why nuclear war is on the table, because if CCP is at risk of revolution, then might as well pull the world down with it if it dares to intervene in China's internal civil war. You are understanding the nuclear brinkmanship now. Good job!
Now you foreigners want China to fight with one-arm tied behind it's back (no nukes) while lecturing China on sovereignty/territorial respect of Taiwanese freedom, while clearing ignoring that it's an internal affairs of China and an internal civil war. If you want to be suicidal, then feel free to intervene. Just know nuclear WW3 could be in play.