PLA Navy news, pics and videos


Junior Member
Now you berate the helicopter for being a Ka-29 (wait I thought there were no helicopters?) despite it being well known fact PLAN has them on license.

Have to wholeheartedly agree with you sentiments!

He should probably stop his "righteous fanboi" comments, now :rolleyes:

I mean when someone eventually digs out a picture of a Chinese manufactured helicopter doing VERTREP, it will be photoshopped or it won't be right because some bolt in the airframe was imported from Russia or there will be a need to DNA test the pilot to make sure they're Chinese and not a foreign pilot, performing it, where does it stop? :eek:.

Allegedly, a $150+ billion per annum defence budget doesn't run to helos with hooks, because 'fanboi slayer' (c) says so and anyone who disagrees are all just fanbois

I mean China's got what a dozen replenishment ships but the PLA-Navy can't find a dozen helos with attachment hard points in their airframes to lift some crates, if they needed to? Really? and we need to be on board with that or we're all fanbois? :mad:


asif iqbal

Lieutenant General

Is that not a Russian helicopter? Is that what your saying

A Mans excel spreadsheet showing inventory probably done by a 6 year old is now secret service information?

It’s taken from wiki

This is why I say Chinese fanboys have wet dreams

Probably have big glossy photos of Chinese carrier on their bedroom wall and someone mentions something they have a meltdown


Lieutenant General

Is that not a Russian helicopter? Is that what your saying

A Mans excel spreadsheet showing inventory probably done by a 6 year old is now secret service information?

It’s taken from wiki

This is why I say Chinese fanboys have wet dreams

Probably have big glossy photos of Chinese carrier on their bedroom wall and someone mentions something they have a meltdown

I have no time or interest getting in the middle of this mess, but I dare say you would get a lot more respect and meaning discourse if you stopped thrown out loaded and offensive terms like ‘fanboi’ like you have a daily quota to meet.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
I have no time or interest getting in the middle of this mess, but I dare say you would get a lot more respect and meaning discourse if you stopped thrown out loaded and offensive terms like ‘fanboi’ like you have a daily quota to meet.

Are you saying there is no fanboys on this forum ?

Respect, don’t care I am realist and don’t like to mix fantasy with fact


Registered Member

Is that not a Russian helicopter? Is that what your saying

A Mans excel spreadsheet showing inventory probably done by a 6 year old is now secret service information?

It’s taken from wiki

This is why I say Chinese fanboys have wet dreams

Probably have big glossy photos of Chinese carrier on their bedroom wall and someone mentions something they have a meltdown

So now you concede that there were helicopters? Furthermore that those helicopters can do VERTREP?

Waay overdue, but at least you can acknowledge reality.

It is not news that PLAN uses the Ka-29, what is your problem with that? I mean they also use Su-35, S-400 and Su-30MKK. Militaries buy equipment off each other, how shocking

schrage musik

Junior Member
Registered Member
I'm going to just add that this useless bickering from multiple members including Asif here is really annoying. I know Asif is a Pakistani, and it is quite well known that he is quite *pro-China*, here and on other forums; ironically, unlike many "reasonable", "credible" or generally "well-regarded" posters. I dont know why he has to throw taunts at some Chinese posters here, and I dont know why they pick up and sustain stupid arguments with him. Then there is constant needling back and forth. We come here and have to run through pages and pages of useless posts that contribute nothing to the topic.

Asif, I think it would benefit the forum as a whole if you stated your position clearly here. We know you aren't really trying to belittle China's achievements. But there is no need to call people fanbois and other such stuff. We are all fanboys here, more or less. If we weren't, we wouldn't be spending our time and energy on internet forum.

Other group can also tone it down, there no need to be nagging and pricky with a forum member. This just ruins the discussion.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I do not often contribute to the discussions here though I do follow many of the forums with great interest. I, like Schrage Musik, find some of the inane and pointless squabbles annoying as they often take a while to wade through just to pluck out a few useful bits of information.

Asif's initial comment was poorly considered as he did not put much if any context around it, and it was ambiguous (and seemingly contentious). I accept that sometimes these things occur if English is not ones first language (a big ' well done' to all those on here who are in that position - i envy your language skills and applaud your efforts - apologies if that sounds patronising, it is not intended to be) , as a result i did wonder exactly what Asif was getting at initially. My first thought at his 'Not a helicopter in sight', was ' he's impressed that 3 vessels are being simultaneously replenished without the need to use helicopters' .... but it seems that I was wrong. That said when I realised this I did not feel it necessary to respond aggressively, after all it is often only opinions that being expressed. Where empirical evidence is provided it is a different matter.

The point I'm trying to make is that even a simply statement like Asifs' is open to misinterpretation, and the best response is to politely request clarification. Hopefully it will be forthcoming, and we can all go about doing what we enjoy without tempers being raised.

I will also add though that Asif's constant assertion that every one who does not acknowledge the failings of PLAN (or any other of the Chinese Armed forces) to the same extent as he, as 'Fan Bois' is also somewhat tiresome. Please, Asif, get over the fact that not everybody is going to share your views, or share them as whole-heartedly as you; but just because they dont, does not make them 'Fan bois'.

Getting off my soap box now ... i need to go lie down.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Everytime a PLAN escort fleet sets sail, the number of warships, helicopter, officers, sailors, and specail operators being sent will be shown in offcial report.



Junior Member
Registered Member
Just move on, people. No need to get stuck there, esp over some thing not worth it. There are so many things/debate more meaningful and beautiful... ...