Olympics 2024 - discussion thread


Air conditioning at the Olympic village is such a debacle. Apparently there are now
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portable air conditioning units in use amongst various, mostly wealthier national teams. Not only is this an issue of fairness for athletes from poorer nations, but portable AC units are expensive for a given capacity, loud (disturbing sleep) and far less efficient than ducted or split systems, making a hollow mockery of any claims to reduced emissions. It's all well and good to seek opportunities for efficiency so long as they do not compromise performance and fairness, but with fully one-third of rooms using these portable units, it is almost certainly the case that a fixed deployment to all rooms could've been achieved at comparable and perhaps even lower acquisition and operating costs and emissions than the thousands of portable units now in operation.
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Air conditioning at the Olympic village is such a debacle. Apparently there are now
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portable air conditioning units in use amongst various, mostly wealthier national teams. Not only is this an issue of fairness for athletes from poorer nations, but portable AC units are expensive for a given capacity, loud (disturbing sleep) and far less efficient than ducted or split systems, making a hollow mockery of any claims to reduced emissions. It's all well and good to seek opportunities for efficiency so long as they do not compromise performance and fairness, but with fully one-third of rooms using these portable units, it is almost certainly the case that a fixed deployment to all rooms could've been achieved at comparable and perhaps even lower acquisition and operating costs and emissions than the thousands of portable units now in operation.

Cheap French government being cheap. Move along folks. Nothing to see here.


The majority of top competitive swimmers from the five eyes countries are "asthma sufferers". Googling "asthma in olympic swimmers" will get you tons of "inspirational" stories about such athletes. Somehow these "inspirational asthma sufferers" all ended up in a sport where efficient lung functioning is of the utmost importance. It can't possibly have anything to do with the fact that these "inspirational asthma sufferers" all have therapeutic use exemptions for asthma medications.

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Biles also needs some focus drugs under the guise of diagnosed ADHD or something. Without them, she just fucks off right in the middle of the competition like in Japan. Nobody should have any exemption drugs in competition; if you can't do it with what you naturally have, you can't compete with it.

I wonder if China can pull the same shit. Find kids with super mild asthma they can dope up.

Are there no drug test limits on time and amount? It's fairly clear that excessive testing at odd hours is just meant to sabotage athlete's rest. There may not have been such a thing before but I think there will be something implemented afterwards from heavy protests and common sense.


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Biles also needs some focus drugs under the guise of diagnosed ADHD or something. Without them, she just fucks off right in the middle of the competition like in Japan. Nobody should have any exemption drugs in competition; if you can't do it with what you naturally have, you can't compete with it.

I wonder if China can pull the same shit. Find kids with super mild asthma they can dope up.

Are there no drug test limits on time and amount? It's fairly clear that excessive testing at odd hours is just meant to sabotage athlete's rest. There may not have been such a thing before but I think there will be something implemented afterwards from heavy protests and common sense.

When Chinese millennials are running the show they’ll probably enroll asthmatic American expats in the Chinese swimming team and dope them till they win all the medals.


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, from 6am to midnight】 According to a post by Yu Liang, a nutritionist for the Chinese national swimming team, the Chinese swimming team went to France for 10 days, and the 31 athletes on the team were checked nearly 200 times by the International Doping Control Organization (ITA).

Yu Liang posted: "We have been in France for exactly 10 days. During these 10 days, in addition to training and jet lag, our 31 athletes have been checked by ITA for doping nearly 200 times, an average of nearly 20 times a day, and each person has been checked 5-7 times on average. They came at 6am before they woke up, and also came during lunch break. We had no choice but to rest on the sofa in the hotel lobby, and came again after 9pm and had to stay up until midnight."

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I don't understand, why don't they log a complaint? Do other country swimmers get checked this often? I mean com'on they gotta do something to make a fuss about this. Why be so passive


When Chinese millennials are running the show they’ll probably enroll asthmatic American expats in the Chinese swimming team and dope them till they win all the medals.
What are you talking about? No Chinese wants to see any foreigners win medals for us.

