Pakistan Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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Pakistan has no need to project power all that way, nor that is the doctrine of PN.

The primary mission is to ensure there is no naval blockade.

Pray tell us what you expect PN to use Type 075 or 076 for? Land in Mumbai for an experience of unique scents and smells? Andaman islands perhaps for a picnic? Cmon.

The doctrine is to ensure there is no naval blockade by IN. Hence those ships are not required.

Guys, if we are being speculative, can we do that around known facts and doctrines.

That's what exactly highlighted in my previous post...

After 2015, the Navy has received a lot of attention, as evidenced by the list below, and is now developing into a formidable force in Arabian Sea & Indian Ocean, giving PN a new look.

For the time being, a medium-sized carrier with an air arm does not fit under the PN doctrine (maybe possible post 2035) because the emphasis is currently on surface/sub-surface and anti-sub domains. Recently PAF has relocated a squadron (Haider) of JF17-III to Masroor base in Karachi in order to provide air cover.

IMO instead of purchasing J35, PAF, should lease a few to familiarize themselves with new technologies and systems until J31 becomes available, as PN did with the Yuan class.

PN Fleet (Current/on active duty):
  • 04 (FFGs) - F22Ps
  • 04 (FFGs) - 054A/Ps
  • 01 (FFGs) - OHP
  • 01 (CORs) - Milgem
  • 03 (CORs) - Damen OPV design
  • 03 (SSKs) - A90Bs (MLU-ed)
  • 07 (MPAs) - P3C Orion
  • 05 (MPAs) - RAS/ATR72
  • 03 (AORs) - Tankers/replenishment
  • 05 (MCVs) - Mine Hunters
  • 05 (CH4) - HALE drones

PN Fleet (post 2025-30):
  • 04 (FFGs) - F22Ps (will receive MLU)
  • 04 (FFGs) - 054A/Ps
  • 04 (FFGs) - Jinnah (2+2 batch, based on AS3400/3600 design)
  • 04 (CORs) - Milgem
  • 04 (CORs) - Damen OPV design
  • 03 (SSKs) - A90Bs (MLU-ed)
  • 08 (SSKs) - 039Bs
  • 07 (MPAs) - P3C Orion
  • 08 (MPAs) - RAS/Sea Eagle
  • 04 (LRMPA) - Sea Sultan (Based on lineage 1000)
  • 04 (AORs) - Tankers/replenishment
  • 08 (MCVs) - Mine Hunters
  • 05 (CH4) - HALE drones
  • 05 (TW328) - HALE drones

PN Fleet (post 2030):
  • 04 (FFGs) - F22Ps (MLU-ed)
  • 04 (FFGs) - 054A/Ps
  • 08 (FFGs) - Jinnah (2+6 batch, based on AS3400/3600 design)
  • 04 (CORs) - Milgem
  • 04 (CORs) - Damen OPV design
  • 03 (SSKs) - A90Bs (MLU-ed)
  • 08 (SSKs) - 039Bs
  • 08 (SSK-Ns) - Type-41/?? New upcoming Chines design
  • 09 (SSPs) - Italian Design (S1000)
  • 08 (MPAs) - RAS/Sea Eagle
  • 12 (LRMPA) - Sea Sultan (Based on lineage 1000)
  • 06 (AORs) - Tankers/replenishment
  • 08 (MCVs) - Mine Hunters
  • 05 (CH4) - HALE drones
  • 05 (TW328) - HALE drones

FFGs - 16
CORV - 08
SSKs - 11
SSPs - 09
SSK(N) - 08
MPAs - 08
LRMPAs - 12
Drones - 10 (HALE)
AORs - 06
MCVs - 08


Senior Member
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Pakistan has no need to project power all that way, nor that is the doctrine of PN.

The primary mission is to ensure there is no naval blockade.
And if there is a blockade, would you rather have Pakistan responding from one side or both sides of the fence? That's the advantage of having an offshore base; not about projecting power elsewhere. Just like India has an airbase in Tajikistan - to attack Pakistan from both sides independently.


Junior Member
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And if there is a blockade, would you rather have Pakistan responding from one side or both sides of the fence? That's the advantage of having an offshore base; not about projecting power elsewhere. Just like India has an airbase in Tajikistan - to attack Pakistan from both sides independently.
Nobody is getting a base in Oman, be realistic.


Lieutenant General
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First of all, the source of your information that Pakistan is acquiring one was my post.

Subsequently, could you clarify what exactly makes you so certain that such an acquisition will never occur (despite the fact that you were proven incorrect in multiple weapons acquisitions relating to Pakistan)?

First when and where was I "proven incorrect in multiple weapons acquisitions relating to Pakistan"??

As such, take this a s a very clear warning and better prove when and where was I "proven incorrect in multiple weapons acquisitions relating to Pakistan" and dare not to mention the lies spread by some idiots at the PDF, who still try insult as if I said Pakistan would never get J-10s! All I said is, they will never get a Chinese Flanker of any variant, J-20, Type 055 DDGs and the old Type 001 or 002 carrier as claimed by some of them. In fact I always said the J-10 is the only viable option!

And second, my contacts are indeed "supporting" the theory, Pakistan wants to urge China on a delivery of a few J-35 ASAP "since they want so", but as explained already so often, the reason for this is, that development of the J-31 is lagging behind - and especially such claims it could be ready in 2025 already - and to think an eventual acquisition of a few J-35 is a hint or even proof towards the PN is getting an aircraft carrier is that much ridiculous, that it is not to be explained. Quite to the contrary anyone claiming this has to explain why and based on what?
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Senior Member
Registered Member
First of all, the source of your information that Pakistan is acquiring one was my post.

