PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency

Jingle Bells

Junior Member
Registered Member
what a genocidal and idiotic thing to say....i know this forum is pro CCP but talking about destroying the world if a civil war doesn't go your way is too much.
What's that supposed to mean?!

Are you saying that the the US will not risk a nuclear war with Russia (which implies destroying the world), even if Russia invades a NATO country?! You're calling other people genocidal for sticking to core principles and redlines, yet at the same time, assume that your side (I supposed you are on the side of the West/NATO) will not be afraid to "destroy the world", AND will be right to do so?!?

You should look carefully at the context in which the other person's statements are, before smearing people with your brainwashed bullshit.


Registered Member
what a genocidal and idiotic thing to say....i know this forum is pro CCP but talking about destroying the world if a civil war doesn't go your way is too much.
What are you talking about? The fault lies in those who would escalate a minor regional conflict to global war. Once they escalate a regional conflict into global war all bets are off. Don't want to escalate? Don't think global war is worth it? Easy, then just let some small regional war remain some small regional war.

Nobody believed Azerbaijan vs Armenia would turn into WW3. But if Armenia called CSTO then it would be, and the fault would have been on Armenia.


Registered Member
China isn't Russia. I don't think anyone in the CPC will want to start a war with Taiwan unless it was guaranteed to be a quick and easy operation.

There may be circumstances where the CPC may feel compelled to invade; e.g. declaration of independence, or large scale political or humanitarian crisis in Taiwan, but it won't go out of its way to provoke a war.


New Member
Registered Member
seems like i've struck a nerve. lets call "reunification" what it is: an invasion on an island of 23million people with the goal to change their government, society and way of life.

i find it funny that some folks think the west is going to be the one escalating the war into MAD. in any case, judging by the current capabilities of PLA (and agreed by many posters here i believe), an invasion to occupy tw under the intervention of the allied forces will be a complete failure.

if china's strategy when facing defeat of invasion is to: "end the world" by launching nukes first, then i'm pretty sure the "world" is justified to do whatever's necessary to defend itself.

the world is not "forcing" china to launch an invasion, if china starts one then it must be ready to face the consequences, good or bad.


Senior Member
Registered Member
i find it funny that some folks think the west is going to be the one escalating the war into MAD. in any case, judging by the current capabilities of PLA (and agreed by many posters here i believe), an invasion to occupy tw under the intervention of the allied forces will be a complete failure.
That's a lot of assumptions there lol.

And also currently China does not want to invade (if the US is successful in making the vegatable declare independence, then it might force China's hand, although the US and its allies then need to go in and defend Taiwan which could escalate into a nuclear exchange though).

Also with the DF missiles and all, I'm honestly not sure US and its allies would win lol


Registered Member
i find it funny that some folks think the west is going to be the one escalating the war into MAD. in any case, judging by the current capabilities of PLA (and agreed by many posters here i believe), an invasion to occupy tw under the intervention of the allied forces will be a complete failure.

Many posters such as? Because I hasn’t seen really anyone on these threads that say that at all about total failure.
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Registered Member
what a genocidal and idiotic thing to say....i know this forum is pro CCP but talking about destroying the world if a civil war doesn't go your way is too much.
Also this topic is far more complicated then simply saying “if a civil war doesn’t go your way.” There are too many geopolitical issues and long term consequences associated with whoever wins to simply say “is too much” for a nuclear war to or not to happen due to the outcome.