Honestly I really hate to call out cheating against us unless it's really clear because it just sounds like bitching but the evidence is overwhelming. When I heard Zhang Yufei was woken at 5am for testing, I gave them the benefit of the doubt that an athlete usually sleeps 10pm-6am or 9pm-5am but now I see that it's en masse that our athletes are kept up until after midnight and woken at 5-6am. It's undeniably clear now.

This is basically the Olympics version of semiconductor/economics cheating for the US. Can't compete with China in ability, so they use dirty politics to fight. We beat their tech war and their trade war, basically defeating the economies and technological efforts of all advanced nations combined under America's orders. America alone isn't even a challenge anymore. But these athletes are individual people and can't fight with the power of a nation.

The only thing I can think of is to take revenge. When China rules the primary position of power in the world and helms its own leagues, every Western offense should be remembered. Retest Phelp's and Bile's samples and disqualify all their medals. It doesn't matter what we find or what we have to add to them. Destroy every American Champion they ever looked up to and cripple the playing field for every new one that hopes to come. Drug tests every hour, 7 days of sleep deprivation leading up to their events where they are woken every 30 minutes for various reasons ranging from random drug test to fire alarm malfunction to punks outside blaring loud music to houligans playing knock knock. Put so much COVID in their air vents the COVID gets COVID. Make their champions hit the pool in such condition that the lifeguards are put to work. If they ever sneak one gold medal past us in any sport at all, put something in his blood/urine samples and DQ him. And when they complain, tell us it's unfair, or that we can't do this blatant sabotage, stare at them dead-faced with a cold killer's expression. "You deserve it. You deserve it for the next hundred years or more."
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The majority of top competitive swimmers from the five eyes countries are "asthma sufferers". Googling "asthma in olympic swimmers" will get you tons of "inspirational" stories about such athletes. Somehow these "inspirational asthma sufferers" all ended up in a sport where efficient lung functioning is of the utmost importance. It can't possibly have anything to do with the fact that these "inspirational asthma sufferers" all have therapeutic use exemptions for asthma medications.

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TEU is legalised doping. Just like lobbying is legalised corruption. That most of the asthma sufferers in swimming comes from the powerhouse Western countries tells you everything. They also keep adding more events to swimming too. As long as they dominate swimming, US will always remain on top of the medal table. That’s why they dirtied up Sun Yang and sabotaging China’s current swimmers. Olympics has always been about geopolitics.


The majority of top competitive swimmers from the five eyes countries are "asthma sufferers". Googling "asthma in olympic swimmers" will get you tons of "inspirational" stories about such athletes. Somehow these "inspirational asthma sufferers" all ended up in a sport where efficient lung functioning is of the utmost importance. It can't possibly have anything to do with the fact that these "inspirational asthma sufferers" all have therapeutic use exemptions for asthma medications.

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I had moderate-severe asthma as a child, which has thankfully become far more mild in later adolescence and adulthood, and my parents were advised to have me take up swimming as a means of strengthening my aerobic capacity without triggering an asthmatic episode as most other forms of exercise tended to do. While swimming one breathes in warm, saturated air from just above the surface of the water, which is less likely to trigger bronchoconstriction. I am only a very casual swimmer, but it remains my preferred form of exercise to this day, which undoubtedly reflects that childhood experience which in turn traces back to being diagnosed with asthma. This correlates with the part of the article that talks about athletes with asthma "self-selecting to swimming".

The geographical distribution amongst athletes appears to match the distribution amongst the
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, where asthma is simply more often diagnosed in some countries than others. Perhaps the argument is that one would not necessarily expect this general prevalence to be reflected at elite levels, but the article does not make that clear. It's an interesting and worthy topic that probably deserves further research, as the author acknowledges.
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Biles also needs some focus drugs under the guise of diagnosed ADHD or something. Without them, she just fucks off right in the middle of the competition like in Japan. Nobody should have any exemption drugs in competition; if you can't do it with what you naturally have, you can't compete with it.

Soon the West will find men with "clinically low levels of testosterone," so they can diagnose them to pump them full of testosterone and ship them off to the Olympics.