Subsequently, could you clarify what exactly makes you so certain that such an acquisition will never occur (despite the fact that you were proven incorrect in multiple weapons acquisitions relating to Pakistan)?
Pakistan is bordered by 3 neighbors, to the West, North and East that are currently building aircraft carriers and to the south is the most carrier infested waters in the world, but Pakistan will NEVER get one. Even if they have carrier fighters already, trained pilots and a land base for them, NEVER!

The CPEC gives Pakistan long SLOCs to protect, but NEVER with carriers.

You can’t argue with this.
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Senior Member
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And second, my contacts are indeed "supporting" the theory, Pakistan wants to urge China on a delivery of a few J-35 ASAP "since they want so", but as explained already so often, the reason for this is, that development of the J-31 is lagging behind - and especially such claims it could be ready in 2025 already - and to think an eventual acquisition of a few J-35 is a hint or even proof towards the PN is getting an aircraft carrier is that much ridiculous, that it is not to be explained. Quite to the contrary anyone claiming this has to explain why and based on what?
You ask us to justify positing the theory that Pakistan could have a carrier and threaten us if we don’t provided convincing justification while asking us to trust your unnamed sources who provides their justifications as.. ”since they want so”, that seems like a bit like the Rules Based Order.

I suggest you go learn about the GSI, and take to heart its first commitment

(1) common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security;
(2) respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries;
(3) abiding by the purpose and principles of the
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(4) taking the security concerns of all countries seriously;
(5) peacefully resolving disputes between countries through dialogue; and
(6) maintaining security in both traditional and non-traditional fields.

I think you are stuck in the past in your Cold War mindset, and you haven’t grasped the changes that are occurring because of the GSI.

This is the key message, I hope you will think about it… ALL countries will have COMPREHENSIVE and SUSTAINABLE security. This is not a theory, it is a commitment.

You may think that this can NEVER be done, perhaps due to a lack of imagination or stuck mindset, but this is Chinas idea and they are staking their reputation it.

So, we SHOULD BE ALLOWED to post theories based on this firm commitment. ideally without interference from you. Thank you.
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Lieutenant General
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You ask us to justify positing the theory that Pakistan could have a carrier and threaten us if we don’t provided convincing justification while asking us to trust your unnamed sources who provides their justifications as.. ”since they want so”, that seems like a bit like the Rules Based Order.

I suggest you go learn about the GSI, and take to heart its first commitment

(1) common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security;
(2) respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries;
(3) abiding by the purpose and principles of the
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(4) taking the security concerns of all countries seriously;
(5) peacefully resolving disputes between countries through dialogue; and
(6) maintaining security in both traditional and non-traditional fields.

I think you are stuck in the past in your Cold War mindset, and you haven’t grasped the changes that are occurring because of the GSI.

This is the key message, I hope you will think about it… ALL countries will have COMPREHENSIVE and SUSTAINABLE security. This is not a theory, it is a commitment.

You may think that this can NEVER be done, perhaps due to a lack of imagination or stuck mindset, but this is Chinas idea and they are staking their reputation it.

So, we SHOULD BE ALLOWED to post theories based on this firm commitment. ideally without interference from you. Thank you.

No, in at least this forum you should post reasonable theories only and yes, Pakistan surely has all rights to plan, but they have neither the technical capabilities to develop such things alone nor the financial means to afford it from China (I know according to the biggest idiot at the PDF Pakistan can get anything for free from China as long it WANTS!) and even more not really the operational need!

As such, yes for sure we can discuss if India want to develop a Klingon-cloaking device its fine, but then please discuss this not here.

And now again to this personnel issue! Claiming such BS since "brother, I know", is not a reason or a realistic explanation in the same way to claim Pakistan needs an carrier, will get J-35 for them ... and as a counterargument to tell me to shut up since "I have been proven wrong multiple times" is just a lie!

So, either you or he provides proof when I was "lying" like he claimed or you better stop this stupid discussion. And in case you want to continue this stuff, then be prepared to face the consequences .. and that's my final word to such fan-boy stuff!


Registered Member
Interesting video from PAF:



"President Erdogan acknowledged the strides attained by Pakistan's Aerospace industry in the domains of design, research and software development capabilities over the past couple of years and urged for a more significant workshare in the software integration, design and development of Next Generation Fighter program codenamed KAAN."


Lieutenant General
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Just a few instances where you were proven to be incorrect.....

054A - A former member (timepass), whom you had blocked out of personal animosity, broke the news, but you continued to deny him using the same mantra that you are still doing.

Also, J10Cs, L15B, and the famous J31/35 scenario have appeared recently.

This should suffice, I hope.....

All a lie ... the 054 was NEVER an issue to me since I'm not a naval guy and I know where are my limits, all I denied is Pakistan will never get Type 055 DDGs as claimed by MastanKhan (even more so for free) ! As such a big fat LIE to claim I denied this and even more I blocked "timepass" "out of personal animosity"!

In fact he was banned for this and altogether 13 warnings and previous temporary bans!


Also, the claim I would have denied "J10Cs, L15B, and the famous J31/35 scenario have appeared recently" is just another lie!

Therefore just a final chance: Prove where I claimed Pakistan will never get J-10C or L-15? No twisting of words, not a single additional lie without a direct quote ... Otherwise be prepared to search for another forum and I promise you that's it then!

I really have enough of propagandists & fan boys!
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