PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


Registered Member
That might have been my bad. I worded it a lil strongly and assumed people had common sense. I didn't mean to nuke the actual world; I meant to nuke everyone who attacked China when it came to a Taiwan conflict, if China could not win conventionally.
If you meant 'western world' we forgive you already, but jokes aside, these countries wouldn't have the guts to do anything if push came to shove and there was a real chance they would get hit.


Registered Member
That might have been my bad. I worded it a lil strongly and assumed people had common sense. I didn't mean to nuke the actual world; I meant to nuke everyone who attacked China when it came to a Taiwan conflict, if China could not win conventionally. I thought that that was obvious and was sloppy on the wording... but it probably went way over the head of a guy who thinks that America has the moral high ground in terms of invasions.
Your wording was fine. To him "the world" is a certain 15% of the worlds population.


If you meant 'western world' we forgive you already, but jokes aside, these countries wouldn't have the guts to do anything if push came to shove and there was a real chance they would get hit.
Yeah, for real. I brought way too much Chinese Rambo persona into this conversation. The West is actually made up of a bunch of countries that go, "Oh hell, nooooooooooooooooooooooo," the instant they heard Russian nukes come out of the driveway. Shit, they didn't even talk about actually fighting Russia even before Putin's nuclear threat, and all that includes the USA just the same as everyone else. Anyone talking about "the allies" handing China a conventional defeat is talking through a crackpipe.


Junior Member
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oh what gave it away? was it because of the vehement objection to invading a democracy and robbing its citizens of their way of life? or was it because i think it's genocidal to nuke the world because you can't take an island?

That's cute. We keep hearing this virtue signaling bullshit but your country is number 1 at all types of invasions, coups, illegal medical experimentation, colonization of populated land, etc.

But fine, let's just limit it to democracies (or countries aspiring to be democracies through democratic elections) and limit the time period to the start of the Cold War:

Democratically elected doctor and medic overthrown by the CIA-led opposition:
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CIA involvement in overthrowing the democratically elected government of Syria led by Shukri al-Quwatli and installing a military dictatorship (just one month later the new dictator approves the Trans-Arabian pipeline pushed by the US, despite having previously been held up by the democratically elected Syrian parliament):
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CIA-sponsored coup after the Iranian parliament decided to nationalize oil production. A constitutional monarchy with democratic elections was turned into an authoritarian dictatorship through CIA bribery, intimidation, and the direct sponsoring of 18 of their "favorite" candidates in the legislative elections. CIA-sponsored dictatorship only ends with the revolution of 1979, when security forces of the US-sponsored dictator refused to shoot into civilian crowds:
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Direct CIA coup of the democratically elected government of Guatemala and her president Jacobo Arbenz, installing the first of many right-wing dictators who committed many massacres. Up to 200,000 dead from the civil war alone, and the American reason wasn't the typical excuse of containment of Communism. Corporate interests of the United Fruit Company were of vastly more importance. Robbing citizens of their way of life you say? Well, the US overthrew this government because the United Fruit Company was worried about less profit due to the introduction of anti-exploitation laws:
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A failed coup plot by the far-right CIA-led Syrian Social Nationalist Party (literal fascists) when they were discovered and quote "The operation was uncovered and American plotters had to flee the country:":
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A year later another failed coup plot against Syria by the CIA which included "assassination of key senior Syrian officials, staged military incidents on the Syrian border to be blamed on Syria and then to be used as pretext for invasion by Iraqi and Jordanian troops, an intense US propaganda campaign targeting the Syrian population, and "sabotage, national conspiracies and various strong-arm activities" to be blamed on Damascus". Of course, the US denied it happened at the time and said it was a lying Commie state:
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Look, I'm not even a decade into this, not even close to getting started, I could keep going for hours. We are still at 1957 LOL. Can we please just stop with this bullshit belief that the US gives a single solitary shit about any country that isn't either White or convenient to fight for because its in the American strategic interest to do so. In fact, going out of your way to cause all kinds of humanitarian disasters and savagery, in one decade more than China over the last 80 years (honestly more than China and the vast majority of countries combined over the last 80 years).


Senior Member
Registered Member
sure, and CCP and PLA has spent the last 70 years proving they are afraid of an allied intervention and extreme sanctions.
The allied intervention got their butt's kicked in Korea despite having the upper hand in military tech (although that upper hand did let them hold south Korea).

Also Taiwan was a dictorship until the 80s lol, so much for muh freedumb for 70 years (go and actually start reading stuff kid)


Junior Member
Near impossible mainland China will nuke on Taiwan.

That will render the island unliveable and will not serve China's strategic interests. Moreover there are still Taiwanese who wants reunification. Why would mainland wants to harm them?

Best way forward if peaceful settlement is impossible is to invade Taiwan and place it under martial law for a brief period.

Once martial law lifted, the island will become an autonomous province like Xinjiang and Tibet where the provincial head will be appointed by central authority. One country two system is applicable only for peaceful reunification, thus not applicable if mainland retake the island by force.


