PLA Navy news, pics and videos

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Again total rubbish

This is nothing but a fan boy wet dream

Don’t get a inflated view of the PLAN

LPD is a over the horizon platform there’s no two ways about it

Without LCAC it loses that function

Over 10 years we have never seen a loaded LCAC manoeuvre in and out of the well deck

Can anyone show me a photo of VERTREP?

Even senior members seem to become fan boys

PLAN might be doing great things but let’s keep it real


Again my original statement stands

There’s no point in pretending like you don’t understand my point or get my original statement, you know exactly what I am referring too

Then pointing out the obvious that the photo was taken from a helicopter? I mean are these people stupid or what

I can’t see any helicopters in that photos means exactly that and further it doesn’t take a genius to work out I am referring to PLAN lack of helicopters for VERTREP transport etc etc

Are Chinese fan boys now denying that there isn’t a lack of helicopters in PLAN?

Again point was clear but when fan boys get offend they start silly comments because they are so insecure

So again point out a helicopter in the original photos or stop crying I am still waiting

Agree .... PLAN still lack of helicopters, thats a fact .... it will change dramatically in the next ~5 years ... and there is nothing wrong of admitting a weakness ... PLAN has come a loooooong way in the last 20 or so years, but doesn't mean there is no weaknesses .... helicopter is one of few


Can anyone show me a photo of VERTREP?

Even senior members seem to become fan boys

PLAN might be doing great things but let’s keep it real

The lack of vertical replenishment capability does not diminish the overall at sea replenishment capability as seen in the photo. I think it is significant progress and a credible testament of advances made to-date. All things take time and at some stage they will get to VERTREP.

I don't follow logistics capability as an interest and so my knowledge is nil. How significant is VERTREP in other navies as a method of replenishment? Do you have any research data?


Junior Member
Again total rubbish

This is nothing but a fan boy wet dream

Don’t get a inflated view of the PLAN

LPD is a over the horizon platform there’s no two ways about it

Without LCAC it loses that function

Over 10 years we have never seen a loaded LCAC manoeuvre in and out of the well deck

Can anyone show me a photo of VERTREP?

Even senior members seem to become fan boys

PLAN might be doing great things but let’s keep it real

Don't want to get into the middle of the weekly (daily?) fanboi rant but there's nothing special about VERTREP, if you can sling a load under a helicopter and plonk it onto another ships flight deck you're done! Anyone who can land a helicopter on said flightdeck can drop a load off! Not seeing that in action is hardly proof it doesn't happen I haven't seen a picture of you washing your hands but I am not about to scream un-hygienic fanboi at the top of my lungs!

There are good reasons why VERTREP isn't performed on certain ships, VERTREP is mainly for ammunition and time critical deliveries at distance, however, if there's no clear path of the appropriate size from the flight deck to the storage areas then its a waste of time and effort doing VERTREP and no point even exercising for it if its not something that's going to be done.

If I can get my ammo when I am attached getting my fuel and the ammo can be sent to the foredeck why would I want to send a chopper up, waste some fuel and time to drop it at the back of the ship so I can drag it to the front? So I can take a picture to placate someone? Yeah the PLA-Navy's Instagram squadron is going to get right on that!


Lieutenant General
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Registered Member
Again my original statement stands

There’s no point in pretending like you don’t understand my point or get my original statement, you know exactly what I am referring too

Then pointing out the obvious that the photo was taken from a helicopter? I mean are these people stupid or what

I can’t see any helicopters in that photos means exactly that and further it doesn’t take a genius to work out I am referring to PLAN lack of helicopters for VERTREP transport etc etc

Are Chinese fan boys now denying that there isn’t a lack of helicopters in PLAN?

Again point was clear but when fan boys get offend they start silly comments because they are so insecure

So again point out a helicopter in the original photos or stop crying I am still waiting

Then why didn't you point out something like "I see they were not conducting VERTREP when that photo was taken".

Of course, if you said that then it would be factually true while also accurately conveying your meaning.

... However, it is also worth noting that the particular photos you were talking about were of underway refuelling with some limited solid stores replenishment meaning they probably wouldn't have been doing VERTREP during underway refuelling given VERTREP .

Basically, your position is:
1. we don't see helicopters conducting VERTREP
2. the fact they are not conducting VERTREP is related to a "lack of helicopters"

My counter position is:
1. they are doing underway refuelling + limited underway replenishment. For limited underway replenishment the need to use helicopters for that is debatable. For example if they're only replenishing consumable food products, the need to use helicopters for that would be a bit of a waste. They aren't replenishing a carrier or an amphibious assault ship with munitions.
2. based on past deployments we've seen, Chinese naval taskforces deployed on blue water missions or exercises to be well equipped with helicopters, meaning chances are this task force is probably respectably equipped with a helicopter complement as well, which we can see based on by78's photos in #2385

What is a little bit ironic, is that you are correct in that saying the PLAN has a relatively low helicopter to surface combatant ratio compared to what they would like. The overall size of their naval helicopter fleet isn't small per se but their surface combatant fleet is so large that it means the ratio is low. I would absolutely agree with that.

The problem is you used a very silly argument using a non-representative photo to make that position, and people are not letting that go because the way you made your argument seemed low effort and inflammatory.

edit: modified a few arguments.
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Lieutenant General
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The lack of vertical replenishment capability does not diminish the overall at sea replenishment capability as seen in the photo. I think it is significant progress and a credible testament of advances made to-date. All things take time and at some stage they will get to VERTREP.

I don't follow logistics capability as an interest and so my knowledge is nil. How significant is VERTREP in other navies as a method of replenishment? Do you have any research data?

We know that the PLAN can do vertrep. They had demonstrated it back in their first anti piracy patrols back in 2009 (which is where the first photo below is from).

The problem is that vertrep is only really useful when you're transferring a relatively large load of solid goods, whether it's supplies or ammunition. If you're simply replenishing a few bags of goods (second photo below, from a different underway replenishment exercise involving a 901) or something and you happen to also be doing underway refuelling then it would make more sense to use the underway replenishment/solid goods transfer method rather than vertrep.

Vertrep is very useful for transferring ammunition (bombs, missiles), and we often see the USN conducting vertrep between carriers and their ammunition ships. Naturally, the USN uses up a lot of munitions during their active tours in the middle east


asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Interesting VERTREP using Russian helo rare and infrequent but VERTREP nonetheless

But still this doesn’t change my statement

Original photo had no helos where are they

And Chinese fanboys had a meltdown


Registered Member
Interesting VERTREP using Russian helo rare and infrequent but VERTREP nonetheless

But still this doesn’t change my statement

Original photo had no helos where are they

And Chinese fanboys had a meltdown

Stop moving the goalposts.

First it was “no helicopters”, fellow posters were quick to point out the photo itself was taken by helicopter, and helicopters were present in the next few magazine scans.

Then it was no VERTREP, which is totally unecessary when the ship is already plugged into a replenishment ship. Nevertheless, a picture was provided.

Now you berate the helicopter for being a Ka-29 (wait I thought there were no helicopters?) despite it being well known fact PLAN has them on license.

The one frantically shifting the goalposts while denying reality seems to be the one in a “meltdown” here...

And don’t even try to cry about @A.Man posting News and Pictures to the News and Pictures thread. “Changing the topic” what a hog wash from you, when you have been the biggest changer of topic in this thread!