Olympics 2024 - discussion thread


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Biles also needs some focus drugs under the guise of diagnosed ADHD or something. Without them, she just fucks off right in the middle of the competition like in Japan. Nobody should have any exemption drugs in competition; if you can't do it with what you naturally have, you can't compete with it.
It's not just Simone Bile. ADHD is said to be very common among American gymnasts. What a coincidence that so many American athletes just happen to suffer from medical conditions that are the most detrimental to their sport discipline when left untreated.

I wonder if China can pull the same shit. Find kids with super mild asthma they can dope up.
You would need
  1. A colluding national doping agency willing to hand out therapeutic use exemptions like candies on Halloween.
  2. Lots of parents who are willing to pump their kids full of drugs starting from a young age.
Neither of these conditions are likely to be ever met in China, particularly the second one.


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She couldn't elaborate more on her opponent's offense because it would expose her to be the one with the problem. It's like how the LPGA golfers wanted South Korean women banned because they weren't on the same page culturally as Western female golfers off the course. Which is an end run around going the long way of complaining about race.

Jiang ZeminFanboy

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, from 6am to midnight】 According to a post by Yu Liang, a nutritionist for the Chinese national swimming team, the Chinese swimming team went to France for 10 days, and the 31 athletes on the team were checked nearly 200 times by the International Doping Control Organization (ITA).

Yu Liang posted: "We have been in France for exactly 10 days. During these 10 days, in addition to training and jet lag, our 31 athletes have been checked by ITA for doping nearly 200 times, an average of nearly 20 times a day, and each person has been checked 5-7 times on average. They came at 6am before they woke up, and also came during lunch break. We had no choice but to rest on the sofa in the hotel lobby, and came again after 9pm and had to stay up until midnight."

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Where are some high ranking official from China to say them to fuck off and go back at other time plus make official complain.


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Biles also needs some focus drugs under the guise of diagnosed ADHD or something. Without them, she just fucks off right in the middle of the competition like in Japan. Nobody should have any exemption drugs in competition; if you can't do it with what you naturally have, you can't compete with it.

This is what ChatGPT has to say

“Can ADHD drugs help in improving performance in gymnastics?”

ADHD medications can potentially improve performance in gymnastics for individuals with ADHD by enhancing their ability to focus, concentrate, and maintain attention. Here are several ways these medications might help:

1. Improved Focus: ADHD medications can help gymnasts maintain their focus during training and competition, which is crucial for executing routines with precision and consistency.

2. Enhanced Attention to Detail: Gymnastics requires attention to small details in movements and form. Medications that help manage ADHD symptoms can enable gymnasts to better concentrate on these details.

3. Reduced Impulsivity: Medications can help reduce impulsivity, allowing gymnasts to make more deliberate and controlled movements, which is important for both performance and safety.

4. Better Learning and Retention: Improved focus and attention can enhance a gymnast’s ability to learn new skills and retain coaching instructions, leading to faster and more effective skill acquisition.

5. Mental Resilience: By helping manage ADHD symptoms, medications can also improve a gymnast’s mental resilience, helping them stay calm and composed under the pressures of competition.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness and appropriateness of ADHD medication can vary from person to person. Medications should be prescribed and monitored by a healthcare professional, considering potential side effects and individual needs. For athletes, including gymnasts, it’s also crucial to comply with the rules and regulations of their sport regarding the use of medications, as some substances may be restricted or require a therapeutic use exemption (TUE) in competitive sports.


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Where are some high ranking official from China to say them to fuck off and go back at other time plus make official complain.

They are probably cautious about the story being Chinese swimmers missed a drug test through refusal. Western propaganda will give 24/7 coverage to say ‘see Chinese swimmers refused a drug test’. It’s all about perception and dirtying up their rivals using media campaigns.
Remember the story of Sun Yang was that he was drug tested and the official doing testing didn’t have proper WADA accreditation to show him. So he destroyed the blood that he had given because he couldn’t trust them with his blood. Then the story in the Western propaganda became ‘Sun Yang destroys his blood vial in WADA drug test’. Chinese team is aware of these cheap and dirty tricks. I bet the International Doping Control Organisation is full of China hating Anglos and their vassals.


