The material said is purely for reassuring the subgroups that need reassuring. Behind the scenes, they are genuinely working towards countering AShBM and continuing the perpetual arms race. All western politicians say one thing and do another. Often they say several contradictory things... all of it is simply to pay lip service to the brainless masses that think and vote a certain way and mustn't have their feelings hurt or their dogmatic world order put into question.
Human being are nearly always motivated by emotional prejudices rather than forming well-reasoned rational thinking and changing one's understanding using evidence and thoughtfulness. Democracy is a failure because it allows for the positive feedback loop of politicians telling lies that the population wants to hear. When has a western politician not only told the harsh truth, persisted with policies that resolved the problem, and remained in power throughout?! Not once in democracy's history. Reason isn't the leadership, rather it is the low intelligence of the general population. Chinese people are no different and the country has its own set of problems that come with authoritarianism. But in the context of this conversation, the French admiral's words are about as factually accurate as Clinton's "I did not have sexual relations with that woman".
Western consumers are gobbling it up because it is what they want to hear and hope to be the truth. Despite the obvious problems with the words and lack of specifics. Sure they'll say they can't give specifics about
why a warhead cannot be guided or
why a warhead must be slowed down so it can be guided. None of these idiots hold degrees in physics so do not even understand high school kinematics let alone what the limitations are in reentry vehicle guidance, but they feel qualified in making a judgment and spreading it. This is actually good. The more the west likes to base things off bullshit and the further they carry that bullshit, the better it is for the rest of the world. Unfortunately for us, they are double dipping. One on side, they talk about how this is impossible and China could not have a working AShBM at the moment (just like how China could not possibly create a stealth fighter or conduct ASAT or survive the trade war

) and on the other side and behind the scenes, they are in panic mode doing everything they can to push China back even resorting to literal kidnapping.
You've done a good job in directly finding a clear contradiction in his words. How do some missiles have guidance at mach 6 yet a reentry vehicle cannot possibly have reliable guidance and maneuverability at slightly higher speeds when the requirements for maneuverability for the latter is so much lower than that of a SAM or AA missile. Not to mention the Russian "ballistic" missiles that are ground launched and air launched, all with perfectly operating guidance. Against a slow moving target like a carrier? As long as there is tracking and real time knowledge of where it is, there's nothing preventing AShBM from being guided to the target. Maybe they're struggling with the semantics of the word ballistic. Technically none of these things are ballistic missiles because they DO move, ARE propelled, and have been guided for years if not decades now. The ONLY reason the Soviets and 70s/80s Americans did not persist with their AShBM programs back in the day is because the tracking and reentry warhead guidance technology did not exist/ were not mature or capable enough back then. Now the Americans can easily develop something similar but there's no reason to. China's got two carriers and a relatively small and less capable navy. Conventionally, PLAN is easy enough today for USN pacific fleet to handle. Russians are broke.