Now you berate the helicopter for being a Ka-29 (wait I thought there were no helicopters?) despite it being well known fact PLAN has them on license.
Have to wholeheartedly agree with you sentiments!
He should probably stop his "righteous fanboi" comments, now
I mean when someone eventually digs out a picture of a Chinese manufactured helicopter doing VERTREP, it will be photoshopped or it won't be right because some bolt in the airframe was imported from Russia or there will be a need to DNA test the pilot to make sure they're Chinese and not a foreign pilot, performing it, where does it stop?
Allegedly, a $150+ billion per annum defence budget doesn't run to helos with hooks, because 'fanboi slayer' (c) says so and anyone who disagrees are all just fanbois
I mean China's got what a dozen replenishment ships but the PLA-Navy can't find a dozen helos with attachment hard points in their airframes to lift some crates, if they needed to? Really? and we need to be on board with that or we're all fanbois?