PLA Navy news, pics and videos


Junior Member
Registered Member
I thought asif's original statement was somewhat confusing but hardly facetious. He is merely making a statement of fact that there is no helicopter in the photo. Why there should be one is a question that you should ask of him if that is the problem. The replies were projected imagination of intended meaning. I think people should chill out and not look for prospective offences at every opportunity. It is very difficult to have constructive engagements when people are overly sensitive. .
But neither did he show any effort trying to comprehend the obvious fact people kept telling him. Nor did he try to explain his intention. Instead, he just insisted his statement at facial value.
If he could name those criticizers fan boy, I don't see why he deserve any other credit.


Registered Member
But neither did he show any effort trying to comprehend the obvious fact people kept telling him. Nor did he try to explain his intention. Instead, he just insisted his statement at facial value.
If he could name those criticizers fan boy, I don't see why he deserve any other credit.

Nothing wrong with the mistake itself. It isn’t even an uncommon or especially bad mistake to “miss the photographer”. Instead of just accepting the statement, which would only have been fun and not come off as malicious at all, he starts personally insulting other posters for answering his non serious post in a non serious way.


I know you Sharpie from CMF. But you are new here in this forum Asif have the habit of asking question how should I put it "questioning the competence of Chinese arm industry" type of question
My apologies if some confusion is being created. I was using "Sharpei" as a temporary account until Webby could get a password reset done on my Brumby account. No I am not the "Sharpei" from CMF. I guess there must be different sharpie running loose around the place. LOL.

That is irritating to many of us Because he is not the all knowing expert that he claim to be
There is many reason why the navy does not show picture of tank on type 624 landing craft. But he keep on hammering with question as if the shipyard is incompetent
And there are many other questions So you need to know the background and not jump in the fray and accusing many of us as heavy handedness

I can understand where you are coming from but I have to disagree. In principle, it is problematic in any public discourse to bring unrelated history into the conversation because the present scope becomes unbound and you enter into a slippery slope conversation. As matured individuals, I take the view that each conversation is about the facts of each subject as presented and not be marginalised by history even though the previous conversation may be robust and unpleasant in nature.
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But neither did he show any effort trying to comprehend the obvious fact people kept telling him. Nor did he try to explain his intention. Instead, he just insisted his statement at facial value.
If he could name those criticizers fan boy, I don't see why he deserve any other credit.

Unfortunately the tone was set once the first return salvo went out. I am not attempting to defend him because frankly I am confused by his original statement and I can't read his mind. However if his original statement lacks clarity then the obvious thing to do is to seek an explanation as to why is he expecting to see a helicopter in the photo. Presumably this would have short ended any misunderstanding. If the immediate assumption was his statement is being malicious then the conversation will go downhill quickly. My point is don't assume until you have some evidence regardless of history. Anybody who has any remote knowledge of Chinese military knows China operates naval helicopters. Any attempt to even suggest otherwise would be easily debunked. .


Speaking of helicopters, here are some additional images from the same exercise. Move on and get along. :)

All images are high-resolution.





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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Again my original statement stands

There’s no point in pretending like you don’t understand my point or get my original statement, you know exactly what I am referring too

Then pointing out the obvious that the photo was taken from a helicopter? I mean are these people stupid or what

I can’t see any helicopters in that photos means exactly that and further it doesn’t take a genius to work out I am referring to PLAN lack of helicopters for VERTREP transport etc etc

Are Chinese fan boys now denying that there isn’t a lack of helicopters in PLAN?

Again point was clear but when fan boys get offend they start silly comments because they are so insecure

So again point out a helicopter in the original photos or stop crying I am still waiting


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
He is just frustrated at the lack of quality or availability of auxiliary systems around the ships like the LCAC or helicopters. Which are required to make them effective. Compared to these highly sophisticated surface vessels those systems are way behind.

I also share in his opinion. Especially in older ship types without the variable depth towed sonar the lack of available helicopters means ASW capabilities are severely flawed. The LPDs also become less useful in operations due to the lack of available landing craft including LCACs or modern heavy transport helicopters.

I think the reason for these problems is actually one and the same. The lackluster capacity of the Chinese military industry to manufacture efficient gas turbines in quality and quantity. The WZ-10 attack helicopter in that regard was a significant milestone. But even that was fraught with the engines performing below the original spec in terms of power and durability. Both the LCACs and the new helicopters in design need gas turbines to operate.

I suspect that is the reason we do not see either the LCACs or helicopters more available and in use in training operations. With the helicopters the PLAN might also not want to order more because they expect better equipment to become available sooner rather than later. With the LCACs they might be manufacturing boats with the expectation the engines will be sorted out later.

Unlike a surface vessel, an LCAC needs a marine engine with a lot more power to weight to be able to operate. Similar to an aircraft's but in martime conditions with sea salt, water spray, and things like that. This is a demanding challenge.
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Take this article for example.
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China Started Serial Production of New Type 726A LCAC for PLAN

Type 726A are 150-ton air-cushion craft (hovercraft) designed to enter the raft of PLAN's Type 071 LPD amphibious vessels. The early variant, the Type 726, would have encountered a number of technical problems that temporarily halted production after just four units were built. This forced the four Type 071 LPDs displacing more than 20,000 tons to limit their projection capabilities to amphibious IFVs and helicopters exclusively (not main battle tanks).<
The four Type 726 were built at the same shipyard six years ago. These LCACs were fitted with UGT-6000 ... gas turbines from Ukraine. And these were the source of the Type 726 issues: The most widespread rumors mentionned concerns to replace Ukrainian turbines with local ones, and also a problem with the steering system. But according to a source working at the shipyard in question, the problems were rather:
- low-frequency vibrations
- high noise levels.
The newer and improved Type 726A is fitted with a Chinese propulsion system: The QC-70 gas turbine developed from the WS-10 aviation engine.


Registered Member
Again my original statement stands

There’s no point in pretending like you don’t understand my point or get my original statement, you know exactly what I am referring too

Then pointing out the obvious that the photo was taken from a helicopter? I mean are these people stupid or what

I can’t see any helicopters in that photos means exactly that and further it doesn’t take a genius to work out I am referring to PLAN lack of helicopters for VERTREP transport etc etc

Are Chinese fan boys now denying that there isn’t a lack of helicopters in PLAN?

Again point was clear but when fan boys get offend they start silly comments because they are so insecure

So again point out a helicopter in the original photos or stop crying I am still waiting

Lol it does not.

Look at the pictures from the same exercise a few post above you.

Tell me, what are those things in picture 1, 2 and 3?

Denying reality now are we?