PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


Registered Member
trying to dress up an invasion effort of robbing people who have known freedom for the past 70 years into "glorious purpose" or "revitalization of a country" is pathetic, cruel and meaningless. and lmao at the posters saying somehow china's justified because of chinese "psyche, history or culture", that sounds like some other dictator d**khead said recently when he decided to launch his country into a war that has bogged him down for 3 weeks now.

regardless of what "most chinese" think, an overwhelming majority of taiwanese do not, and will not, accept CCP rule. and the fact that CCP has not yet dared to launch an major offensive of any kind, physical, political or economical, speak more to its simple inability to do such thing.

as of today's PLA overall conventional capability, it has no chance against an allied intervention when it comes to taking tw. and a defeat in tw would certainly mean the complete destruction of any meaningful PLAN and PLAAF forces, which would also at best turn china into a bigger NK or at worst, lead to the eventual collapse of the CCP.
LOL you have to spend so many words to prove that you're not afraid of CCP and PLA.


Senior Member
Registered Member
trying to dress up an invasion effort of robbing people who have known freedom for the past 70 years into "glorious purpose" or "revitalization of a country" is pathetic, cruel and meaningless. and lmao at the posters saying somehow china's justified because of chinese "psyche, history or culture", that sounds like some other dictator d**khead said recently when he decided to launch his country into a war that has bogged him down for 3 weeks now.

regardless of what "most chinese" think, an overwhelming majority of taiwanese do not, and will not, accept CCP rule. and the fact that CCP has not yet dared to launch an major offensive of any kind, physical, political or economical, speak more to its simple inability to do such thing.

as of today's PLA overall conventional capability, it has no chance against an allied intervention when it comes to taking tw. and a defeat in tw would certainly mean the complete destruction of any meaningful PLAN and PLAAF forces, which would also at best turn china into a bigger NK or at worst, lead to the eventual collapse of the CCP.
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trying to dress up an invasion effort of robbing people who have known freedom for the past 70 years into "glorious purpose" or "revitalization of a country" is pathetic, cruel and meaningless.
Pathetic is a country that recognizes the One China Policy and then tries to undermine it. Meaningless this is to those who don't understand blood connection because they've lost who they really are. And it is cruel because sometimes, it is painful to cut away what is wrong for wholesome tissue to grow in its stead.
and lmao at the posters saying somehow china's justified because of chinese "psyche, history or culture",
Lmao at people who don't understand Chinese people but try to apply Western principles to us.
that sounds like some other dictator d**khead said recently when he decided to launch his country into a war that has bogged him down for 3 weeks now.
3 weeks for a country the size of Ukraine? It's gonna be a sweet deal in the end. The d**ckhead is the country going all around the world trying to spread color revolutions because it insists that the whole world be under its control. And then that d**ckhead backs away from a fight when it realizes that it is against a determined nuclear foe, leaving its puppet crying out for help.
regardless of what "most chinese" think, an overwhelming majority of taiwanese do not, and will not, accept CCP rule.
If it comes to military means, then the living ones will and those are the ones who matter.
and the fact that CCP has not yet dared to launch an major offensive of any kind, physical, political or economical, speak more to its simple inability to do such thing.
No, this speaks to your inability to understand strategy and your American mindset that the military means are the preferable means rather than the last resort.
as of today's PLA overall conventional capability, it has no chance against an allied intervention when it comes to taking tw.
According to your wishes, not according to RAND. Also, not according to the reality in Ukraine that all those "allied" countries won't fight a real fight; heck, simply suggest that someone hand Polish jets to Ukraine and the debate over whom goes over like this:

and a defeat in tw would certainly mean the complete destruction of any meaningful PLAN and PLAAF forces, which would also at best turn china into a bigger NK or at worst, lead to the eventual collapse of the CCP.
You mean that a war over tw will either result in a Chinese victory or go nuclear and every country that dared fight against China will be in the stone-age. China might be too, but we all know that China grows faster, though not as fast as your imagination that China can be defeated here.
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Lieutenant General
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trying to dress up an invasion effort of robbing people who have known freedom for the past 70 years into "glorious purpose" or "revitalization of a country" is pathetic, cruel and meaningless. and lmao at the posters saying somehow china's justified because of chinese "psyche, history or culture", that sounds like some other dictator d**khead said recently when he decided to launch his country into a war that has bogged him down for 3 weeks now.

What you describe as pathetic, cruel and meaningless -- is seen by people on the other side as just, noble, and a correction of centuries of territorial, economic, military and political dismemberment that occurred from the actions of colonization and enforced through unjust military force.

Near the end of his term, Obama stated that the idea of "one China" and -- thus the political status of Taiwan -- is at the heart of China's conception of nationhood, and it was, and remains true. Trying to make the argument here that Taiwan should not be reunified, is the equivalent of coming here and trying to argue that the Opium war and the subsequent century and a half of economic, territorial, and political losses were things that China deserved. It is that level of affront which you are speaking unto.

regardless of what "most chinese" think, an overwhelming majority of taiwanese do not, and will not, accept CCP rule. and the fact that CCP has not yet dared to launch an major offensive of any kind, physical, political or economical, speak more to its simple inability to do such thing.

When different groups of people have strong views about things and when certain red lines are crossed, that is how war eventuates.

