I'm not surprised but still can't believe the versions from both sides are so far apart, like night and day. This report makes it sound like there's an attempted ramming but too many variables not touched on. How far into the footage did this "near collision" take place? Before or after the shooting started? Was the PCG vessel in a head-on trajectory with the fishing boat? Or was it in front of the boat (which was on auto-pilot), both heading in the same direction? What's with the anonymous "source"?
Could be that the PCG boat cut the Taiwan boat off from home waters, and the Taiwan boat looked like it was speeding towards them because it was heading back in the direction of Taiwan?
A quick match of the logs of both boats against the video would tell the story fast. Taiwan should suggest this course of action to present the public with an impartial account of events. If PH drags its feet then PH has something to hide and should be excoriated; TW should then start tightening the screws until PH knuckles under.