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She couldn't elaborate more on her opponent's offense because it would expose her to be the one with the problem. It's like how the LPGA golfers wanted South Korean women banned because they weren't on the same page culturally as Western female golfers off the course. Which is an end run around going the long way of complaining about race.
God damn, that is some loser ass shit. If a Chinese athlete talked like that, there would be major repercussions back home for poor sportsmanship and conduct. And our girl answered, "It looks like she’s not happy with my behavior towards her. If she’s not happy about my behavior, she can come and tell me. I would like to correct it to become a better player and a better person. I will not consider it an attack because she lost the match." Even MSN said the Chinese took the high road. Disrespecting someone who beat you is so stupid it's an insult to yourself. What fucking losers the Americans have become, both in sport and in spirit.

Check out the comments on the NYTimes. Nobody can stand her.
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Air conditioning at the Olympic village is such a debacle. Apparently there are now
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portable air conditioning units in use amongst various, mostly wealthier national teams. Not only is this an issue of fairness for athletes from poorer nations, but portable AC units are expensive for a given capacity, loud (disturbing sleep) and far less efficient than ducted or split systems, making a hollow mockery of any claims to reduced emissions. It's all well and good to seek opportunities for efficiency so long as they do not compromise performance and fairness, but with fully one-third of rooms using these portable units, it is almost certainly the case that a fixed deployment to all rooms could've been achieved at comparable and perhaps even lower acquisition and operating costs and emissions than the thousands of portable units now in operation.

They are using Chinese made cardboard beds in the Olympics village. Are these portable air conditioning units from China?


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Are there no drug test limits on time and amount? It's fairly clear that excessive testing at odd hours is just meant to sabotage athlete's rest. There may not have been such a thing before but I think there will be something implemented afterwards from heavy protests and common sense.

There is.

I had a TUE for Asthma meds. iirc, it is 6 puffs of Salbutamol per 8 hours, 16 puffs per 24 hours max. For Symbicort it is 12 puffs per 24 hours.

It's still a damn lot ... generally for me to take that many puffs in 24hrs. I really should be going to the hospital.

That was for inhaled dosage. There is also a prescribed limit for urine analysis - 1,000ng.mL

While swimming one breathes in warm, saturated air from just above the surface of the water, which is less likely to trigger bronchoconstriction. I am only a very casual swimmer, but it remains my preferred form of exercise to this day, which undoubtedly reflects that childhood experience which in turn traces back to being diagnosed with asthma. This correlates with the part of the article that talks about athletes with asthma "self-selecting to swimming".

The geographical distribution amongst athletes appears to match the distribution amongst the
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, where asthma is simply more often diagnosed in some countries than others. Perhaps the argument is that one would not necessarily expect this general prevalence to be reflected at elite levels, but the article does not make that clear. It's an interesting and worthy topic that probably deserves further research, as the author acknowledges.

My experience was different.

I used to be in the pool for about 10 sessions a week, maybe 25~30 hours a week. My asthma was a constant problem. I had to take Singulair (not WADA restricted) to manage my use of the restricted Asthma drugs. The air may be moist but I'm pretty sure it's laced with a lot of stuff - eg. Chlorine?

Now that I've stopped, my asthma (and skin) is a lot more manageable and actual use of medication (restricted and non-restricted) is practically zero.

I think that generally good cardiovascular fitness makes one less pre-disposed to pulmonary conditions? Just gotta do your exercise in a benign environment - I was asthma free as a child in Asia. I spent a few years in Australia (apparently the asthma capital of the world) as a young adult and ended up with asthma. Something in their air, water or diet? I suspect the pollen ... so it's not just the animals and insects trying to kill you, even the flowers there are trying to kill you. Blardy Australia. Watching the Aus Women's 7s coming away empty handed was very satisfying.

Either way, re: use/abuse of asthma meds by western athletes compared to Asian - I believe the incidence of Asthma is higher in western countries then Asian, which would naturally lead to more TUE sought for this? Even if the data is "interesting", gotta remove that baseline first before jumping to conclusions.