PLA Small arms


Tyrant King
A Barrett M107 fires a American spec 12.7x99mm round originally intended for the Browning M2 Heavy Machine gun. The QBU10 however is likely using the Same rounds the People Liberation Army grandfathered from the Soviet Union's arms sales. That means that its the round taken from the Dshk Machine gun but modernized. So its likely Firing a 12.7x108mm. A American fifty cal hit you like Gallagher does a Mellon. This will likely be even more over kill.



All high-resolution, by the way.










Junior Member
I wonder what that lens between the lasers is...

Still, finally China has her own ACOG equivalent fitting for the propetriary rail mount! And even with a reflex sight for close combat as well. Not bad.

Just, again, mounted tad too high off bore.


Tyrant King
Camouflage pattern is PAP. My guess is Snow Leopard show and tell. First four look like a Trijicon ACOG may be a 3 power with a mini dot co witness all. mounted on a illumination system green laser on the right, guessing IR laser on the left. Center is harder maybe a range finder or a flash light or a mini camera.
next picture is Bore sight gear meant to prove a zero on a rifle.
looks about the norm for a assault rifle. Probably 2-3 MOA.
laser/light combo on a pistol.
and lastly nod sight on a QBU88.


Tyrant King
I wonder what that lens between the lasers is...

Still, finally China has her own ACOG equivalent fitting for the propetriary rail mount! And even with a reflex sight for close combat as well. Not bad.

Just, again, mounted tad too high off bore.

that's not a equivalent of a ACOG that is ACOG the shape is way to close all the adjustments are in place the details scream ACOG. If it was a Equivalent there should be tells Chinese characters on the aluminum housing, a different shape.