Registered Member
trying to dress up an invasion effort of robbing people who have known freedom for the past 70 years into "glorious purpose" or "revitalization of a country" is pathetic, cruel and meaningless. and lmao at the posters saying somehow china's justified because of chinese "psyche, history or culture", that sounds like some other dictator d**khead said recently when he decided to launch his country into a war that has bogged him down for 3 weeks now.

regardless of what "most chinese" think, an overwhelming majority of taiwanese do not, and will not, accept CCP rule. and the fact that CCP has not yet dared to launch an major offensive of any kind, physical, political or economical, speak more to its simple inability to do such thing.

as of today's PLA overall conventional capability, it has no chance against an allied intervention when it comes to taking tw. and a defeat in tw would certainly mean the complete destruction of any meaningful PLAN and PLAAF forces, which would also at best turn china into a bigger NK or at worst, lead to the eventual collapse of the CCP.
Brave talk coming from an ignorant little pissant. Having known "freedom for 70 years" statement of yours about Taiwan goes to show what an ignorant "child" not to mention historically ignorant or perhaps inflicted with wilfully amnesia on the history of Taiwan under the "glorious dictatorship" of the KMT from it's establishment back in 1949 until the early 90's.

As for suggesting that the sole reason for the PLA for not "daring to attack"or commit an offensive operation against Taiwan, was somehow due to it's "inability" to do so once again speaks of your willful ignorance of the condition that the CPC/PLA have stated time after time that the Taiwan reunification will commence if the super duper freedom loving separatists in Taiwan dares to declare a FORMAL INDEPENDENCE. Has that happened yet? Has the American and your super duper "allied" nations legally recognized Taiwan as a SOVEREIGN COUNTRY?

I mean, if it's so easy to beat the PLA forces why haven't your brave, tough, strong militaries done so already. Come on, do it. What are you all waiting for.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
That's cute. We keep hearing this virtue signaling bullshit but your country is number 1 at all types of invasions, coups, illegal medical experimentation, colonization of populated land, etc.

But fine, let's just limit it to democracies (or countries aspiring to be democracies through democratic elections) and limit the time period to the start of the Cold War:

Democratically elected doctor and medic overthrown by the CIA-led opposition:
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CIA involvement in overthrowing the democratically elected government of Syria led by Shukri al-Quwatli and installing a military dictatorship (just one month later the new dictator approves the Trans-Arabian pipeline pushed by the US, despite having previously been held up by the democratically elected Syrian parliament):
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CIA-sponsored coup after the Iranian parliament decided to nationalize oil production. A constitutional monarchy with democratic elections was turned into an authoritarian dictatorship through CIA bribery, intimidation, and the direct sponsoring of 18 of their "favorite" candidates in the legislative elections. CIA-sponsored dictatorship only ends with the revolution of 1979, when security forces of the US-sponsored dictator refused to shoot into civilian crowds:
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Direct CIA coup of the democratically elected government of Guatemala and her president Jacobo Arbenz, installing the first of many right-wing dictators who committed many massacres. Up to 200,000 dead from the civil war alone, and the American reason wasn't the typical excuse of containment of Communism. Corporate interests of the United Fruit Company were of vastly more importance. Robbing citizens of their way of life you say? Well, the US overthrew this government because the United Fruit Company was worried about less profit due to the introduction of anti-exploitation laws:
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A failed coup plot by the far-right CIA-led Syrian Social Nationalist Party (literal fascists) when they were discovered and quote "The operation was uncovered and American plotters had to flee the country:":
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A year later another failed coup plot against Syria by the CIA which included "assassination of key senior Syrian officials, staged military incidents on the Syrian border to be blamed on Syria and then to be used as pretext for invasion by Iraqi and Jordanian troops, an intense US propaganda campaign targeting the Syrian population, and "sabotage, national conspiracies and various strong-arm activities" to be blamed on Damascus". Of course, the US denied it happened at the time and said it was a lying Commie state:
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Look, I'm not even a decade into this, not even close to getting started, I could keep going for hours. We are still at 1957 LOL. Can we please just stop with this bullshit belief that the US gives a single solitary shit about any country that isn't either White or convenient to fight for because its in the American strategic interest to do so. In fact, going out of your way to cause all kinds of humanitarian disasters and savagery, in one decade more than China over the last 80 years (honestly more than China and the vast majority of countries combined over the last 80 years).
Allende in Chile. Lumumba in the Congo. Financial support to Apartheid South Africa, Brazil in ‘62. Even Greece and Italy in the 50’s I think it was.

The list is so long we’ll be here for days.

Seriously, I dare this POS to respond to these. We can separate the “democratic” ones from the “others” and still have 2 huge lists. Disgusting excuses for human beings with absolutely no shame whatsoever. A blight on this world.


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@Bltizo is there a particular reason for allowing @ecaedus to continue polluting this thread? He's clearly not here to debate properly or in good faith. It's also abundantly clear he has no interest in understanding the history of Taiwan or engaging in the geopolitics of the current Mainland-Taiwan situation. Rather he seems more intent on engaging in polemics and lecturing/yelling at us about the righteousness of his worldview. Just look at the amount of disruption he's caused in this thread. Whether he intends to or not, what he's doing is the definition of trolling.