China would prefer to reunify with Taiwan in a peaceful manner, or at least to deter Taiwan from moving towards de jure independence. No one chooses to wage war without reason in an unprovoked manner, and China's red lines have yet to be crossed.

as of today's PLA overall conventional capability, it has no chance against an allied intervention when it comes to taking tw. and a defeat in tw would certainly mean the complete destruction of any meaningful PLAN and PLAAF forces, which would also at best turn china into a bigger NK or at worst, lead to the eventual collapse of the CCP.

It sounds like you yourself are making a very good case as to the importance of having a very potent nuclear deterrence.

i don't have to convince them anything, the people who believe that are sociopaths, period

I think your geopolitical views and perceptions of global historical righteousness might differ somewhat from most people here lol.

I regret the dogpiling that is going to ensue.
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Registered Member
regardless of what "most chinese" think, an overwhelming majority of taiwanese do not, and will not, accept CCP rule. and the fact that CCP has not yet dared to launch an major offensive of any kind, physical, political or economical, speak more to its simple inability to do such thing.
The opinions of those 'taiwanese' don't matter, if they want to go down the wrong direction then I hope they're happy with their choice when the consequences rain down on them.

Also, next time before making a fuss about what an 'overwhelming majority' of X people want, please make sure your hemisphere addresses the (real) grievances of native americans, Palestinians, Afghans, Iraqis, Libyans, African nations, plus all the other countries (genuine UN recognized) that have been destabilised or destroyed.


i don't have to convince them anything,
Guy shows up to a debate, ends up going, "I don't have to convince you of anything; you're all CRAZY!" Sounds like a winner LOL

You don't "have to" convince anybody of anything because you can't.
the people who believe that are sociopaths,
Sticks and stones may break your bones but Chinese nukes will stop you LOL
Your monthly cycle is off topic here.
sure, and CCP and PLA has spent the last 70 years proving they are afraid of an allied intervention and extreme sanctions.
You think that the China and PLA of 70 years ago is the same today? LOL These forces have spent the last 70 years evolving from a force that could not take Taiwan to a force that could, and will evolve into a force that could easily and without significant consequences. While the "allies" (a term you clearly like to hide behind since facing China alone is just too scary for you) just proved in Europe that there is no such thing as an allied intervention. Sanctions on China? China makes real goods for their fake money; their economies and lifestyle will collapse and China will continue to grow. You have proven your inability to understand anything more that to fight whenever you can... and then you call other people who prefer peaceful means sociopaths LOL
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Junior Member
Registered Member
trying to dress up an invasion effort of robbing people who have known freedom for the past 70 years into "glorious purpose" or "revitalization of a country" is pathetic, cruel and meaningless. and lmao at the posters saying somehow china's justified because of chinese "psyche, history or culture", that sounds like some other dictator d**khead said recently when he decided to launch his country into a war that has bogged him down for 3 weeks now.

regardless of what "most chinese" think, an overwhelming majority of taiwanese do not, and will not, accept CCP rule. and the fact that CCP has not yet dared to launch an major offensive of any kind, physical, political or economical, speak more to its simple inability to do such thing.

as of today's PLA overall conventional capability, it has no chance against an allied intervention when it comes to taking tw. and a defeat in tw would certainly mean the complete destruction of any meaningful PLAN and PLAAF forces, which would also at best turn china into a bigger NK or at worst, lead to the eventual collapse of the CCP.

Only delusional people think that place enjoy peace, or imaginary freedom, in the last 70 years. War has been a constant proverbial Damocles' sword directly above your collective head and cross strait tensions are the dominant theme of your so called taiwanese reality. Just say it, sucking up to American is what you called freedom? When they shove down over priced equipment and weapons you have to accept them open leg eagle spread, is that your freedom? Eating contaminated American pork, your well-being be damned, is your freedom? Hoping and praying for foreigners to come to your aid for your freedom is pathetic, cruel and meaningless dickheads' delusions of unimaginable degree and cowardice . Resistance is futile, cowards don't want to bleed for their servile existence and fake freedom under the shadow of their foreign masters. You bow and meekly walk away from US officials like your former president, foreigner minister, etc, what a shame, like their house servants. Is that the freedom you're talking about?


Registered Member
trying to dress up an invasion effort of robbing people who have known freedom for the past 70 years into "glorious purpose" or "revitalization of a country" is pathetic, cruel and meaningless. and lmao at the posters saying somehow china's justified because of chinese "psyche, history or culture", that sounds like some other dictator d**khead said recently when he decided to launch his country into a war that has bogged him down for 3 weeks now.
Are you American?
regardless of what "most chinese" think, an overwhelming majority of taiwanese do not, and will not, accept CCP rule.
People held hostage by an illegal regime cannot freely give their opinion on what sort of government they want.

If you think that's not true, what would you say if I told you most people in Tibet or Xinxiang are happy with their government?
and the fact that CCP has not yet dared to launch an major offensive of any kind, physical, political or economical, speak more to its simple inability to do such thing.
Peaceful coexistence is better than war, even if it is with an illegal regime. China has been around for 5,000 years, waiting another 5,10 or even years for reunification is no big deal.
as of today's PLA overall conventional capability, it has no chance against an allied intervention when it comes to taking tw. and a defeat in tw would certainly mean the complete destruction of any meaningful PLAN and PLAAF forces, which would also at best turn china into a bigger NK or at worst, lead to the eventual collapse of the CCP.
I guess we'll have to see on that. China already is a bigger North Korea, so I'm not sure what that means.