This is a basic logic screw up. Why would Chinese NOT build their OWN aircraft carrier because they can strike aircraft carrier of OTHER's?
"My sword is sharper to break your shield, so I would give up my own shield", what is that?Am I hitting my shield with my sword? Or the author expect China will hand over her ASBM to him to strike Chinese aircraft carrier?
The kind of nonsense this admiral is saying is meant for mass consumption. Most won't even begin to understand the fallacy in that line of reasoning. It is clear from the words chosen, this guy either knows absolutely nothing, or he is hiding the information they have. This is obvious from how reluctant he is in giving ANY sort of detail like what speed ranges, why he believes the tech isn't there yet, and why there must be a compromise between speed and guidance and how dramatic the compromise is. This indicates there is an agenda behind how he wants to manipulate public understanding and thinking by purposefully withholding the details which I'm sure they have. Certainly further than the simple nonsense mentioned here.
Having said that, I find it difficult to believe China does not think AShBM are VERY promising weapons, worthy of development and improvement. Chinese government has not once disclosed this officially or threatened using it or bragged about it on an international scale like Putin has for the newly disclosed Russian "super weapons". Huge contrast between the two. It is far more likely those Russian ones are more for show and statement making to the US. If Chinese AShBM are a statement making paper tiger weapon meant to threaten or intimidate, they would be putting a lot of effort in showing it. They are not. Apart from internet images and hearsay, there is hardly a shred of actual info about it apart from the official hints given to its existence, after many years of leakers suggested the existence of such missiles.
Without satellite and nodes feeding and adjusting guidance, inertial methods will not make the weapon effective. It's probably unlikely the missile has the ability to be self-reliant in guidance, so the AShBM is more likely to be a pre-emptive weapon to be used first before satellites and nodes are knocked out or prevented from doing their job. By the time launches are detected, there isn't much time to defend and take out those guidance assets. The US will probably knock out Chinese satellites first before they do anything. Carrier movements will be impossible to track after that, if they are tracked at all.