PLA (strategic) news, pics, and videos


Grumpy Old Man
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An American NDU report

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Giving Our “Paper Tiger” Real Teeth Fixing the U.S. Military’s Plans for Contested Logistics Against China By Zachary S. Hughes
After all these years, NOW they remember logistics matters?

“amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics.”
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For those following China’s industrial, technology, and talent policies, the Party Committee of the State-Owned Enterprise Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC/国资委) has just published an important article in the first 2025 issue of Qiushi (求是). The article clarifies the roadmap for SOE reforms, emphasizing the mandate for SOEs to supercharge the innovation ecosystem to support the development of NQPFs (新质生产力). Some takeaways:
1. All-Out Focus on "0 to 1" Foundational Innovation
The article highlights the "transformative power of breakthroughs in basic research and original innovation," noting that such advancements "can fundamentally reshape industries and competition dynamics" (基础研究、原始创新一旦取得突破,很可能重塑产业和市场竞争格局).
SOEs are called to "place original innovation capabilities in an even more prominent position" (必须把提升原始创新能力摆在更加突出的位置).

2. Shifting Business Innovation from "Imitation and Followership" to "Pioneering and Leadership" (推动企业创新从跟踪模仿式向开创引领型转变)
The article explains this shift involves mastering critical "root technologies" (突破和掌握更多‘根技术’) and delivering "a series of original and disruptive achievements" (努力产出一批原创性、颠覆性成果).

3. Comprehensive Funding Mechanisms
The article emphasizes the need to "establish corporate R&D reserve systems" (建立企业研发准备金制度) and implement diversified funding strategies (健全多元化资金投入机制).
Investments will focus on critical areas where "other enterprises lack the willingness or capacity to contribute" (在国家和产业急需但其他企业缺乏意愿或能力的领域坚定投入), ensuring resources are directed toward high-impact projects.

4. Closing the Gap Between R&D and the Market
One of the biggest challenges SASAC identifies is the disconnect between research and commercialization, with many achievements "shelved and unable to break into the market" (科技成果敲不开‘市场的大门’,大量成果被‘束之高阁’).
Positioned "at the heart of China’s innovation ecosystem" (国有企业处在国家创新链条的枢纽位置), SOEs are tasked with driving technologies "from invention to industrialization" (着眼推动技术从发明到走向产业化).

5. Empowering Talent and Long-Term Research
The article stresses the importance of giving scientists "greater decision-making power over technical directions, funding, and resources" (赋予科学家更大技术路线决定权、更大经费支配权、更大资源调度权).
Reforms will focus on granting researchers "ownership of R&D achievements" (深化职务科技成果赋权改革), reducing bureaucratic burdens (持续为科研人员松绑减负), and fostering a "ten-year grind" mindset (十年磨一剑). These changes aim to create an environment where researchers can 潜心攻关—dedicating themselves fully to solving complex challenges without distractions or unnecessary administrative hurdles.

Full text (in Chinese):…


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A prototype of the Feiyi drone for underwater launch has been shown in China. The drone was created by specialists from the Northwestern Polytechnical University, in cooperation with the Chinese Society of Aeronautics. It is assumed that the drone will be launched from submarines and return to them after completing the task. How the drone will be controlled from a submarine is not reported, perhaps a cable or antenna on buoys will be used.



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Key Findings of US Rand Study Report (Another American perspective)

The CCP (they always get this wrong - should be CPC) has experienced long periods of transition between types of political legitimacy. Periods of stability for each type of political legitimacy have tended to last about ten years. According to this pattern, a transition to a new basis of political legitimacy is likely underway or imminent.
The strength of the CCP's revolutionary charisma legitimacy contributed to a dogged fighting style and impressive battlefield resilience in the Korean War. However, repeated policy failures discredited the CCP's revolutionary charisma–based legitimacy.
Although the turn to economic prosperity facilitated the military's embrace of modernization, it has proven a generally inferior substitute for the original Maoist formula in terms of the military's morale and willingness to take major risks and endure losses.
Under Xi, national populism as a type of legitimacy has incentivized the CCP to take more assertive actions to defend the nation's interests but paradoxically also increased its sensitivity to military casualties, which has resulted in a military that is improving its professionalism even as it remains cautious about combat operations.
How the CCP's legitimacy evolves in coming years will profoundly shape the form of military challenge posed by the PLA. The result could be a peer military competitor, but other scenarios are possible. For example, a weakened CCP and PLA could withhold cooperation on shared global security threats and exacerbate the burdens borne by the U.S. military and its allies and partners.


Ballistic missile earlier warning radar.



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Key Findings of US Rand Study Report (Another American perspective)

The CCP (they always get this wrong - should be CPC) has experienced long periods of transition between types of political legitimacy. Periods of stability for each type of political legitimacy have tended to last about ten years. According to this pattern, a transition to a new basis of political legitimacy is likely underway or imminent.
The strength of the CCP's revolutionary charisma legitimacy contributed to a dogged fighting style and impressive battlefield resilience in the Korean War. However, repeated policy failures discredited the CCP's revolutionary charisma–based legitimacy.
Although the turn to economic prosperity facilitated the military's embrace of modernization, it has proven a generally inferior substitute for the original Maoist formula in terms of the military's morale and willingness to take major risks and endure losses.
Under Xi, national populism as a type of legitimacy has incentivized the CCP to take more assertive actions to defend the nation's interests but paradoxically also increased its sensitivity to military casualties, which has resulted in a military that is improving its professionalism even as it remains cautious about combat operations.
How the CCP's legitimacy evolves in coming years will profoundly shape the form of military challenge posed by the PLA. The result could be a peer military competitor, but other scenarios are possible. For example, a weakened CCP and PLA could withhold cooperation on shared global security threats and exacerbate the burdens borne by the U.S. military and its allies and partners.
Coming from a country that's ACTUALLY CASUALTY AVERSE to the point that they keep TUCKING THEIR TAILS by cutting and running from every conflict they have entered since the Korean War to the Afghan conflict.

I didn't even bother reading the whole stupid "STUDY" it's just a self-licking ice cream coping from the dumb f..ks.

The bloodiest and costliest conflict the Americans suffered is from their own people back in the Civil War.