Olympics 2024 - discussion thread


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, from 6am to midnight】 According to a post by Yu Liang, a nutritionist for the Chinese national swimming team, the Chinese swimming team went to France for 10 days, and the 31 athletes on the team were checked nearly 200 times by the International Doping Control Organization (ITA).

Yu Liang posted: "We have been in France for exactly 10 days. During these 10 days, in addition to training and jet lag, our 31 athletes have been checked by ITA for doping nearly 200 times, an average of nearly 20 times a day, and each person has been checked 5-7 times on average. They came at 6am before they woke up, and also came during lunch break. We had no choice but to rest on the sofa in the hotel lobby, and came again after 9pm and had to stay up until midnight."

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, from 6am to midnight】 According to a post by Yu Liang, a nutritionist for the Chinese national swimming team, the Chinese swimming team went to France for 10 days, and the 31 athletes on the team were checked nearly 200 times by the International Doping Control Organization.

Yu Liang posted: "We have been in France for exactly 10 days. During these 10 days, in addition to training and jet lag, our 31 athletes have been checked by ITA for doping nearly 200 times, an average of nearly 20 times a day, and each person has been checked 5-7 times on average. They came at 6am before they woke up, and also came during lunch break. We had no choice but to rest on the sofa in the hotel lobby, and came again after 9pm and had to stay up until midnight."

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This is harassment.


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, from 6am to midnight】 According to a post by Yu Liang, a nutritionist for the Chinese national swimming team, the Chinese swimming team went to France for 10 days, and the 31 athletes on the team were checked nearly 200 times by the International Doping Control Organization.

Yu Liang posted: "We have been in France for exactly 10 days. During these 10 days, in addition to training and jet lag, our 31 athletes have been checked by ITA for doping nearly 200 times, an average of nearly 20 times a day, and each person has been checked 5-7 times on average. They came at 6am before they woke up, and also came during lunch break. We had no choice but to rest on the sofa in the hotel lobby, and came again after 9pm and had to stay up until midnight."

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Unfortunately, my countrymen are perennial cheaters...


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When Qin Haiyang broke the world record in 200m breast in Fukuoka, Dong Zihao was 4th place and broke the world junior record at the same time. So Dong Zihao already has some experience at big events. Maybe has can surprise the competition when all the attention was on Qin Haiyang.
Imagine if Dong wins gold. They were so focused on Qin and sabotaged him that they forget to take care of Dong because they didn't determine him worthy enough.

That would actually be a bigger middle finger to the west. Even if you took care of one guy, there's anothrr to take his place.


Probably has something to do with Russians having lost their position in this sport. The Russian performers were more artistic. When they were dominating the floor, everyone followed. Their influence has run its course. Now the wind has changed. The players are now judged by their strength more.
Up to the time of the Peking Olympics, there was also the accusation that the China and Eastern Europeans were using under aged girls because of their slight build., meanwhile the girls from the Western teams could go on to become pole dancers when their gymnastic careers are over.


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The majority of top competitive swimmers from the five eyes countries are "asthma sufferers". Googling "asthma in olympic swimmers" will get you tons of "inspirational" stories about such athletes. Somehow these "inspirational asthma sufferers" all ended up in a sport where efficient lung functioning is of the utmost importance. It can't possibly have anything to do with the fact that these "inspirational asthma sufferers" all have therapeutic use exemptions for asthma medications.

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In 2008, almost 25 percent of swimmers, 26 percent of open water swimmers and 22 percent of synchronized swimmers had asthma.
Asthma was more common in aquatic endurance sports, which included swimming, open water swimming and synchronized swimming, than in nonedurance events like diving, they write in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
“What was surprising for me to find was that there were significant differences between the endurance and non-endurance sports, as well as the distinct geographical distributions.”
More athletes from Oceania, Europe and North America had asthma than those from Asia, Africa and South America, the authors found.