PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


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sure, and CCP and PLA has spent the last 70 years proving they are afraid of an allied intervention and extreme sanctions.
Along the same lines, what's stopping the US now from "freeing" North Korea and Iran? Oh and Afghanistan

Trying to make the argument here that Taiwan should not be reunified, is the equivalent of coming here and trying to argue that the Opium war and the subsequent century and a half of economic, territorial, and political losses were things that China deserved. It is that level of affront which you are speaking unto.
The equivalent argument to the US would be:
"The US, along with Europe, should compensate the world for spreading COVID to every corner of the planet. Without US and European incompetence, the world could have reached true COVID zero, and would not have seen deadly variants like Delta. Forcing a premature opening to stop their economies from imploding, and blaming other countries which successfully controlled COVID, is pathetic, cruel and meaningless, and serves only to fuel the crazy extremism which, like COVID, is running rampant in their countries."


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The equivalent argument to the US would be:
"The US, along with Europe, should compensate the world for spreading COVID to every corner of the planet. Without US and European incompetence, the world could have reached true COVID zero, and would not have seen deadly variants like Delta. Forcing a premature opening to stop their economies from imploding, and blaming other countries which successfully controlled COVID, is pathetic, cruel and meaningless, and serves only to fuel the crazy extremism which, like COVID, is running rampant in their countries."

Actually, I think an equivalent argument to the US or Europe would be something closer to:
"The US, along with Europe, should provide requisite economic, territorial and technological reparations with appropriate interest to the lands and peoples that had experienced seaborne colonization, genocide, pillaging and enslavement, including the severance and de-establishment of various nations and territories whose existence has been borne out as a result of said actions, and promotion of the indigenous populations to achieve proportionate demographic and socio-economic representation in their territories prior to colonization. The inability of those indigenous peoples and lands around the world to truly secure their own sovereignty and freedom of self determination without the threat of foreign violence, has served today only to perpetuate global race and regionality based systemic inequalities that will fuel future crazy grievances and conflicts."

Of course, such a thing is ridiculous to suggest, but it would be the equivalent.


trying to dress up an invasion effort of robbing people who have known freedom for the past 70 years into "glorious purpose" or "revitalization of a country" is pathetic, cruel and meaningless. and lmao at the posters saying somehow china's justified because of chinese "psyche, history or culture", that sounds like some other dictator d**khead said recently when he decided to launch his country into a war that has bogged him down for 3 weeks now.
You don't even know the history of Taiwan. 70 Years of freedom. KMT didn't end its one party rule until 1986. It just sad talking to people who know nothing but come here to preach.
regardless of what "most chinese" think, an overwhelming majority of taiwanese do not, and will not, accept CCP rule. and the fact that CCP has not yet dared to launch an major offensive of any kind, physical, political or economical, speak more to its simple inability to do such thing.
Taiwanese used to be against Japanese occupation but after a few decades taiwanese became dead hard Japanese imperial supporters and commit a ton of atrocities in mainland China. Last I checked, there are still significant of taiwanese either support reunification or at least willing to accept CPC ruling.
as of today's PLA overall conventional capability, it has no chance against an allied intervention when it comes to taking tw. and a defeat in tw would certainly mean the complete destruction of any meaningful PLAN and PLAAF forces, which would also at best turn china into a bigger NK or at worst, lead to the eventual collapse of the CCP.
If that's the case, why do you come here to preach. If the all powerful allies can obliterate Chinese forces, then you have nothing to worry about. But it doesn't look like you really have faith in what you just said. So you need to come here to proclaim how powerful and mighty taiwanese allies are? It isn't a vote of confidence But a need to convince oneself that what he or she believes in is true.


oh what gave it away? was it because of the vehement objection to invading a democracy and robbing its citizens of their way of life? or was it because i think it's genocidal to nuke the world because you can't take an island?
Ooh, that's an easy one! It was the hypocrisy of criticizing other countries for invasions (or even keeping military reunification as an option) while America invades more countries than anybody else in the world, all while being completely oblivious to your own evils. Oh, and also about preaching democracy despite not knowing what it means or America wouldn't have an electoral college that makes it possible for the majority vote to lose. Yeah, those gave it away big time.

PS. What's with setting your location to Mexico, and then instead of saying the US, you always hide behind "the allies" as if there here 25 different countries with you itching to fight China. Be a lil more confident in who you are. Check out my pic; like it? Love it? Have nightmares about it? LOL Now that's confidence. Never had anybody on here ask me where I'm from.
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oh what gave it away? was it because of the vehement objection to invading a democracy and robbing its citizens of their way of life? or was it because i think it's genocidal to nuke the world because you can't take an island?
How many democratic countries the US has invaded? How many times the US has threatened other countries with nukes because it didn't get what it wanted. You are just another hypocrite that comes here to play moral high ground when you have none.


Registered Member
oh what gave it away? was it because of the vehement objection to invading a democracy and robbing its citizens of their way of life? or was it because i think it's genocidal to nuke the world because you can't take an island?
Your ignorance on the topic was a clue.

Do you know anything about the American Civil War? The Southern states wanted independence, why did America declare war on them? Why did you forcibly reintegrate them into the Union? It's the same situation with Taiwan.

As for nuclear weapons. As it's a domestic matter, they probably won't be necessary. If a foreign power intervenes then all bets are off. China has no interest in "nuking the world" and it's absurd that you think that.


Registered Member
invading... and robbing its citizens of their way of life
The US has done more of this than any other country in the world, and what's more, does it daily to their own citizens, esp. non whites

Do you know anything about the American Civil War? The Southern states wanted independence, why did America declare war on them? Why did you forcibly reintegrate them into the Union? It's the same situation with Taiwan.
I wonder if 100 years from now, global media will be reporting on the northern US re-invasion of the south, with social media commenters spamming "Glory to the South"


China has no interest in "nuking the world" and it's absurd that you think that.
That might have been my bad. I worded it a lil strongly and assumed people had common sense. I didn't mean to nuke the actual world; I meant to nuke everyone who attacked China when it came to a Taiwan conflict, if China could not win conventionally. I thought that that was obvious that a China under US attack wouldn't start launching on Argentina, Ghana, Uzbekistan, etc... and was sloppy on the wording. But it probably went way over the head of a guy who thinks that America has the moral high ground in terms of invasions.
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